Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting – Minutes
Monday 23rdApril 2018
1 Attendance and Apologies
Apologies were received from Michael Callan, Janine Branch and Andrew Bown. Eleven people attended including nine members of the Steering Group (listed in Appendix 1), with one arriving 10 minutes late and another leaving at 8pm (in the hope of being allocated tickets to Wimbledon!).
2 Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated 7th March 2018
Proposed by Kevin Havill (KH), seconded by Nick Joy (NJ), and approved unanimously.
3 Matters arising
William Rogers (WR) reported on progress on the preparation of the project plan. NDP preparation is currently projected to finish, using his current assessments of the length of time each stage will take, at the end of 2022. He suggested holding a meeting at his place to discuss the draft plan with a couple of interested members, possibly having a version ready for the next meeting. Rory Jenkins (RJ) asked that he send it out for members to have a look at, and suggested if the meeting was held at the parish offices that would offer the facility to project the spreadsheet onto the wall.
WR also reported that he has submitted an application to the Co-op; he explained that the lack of a Parish Council financial officer may cause a difficulty in the Co-op given that the organisation will want to check the financial status of the backing organisation. He will report again at the next meeting.
The Application for Community Grant funding submission has not yet been prepared.
Roger Kayes (RK) apologised to the group for not having prepared the housing section for the forthcoming flier, as he intended. He has had computer problems and is still working on it.
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak (CAZ) told the group that she has received the Cornwall Wildlife Trust map, and sent out the digital version to most of the Steering Group. There was discussion around confusion in the use of mail out to the entire SG and she will shortly send it out to the remainder of the SG.
4 Communications update
Nick Joy (NJ) reported on various aspects of the updated website, created by RJ with the content added by himself.
Karen Colam suggested that it would be good idea for the Steering Group to request an agenda item for the forthcoming Parish Council AGM, so that a presentation could be given to update the council on progress of the NDP.
The meeting agreed that records of Focus Group meetings will be headed ‘Notes’ rather than ‘Minutes’, to reflect the more informal nature of those meetings.
It was agreed that Karen Colam and Michael Callan (both members of the Parish Council) will be added to the SG email ‘group’ ( despite their not actually being on the SG – as regular attendees at our meetings, it was felt important that they were kept informed with background documentation.
NJ summarised his report of the Communications meeting held on March 13th– this report has already been circulated and posted on the website.
Progress on the flyer: NJ is to arrange a meeting of Focus Group leaders to take forward the preparation of the first flyer. The means of delivering the initial flyer was discussed at some length. On the list of households in the parish supplied by Cornwall Council, there are 2859 addresses, without names of residents. Regarding getting hold of a list of business addresses, Karen Colam column offered to contact Kim Conchy of Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, who she thought must have a list. KH offered to email Guy Thomas to follow up a previous question he’d submitted on this subject. Extensive discussion followed regarding the content of the initial consultation including public meetings. It was suggested that three could be held – to introduce the community to what the NDP is about, to gather ideas as to what they would like the NDP to do for them, and to attract new members to the team. RK was dubious that we have enough detail to hold meetings at this early stage. KH was of the opinion that while a certain number of items were already apparent in business and infrastructure, he was keen to go out at this early stage to gather for feedback from different business groups as to what the NDP might do for them. NJ clarified that he thought consultation meetings should be held in the period between June and December this year. No decisions were actually taken.
CAZ pointed out that Oyster Bay in Goonhavern is advertising homes in caravans for 365 days a year and there must be at least 100 on the site. She wondered about the implications for the NDP of what are effectively a large number of houses, and the provision of affordable housing. RK offer to check up on the planning approvals under which the site operates and consider the implications for housing. WR pointed out the Perran Sands closes in winter for a period, except for two people who are on the electoral register.
Appendix 2 presents NJ’s ‘Communications update 23rdApril 2018’ summarising details of actions and progress on the website, using emails and preparation of the flyer.
5 Reports from Focus Groups
BETI (Business, Employment Transport & Infrastructure)
Kevin Havill summarised the meeting held immediately prior to this meeting, and that the BETI input to the first flyer will be agreed upon later in the week.
Environment & Heritage
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak summarised the notes of the E&H meeting held on 28thMarch in the Tyewarnhayle, Perranporth, as well as the group’s input to the proposed flyer.
