Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan – BETI Focus Group
Notes: 17th January 2019 (Parish Rooms)
Kevin Havill – Chair (KH)), Philip Moore – Vice Chair (PRM), Mike Callan – (CC Consultant (MC), Andrew Bown (AB), Karen Colam – Parish Council Rep (KC) Roger Kayes (RK), Clive Stevens, Gail Hammond, Paul Hammond, Richard Page, Sharon Hewitt, Jim Hewitt, Richard Eves, Colin Brewer, Mark Trevethen
Apologies: ,William Rogers – Parish Council Rep (WR), Keith Everest
- Introduction
- Welcome address by KH.
- All attendees gave a brief introduction of themselves.
- Brief explanation made of the NDP position in planning policy hierarchy and the various steps involved to getting to an adopted plan.
- Q’s and A’s as to relevance and effectiveness of an NDP. Relative merits and weaknesses discussed and MC confirmed that the NDP will be a very useful tool by which he and other Cornwall Councillors could represent Perranzabuloe’s best interests.
- KH suggested attendees gain familiarity with the website and review past meeting minutes.
- Previous Minutes
- Minutes of the previous meeting on16th May 2018 – Approved
- Explanation of slow progress since of the last meeting explained as the need for Steering Group to finalise and distribute flyers to each household (September) and then hold public meetings (November/December)
- Sincerely hoped that faster progress will be made during 2019!
- Meeting with Sarah Furley, Cornwall Council in December 2018 explained. Following this meeting Sarah undertook to review and comment on BETI issues supplied by KH for discussion purposes and their relevance to the NDP. A copy of her reply is attached to these minutes (Annex 1).
- Current Tasks
- By mid February we need to identify the issues from which to draft policies and objectives. For example:
- Business/Employment
- Crate and support all year round employment
- Support retail and services in Perranporth Village
- Designate areas for new employment premises
- Support and control of tourism
- Transport
- Cycle tracks and footpath network
- Park ‘n’ Ride for Perranporth
- Designation of land for bypass for Goonhavern
- Infrastructure
- Policies controlling development without improvements to the SWW drainage system +/or health and welfare & possibly education (MC liaising with local action group)
- By mid March we need to have drafted questions to be included in the questionnaire to be sent to all households in the parish.
- The purpose of this questionnaire will be to assess support for draft policies and to garner evidence for the creation of others
- Show of hands as to who present would be prepared to work on these tasks
- Majority supportive
- Working Methods
- Agreed to look at other Cornish NDP’s to draw on the experience of others
- RK asked to provide links to relevant NDP’s
(Aside these have been received from Roger and are also attached as an annex to these notes, Annex 2)
- Suggested by CK that we contact other NDP groups to benefit from their experience- agreed KH to initiate.
- The idea of creating sub groups at this stage not supported at this stage
- Agreed to hold regular, ie fortnightly or three weekly meetings to get these tasks completed.
Next meeting: TBC 19:00 – 21-00 at the Parish Rooms, 23rdJanuary 2019
Topics raised with Sarah Furley, Group Leader, Neighbourhood Plans, Cornwall Council
Topics raised in black font. S.F. replies in blue.
BETI Summary list of issues 19.12.18
1. Improvements to Perranporth centre
o Design Standards for shop fronts, signage, pedestrian and mobility access, landscaping
You could have a character statement for the town centre, emphasising the positive elements that you wish to reinforce and require new development to demonstrate how it responds to that. Some of the elements listed will not require planning permission.
Here is a simple (ish!) government guide to Advertisement Control which tells you when signs and adverts require consent.
o Use of upper parts above shops with emphasis to create either employment space or permanent residential use rather than holiday lets
The creation of 1 or 2 residential units above a shop is permitted development – so planning permission is not required to do this and you therefore don’t have control over how that property is used.
It is also permitted development for use for up to 2 years of any A1 (retail) property to be used as any use falling within Class A1 (shops), Class A2 (financial and professional services), Class A3 (restaurants and cafes) or Class B1 (business) of that Schedule, for a single continuous period of up to 2 years.
So I’m not sure you can have a policy to encourage this – you might have a statement in your vision for the town centre to show that you wish to encourage this use, but if something doesn’t need planning permission you can’t have a policy for it. You can have a policy to retain commercial uses on the ground floor of the town centre – define your main commercial area and resist changes of use away from commercial on the ground floor (see also Policy 4 of the Cornwall Local Plan.)
o Requirements for rear servicing of new retail space
If you are allocating a site you could masterplan and require this. As a general policy, it may not always be the right solution. If this is about Perranporth main street, it could be a criteria in a general policy about retail in the town centre, but should be caveated ( eg it should be provided ‘where possible’)
o Traffic and parking improvements – one way flow and improved hard & soft landscaping This can’t be achieved through planning policy. Your NDP might include a vision for the town centre and identify projects for traffic flow, on street parking and landscaping improvements. Discuss these with the Highways Network Manager, Adrian Drake and prioritise these projects for CIL spend.
o Regulation of Use Classes Order to restrict arcades, betting shops, loan sharks, seasonal trades NDP can’t prevent changes of use which are permitted development – check here this is a simpler guide: But could resist change of use where permission isrequired , for example from A1 shop to A5 hot food takeaway.
o Regulation of new food premises with off site consumption being banned from using plastic (Perranporth is a plastic free community) Agree – but this is a project – can’t be controlled by a planning policy. The NDP could resist the proliferation of hot food takeaways if this is an issue, by protecting and retaining retail use.
