2019-02-06 Steering Group Meeting

Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 6th February 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

Public Participation

Anne & John Tranter (interested in the Environment & Heritage) Isobel Howard (interested in Housing ) and Phyllis James (interested in Environment & Heritage), attended for part of the meeting.

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.

HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.


HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.


HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.

HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda Boylen (LB) reported on her work to prepare survey questions on the subject of specialist housing.

RK brought up the issue which had raised emotions at his FG meeting in January – whether to include in the questionnaire a question about Permanent Residence Policy (Second Homes Policy).  He brought it to this SG for a decision but this was pushed to a future SG.

BETI- Report by Kevin Havill

The BETI Focus group has met twice already this year on 17th and 23rd January, attended in each case by over a dozen participants. This included several new members to the group willing to help take the agenda forward.

The task set has been to examine other completed NDPs and those in hand to lift policies that are considered to be of particular relevance to Perranzabuloe. Currently the main focus has been on the NDPs for St Agnes, Roche, Illogen, Bude, Chacewater and Newquay. It is accepted that there will also be the need for other parish specific issues to be covered but given that many of these parishes have issues similar to Perranzabuloe looking at their plans is seen as a good starting point.

The group are currently considering a large PowerPoint presentation of policies already ‘borrowed’ and will at the next meeting be asked confirm, add or cull items from this base group. Having identified the main issues they  will then be able to assemble questions for the forthcoming household questionnaire and others specifically targeted towards business and commercial enterprises.

Initial policy selection is due to be finished by mid February and questions formulated in March.

Minutes of the meetings have been posted on the ‘www.perranplan.co.uk’ website

Environment & Heritage- Report by Christine Ashby-Zwozdiak (CAZ)

The first meeting since the public meetings in November – had 8 new participants other than SG and existing members of group.

CAZ went over her meeting with Cornwall Wildlife Trust in conjunction with points made by Sarah Furley in order to provide areas of focus.  The group discussed local green space designation, SUDS, wildlife provision, and views and vistas.

Request was made for help with the heritage aspect and CAZ has secured the valued assistance of Ryan Smith who has since provided much material and insight.

Although the meeting was useful CAZ expressed her concern that uptake is very low, that it is heavily Perranporth centric, and that many participants have not read the necessary literature regarding policy making and gained the sort of understanding required for the next stage.

A huge amount of background reading is required here so that questionnaires are truly representative of what we wish to achieve, so rather than have another meeting, an explorative ‘homework task’ was set, via email, so that the FG has some solid material to work with at the subsequent meeting on Tuesday 12th Feb.

Local Landscape Character Assessment training is due to take place on Saturday 16th March 2019.



1.     Communication update



WR (Will Rogers) produced a bar chart, indicating when actions would aim to be completed.  It was aimed to produce questions for forwarding to Sarah Furley by 6th March, allowing her one week to examine before going to print.  A copy of the proposed timetable accompanies these minutes.  It is hoped to organise the mail shot mid-April, with surveys returned in May.


It was proposed by Phil Moore (PM), seconded by RK, that WR as secretary has got the approval of the SG to appoint the appropriate person to produce the publications.  This was carried unanimously.  It was noted that Jeff Muir’s questionnaire when filled in online automatically go into ‘Survey Monkey’.  RJ reported that St Agnes is amenable to our cloning of their ‘Survey Monkey’.


On the basis of the four example questionnaires discussed, it was suggested by RJ that each FG does not propose more than ten questions, as a rule of thumb, or RK suggested 8 -12.


Many related issues were discussed.  CAZ was firm in the view that if we are going to include prizes to incentivise respondents, we should include prizes to attract different age groups.


It was agreed to hold a meeting on Wednesday 6th March to discuss the questions, prior to sending them to Sarah Furley.  This meeting would be in addition to the SG Meeting on 12th March, at which unresolved issues on the questionnaire would be considered.


2.    Administration and Background Organisational Matters


Support in the use of Mailchimp


RJ will organise for some coaching for SG members- date & time to be advised later. Mailchimp should be used for all group emails, ensuring that we are GDPR compliant.


Facebook Monitoring


A volunteer is needed to monitor the ‘Facebook‘ page.




RK reported that he had done some work on mapping for the purposes of the NDP.  He advised that through the PC, we have access Ordnance Survey and associated data via the Public Service Mapping Agreement (PSMA).  Data downloads have to be handled through a GIS system, such as QGISI.  RK can advise further.


Declarations of Interests

It had been agreed that members should be requested to complete a ‘declaration of interests’, as a basis for keeping an eye on the balance in the SG between pro-development and pro-conservation members and conflicts of interest that might arise.  RK distributed a specimen document to the group, and this was discussed.  It was agreed that RK draw up a finished version of this document, adopting amendments suggested, for circulation to RJ for agreement, and then to members of the SG.


3.    Financial Matters

The principle of allowing a set sum of money per Focus Group for incidental expenditure was discussed, but not finalised.

The parish clerk will investigate cost of photocopying using PC copiers.

4.    Any other Business

No new issues raised

5.    Items for next meeting

Focus Groups incidental expenditure.

6.    Dates of future meetings for 2019

  • Wed 06 March   – Special meeting to finalise survey questions
  • Tue 12th March
  • Wed 10th April
  • Thu 16th May
  • Tue 11th Jun
  • Wed 10th July
  • Thu 15th Aug
  • Tue 10th Sep
  • Wed 16th Oct
  • Thu 14th Nov
  • Tue 10th Dec

Appendix 1 – List of Attendees

  • Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
  • Tattianna Cant
  • Isobel Howard
  • Linda Boylen
  • John Tranter
  • Rory Jenkins
  • Michael Callan
  • Susan Dutson
  • Phillis James
  • Anne Tranter
  • Roger Kayes
  • Phil Moore
  • William Rogers
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