RK summarised the discussion document on suggesting a ‘short-and-sharp’ approach to NDP preparation that he’d circulated only the previous day. In summary, the notion is that if the NDP focused on low-hanging fruit, with a relatively limited amount of work the team could achieve 60 to 80% of the potential gain from the NDP process. Factors to consider are: the resources were quite tight in terms of manpower, and we shouldn’t forget the NDP is likely to need to be revised within 5 years, given the prospect of review of the Local Plan and the proposed revision to the NPPF. Extensive discussion followed. The chairman put forward a simple approach of: let’s put out the flyer, hold some introductory meetings to increase interest among the community, and illicit ideas as to what the community wants on the NDP … then we can re-visit the idea of adopting a short-and-sharp approach in the light of how we get on there. This was tacitly accepted by the group.
There was there was further discussion of the South West Water issue of overflow discharges into the stream in Perranporth, causing pollution on the beach. RJ pointed out that SWW used to give automatic updates on overflow discharges into the stream and thus the sea during both summer and winter. SWW then discovered that they only had to publish data for the summer and so stopped publishing discharges during the winter, when they are very frequent. Mention was made that Surfers Against Sewage have further knowledge about this and various contacts were suggested.
6 Project planning
This was dealt with in ‘Matters arising’.
7 Financial matters
None arising.
8 Any other business
WR informed the group of the planned meeting with two director-level representatives from South West Water to be held on the 10th of May, to discuss the foul drainage problems in Perranporth. Two representatives from the SG would be agreed in due course, as well as two to attend from the parish council.
In response to a question RJ said that he will be covering the GDPR requirements for the NDP group.
9 Items for next meeting
WR asked that any additional items for the agenda of a forthcoming meeting be emailed to him two weeks before the date of that meeting.
10 Date of next meeting and closure
The next meeting will be the 22nd of May in the Parish Council offices in Perranporth. The date of the June meeting will be decided by a Doodle Poll facilitated by RJ.
The meeting finished at 9.20pm.
Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Plan
Appendix 1 – List of Attendees
Steering Group: | ||
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak | Karen Colam | Susan Dutson |
Kevin Havill | Rory Jenkins | Nick Joy |
Roger Kayes | Phil Moore | William Rogers |
Others: | ||
Steve Conway | Beryl Nolan |
Appendix 2 Communications update 23rdApril 2018
- New Logo acceptance? With the strapline ‘Improving our Parish for All’
RJ has produced the new Logo and it can be found on the website.
Could RJ please distribute the logo to the FG leaders for use in any outside distributed documents and printed material. NJ/RJ COMPLETED by RJ
- Website
- RJ has developed the website and it is taking shape nicely
- There are pages for each Focus Group including the SG
- Minutes of meetings and documents are available to read.
- SG meetings to be Minutes, FG Meetings to be Notes. RJ has amended current website content to reflect this.
- Communications Emails:
- RJ has given all SG members emails in the format
- In addition there are other emails such as members to quickly address all SG members along with FG addresses such as
- Remember: These will only forward emails (sent to these addresses) to your personal account. Any replies you send will come from your ‘personal’ accounts. If any FG leaders want a dedicated email account to both receive ‘and’ send emails from please ask RJ.
- It was proposed and seconded that Karen Colam and Michael Callan should be added to the to keep up to date with SG emails. RJ has done this now.
- Initial Flyer:
- An initial meeting took place to discuss this first public engagement.
- Initial ideas have been forthcoming and the flyer needs to be designed, printed and posted. It is hoped in May, but this depends on assistance.
- WR has purchased a spreadsheet from CC, which contains all Perranzabuloe household addresses. (Note, not business addresses). In all there are 2859. NJ to forward a Spreadsheet to the FG leaders FYI. These do not contain personal data so do not have data protection problems. Done.
WR and KH were to ask the CC for a similar Business listing.
- An equipment list was also developed for future face to face Public Engagements. To be passed to WR for funding purposes. NJ
- There was also a long discussion on future consultations. These included:
- Having three dedicated introduction meeting around the parish in June/July. Pub function halls was suggested. The dates could be printed on the flyer.
- The flyer could be hand delivered in the Perranporth ward due to its density. This would save money and could include door knocking.
- Possibly a float in the village carnivals.
- Next Communications actions:
- Develop the flyer and get to Graphic designer.
- Cost postage and Freepost returns