- All year round economy
o Enlargement of non tourist related employment base – presumption in favour
Policy to safeguard existing employment space and supporting new business development (where? Within or adjacent to settlements?) Do you have a clear idea of what business needs are?
o (AirB&B regulation? Currently most residential property used for all year round holiday letting are classified as businesses and do not pay business rates, block accommodation that could free up the housing list and help fuel capital value increases. Permanent homes also used for AirB&B could be seen as different. – Obviously we need to test views but what precedents are there?)
There’s a limit to what you can do through planning, especially in existing housing stock. Currently Air B&B is not regulated. We are aware of the pressures that coastal communities face, but in terms of planning powers, you can only place conditions on new properties. So your NDP can place a principal residence condition on new properties, prioritise affordable housing, which is restricted to local occupancy, or locate development in areas that are less likely to appeal as holiday lets. But you can’t control this market using planning powers – licensing and changes to tax regime are more effective.
Guide Note: principal residence policies
- New employment space
o Promotion of new business spaces at Chiverton, Callestick, Goonhavern and Perranporth. Including designation of sites for new technology hub and other A3, B1 & B8. This answers my question above! Have you got market info to support this?
- Highways and Traffic Management
o Park and Ride parking to alleviate summer traffic jams
NDP could allocate a site for this – but would need a partner to operate the transport.
o Traffic calming – including introduction of 20 mph areas
A project – issue to discuss with Highways Network Manager.
o Cycle lanes on existing roads
A project – issue to discuss with Highways Network Manager and Sustrans (see below)
o Designation of land for Goonhavern bypass
Could safeguard a route – has this been discussed with strategic transport team?
- Footpaths, cycle tracks
o Safe access to and from bus stops including pavements and ramps – minimum design standards
If you are allocating a development site you can specify that a pavement be provided to link to the nearest bus stop – but otherwise an NDP doesn’t have the power to create pavements. You might use access to bus tops as a criteria in site selection.
o Designated routes for foot and cycle connection from Perranporth to Goonhavern and beyond to Newquay and Truro
use the mapping to understand your PRoW network. Locate development to link into this. Consider creating some permissive paths Permissive paths to link up routes. Speak to Sustrans Area Manager, Simon Murray or01872 224415 and see technical information note.Sustrans Walking and Cycling Network Guide
- Infrastructure
o SWW MOU to be pursued. New development to follow similar requirements for drainage anyway
Both William Rogers and I are chasing our contact at SWW!
o Land reserved for community uses including education and healthcare following further expansion of either Perranporth or Goonhavern
Need to liaise with Paul Renowden, the Education Capital Strategy Officer, to see what the plans are for your area: 323921 and agree with landowners.
o Inclusion of Coastal Change Management Issues in the NDP to plan for long term effects of rising sea levels and climate change. [Added by Roger: we understand that we should contact Dave Watkins, the CC officer responsible for the Shoreline Management Plan, who happens to live in Perranporth. Other lead contacts?]
Environment Agency – Shaun Pritchard. CC planning is working to coordinate an agreed approach between Dave Watkins and the EA. We have some draft guidance and policies which are still being developed but you’ll be able to adapt these and we’ll supply them as soon as we can get consensus from the various parties.
- Tourist development
o Temporary use of designated space(s) for events
What are you trying to achieve here? Do you want to promote areas where this would be supported? Some temporary uses (up to 28 days a year) are usually permitted development – look at Part 4 Class B but an Article 4 direction means that applications are required in the coastal area of your parish. If you want to include a policy encouraging the use of particular areas for temporary events (with criteria to control traffic, access etc) you can.
o Conversion of 9/10 month year statics to 12 month year lodges – linked to design and use standards see below
Conversion of caravan/static parks near settlements to residential to let – to help match housing list numbers
Could have a policy and define area and criteria. Back this up with an analysis of demand and the tourism market. Look at the Chief Officer Planning Note on Lifting Holiday Conditions
o Designation of location for a visitor centre
NDP could allocate a site and have a related policy setting design, access, parking etc. criteria.
- Community Land Trust
o A strong ambition for some of us to deliver a development vehicle to serve local needs. Does this need inclusion in the NDP and how?
It could be part of your housing vision and strategy. It wouldn’t be a policy – but would form part of your explanation of how you wish to see the parish develop. It might encourage landowners to make land available (which is the hardest part!) see CCLT for further info.
NDP’s to be considered for their model policies covering BETI topics
St Ives:
Bude: 2 parts:
Illogan: the NDP has just last month passed the examination:
Chacewater: the NDP has been submittted to Cornwall Council and the formal consultation is underway. (Roger comments:- The NDP is slightly unorthodox, I think it is fair to say):