Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting –Thursday 6th December 2018
Minutes – (Approved)
1 Introduction Attendance and Apologies
RJ welcomed all new attendees and outlined the aims of the NDP, and the methods that the organisation would follow to achieve success. He outlined what could possibly be achieved, as well as issues that could not be influenced.
Apologies were received from Kevin Havill & Andrew Bown. Eighteen people, including 9 from the Steering Group attended. (Listed in Appendix 1).
2 Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated 22nd April 2018
Proposed by by Roger Kayes, seconded by Linda Boylen and approved unanimously.
3 Matters arising
The new NDP hotline for contacting the NDP by the general public is 01872 463572. This is presently routed to Rory’s mobile, but will be transferred to William’s in time,
- Action Point – RJ
4 Communications update
Public meetings discussion
The programme prescribed for the developing, printing and distribution of the flyers was achieved. The public meetings attracted a total in excess of 160. 130 filled in the forms to sign up to the NDP, and hopefully assist in its production. The meetings have been regarded as a success, producing much discussion throughout the Parish.
Social Media Co-ordinator
Philip Henwood and Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak have volunteered to coordinate the social media for the NDP.
- Action Point – PH/CA-Z
Other Issues
RJ has created a database of names details and preferences on ‘Mailchimp’
5 Reports from Focus Groups
No reports were received from Focus Groups. The Groups are tasked for meeting up (including new people who expressed interest at the public meetings), and preparing to report at the next SG. It was agreed that reports would focus on substantive, on-the-ground issues that they believed could go into the NDP and achieve benefit for the community.
- Action Point – RK/KH/CA-Z
6 Project planning
The SG aims to be able to send out the questionnaire to all residents of Perranzabuloe before Easter 2019
7 Financial matters
A grant of £4,000 has been received from ‘Localities’ to cover the cost of production and distribution of the first flyer
8 Adoption and Dismissal of Group Members
A method of adoption of new SG & FG members should be put into practice. Roger Kayes was to confirm any statutory limit on the size of the Steering Group (SG), but it was felt it should not exceed 15 to 20.
Anybody wishing to join the SG should attend 2 or 3 SG meetings to confirm that it’s what they expect and that they still wish to be a part of the central team. If they still want to join the SG, they should then get an existing member of the Steering Group to propose them as well as a seconder. This will then be put to a vote of the existing SG. It was suggested by RJ that SG members who miss more than 3 out of 4 meetings should be contacted to determine what were their long term plans regarding the group.
Prospective new members should be directed to the documents page of the Website which includes links to more information on NDP’s, including other Cornwall NDP’s and NDP examiners reports.
Membership of the Focus Groups will be down to the heads of the Focus Groups and escalated to the SG if needed.
- Action Point – RK/KH/CA-Z
The terms of Reference for the NDP shall be revised to reflect these decisions.
- Action Point – RK
9 Any other business
Questions were asked regarding the school requirements of the Parish. It was explained that this was outside of the NDP’s remit. However land can be identified for educational needs- Similarly land can be identified or other needs (e.g. Health Centres)
It was agreed that all members of the Steering Group and Focus Groups would write up a brief introduction about themselves and yes/no answer to some interest questions. These write ups would be placed upon the web site..William Rogers would prepare this in relation to property development interests, but also to confirm that the person lives +or works in the parish. The introduction and standard question responses will be put on the Website and a record kept by our NDP secretary
By way of example, Rory Jenkins has written up his introduction (see appendix 2)
10 Items for next meeting
Reports from Focus Groups
11 Date of next meeting and closure
The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 7th February 2019. It is aimed to hold SG meetings in the second week of each month, moving from Tuesday to Wednesday to Thursday month by month. Consequently the provisional dates for 2019 are:-
- Thu 07th February
- Tue 12th March
- Wed 10th April
- Thu 16th May
- Tue 11th Jun
- Wed 10th July
- Thu 15th Aug
- Tue 10th Sep
- Wed 16th Oct
- Thu 14th Nov
- Tue 10th Dec
The meeting finished at 9.15pm
Appendix 1 – List of Attendees
- Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
- Karen Colam
- Sion Jones
- Richard Barrett
- Julie Dutson
- Roger Kayes
- Alison Barrett
- Susan Dutson
- Phil Moore
- Linda Boylen
- Keith Everest
- William Rogers
- Janine Branch
- Phillip Henwood
- Ron Spence
- Michael Callam
- Rory Jenkins
- Scott Wilson
Appendix 2- Rory Jenkin’s Personal Introduction
I live, with my wife and young kids, in our Perranporth (Droskyn) property. We Air B&B rent out a self-contained section of our property. I mostly work from home, for a company that builds and maintains Websites for their client base. Ever since I moved to Perranporth in 2005 I’ve seen the village and wider parish evolving in a way that I often feel doesn’t reflect the wishes and ambitions of those who live and work here. There is a strong need for housing provision, in particular for those just starting out, that I feel needs more balance with the evolving and not evolving capacity of what is here. For example the sewage and drainage system, green spaces, the natural environment, employment and business opportunities. I’m also a relatively recent parent to twins, where I’m concerned about the level of local schools and other facilities for younger people.