2019-09-10 Steering Group Meeting Minutes

Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting Tuesday 10th September 2019


Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation

No members of the public attended this meeting.

2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Linda Boylen, Sue Dutson, Kevin Havill, Phillip Henwood (8.00pm) Rory Jenkins (chair), Roger Kayes, Peter Gaisford, William Rogers

Andrew Bown, Michael Callan, Phil Moore tendered apologies.

Andy Kent has been contacted but has not responded Rory Jenkins proposes that his name is removed from SG list – Proposed Rory Jenkins, seconded Roger Kayes

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 10th July 2019

The minutes were approved subject to minor editing changes – approved by Rory Jenkins, seconded by Roger Kayes – the minutes were unanimously approved.

4 Matters Arising

Nothing outstanding to report

5 Declaration of Interest

Declaration of interest form circulated to all to date returns from: – Phil Moore, Roger Kayes, William Rogers and Rory Jenkins.

According to Tatiana Cant (clerk to Perranzabuloe PC) completion of this document is not a requirement but is desirable for SG consistency. Rory will re send the document to all SG members, including Pete Gaisford  – need to ensure that PG is on SG circulation list. Kevin Havill reported that he has completed the document but there were email issues.

6 Questionnaire (Main)

To date there have been: –

871 responses

677 entered into Survey Monkey by Marijka

Lisa is to finish entering the remainder – on track for completion of data by date of public meetings – scheduled for 15/16 October

All data should be entered by the end of September.

As a result of the data collected decisions need to be made relating to the format of public presentations.

Rory Jenkins, William Rogers and leads of groups are to meet to determine ways forward with the scheduled public meetings.

Roger is to share what can be included and elements of the survey that can subsequently be used to inform policy. NDP’s have, historically, been effective in precipitating other issues.

Chris sought clarification as to the presentation of the written comments from questionnaires – many of which raised important points.

Roger asked for examples of important points/issues raised –

  • Perranporth/Bolingey merging
  • Park and ride
  • Skate park
  • Bank as offices
  • Cycle path – fait accompli?

Were all cited as recurring issues.

The responses received – the online responses tended to be more individualised whereas the paper copies reflected the views of households.

Online completions -176- comprised 23.9% responses.

Roger thought that it was not a good idea to hold public meetings in October because there was not a great deal of information to be shared – St Agnes NDP steering group summarised results in the form of a 2-sided flyer.

William felt it important to share a verbal response with parishioners, Roger suggested sending a flyer summary with a reminder email.

Rory asked what the headline topics would be and Roger questioned the relevance of some of the data collected.

Linda thought that some of the information could inform Council policy when liaising with developers.

There was a wide-ranging discussion relating to the questionnaire and the associated headlines that can be used to disseminate information to the public.

William thinks something needs to be set up soon to let people know that the NDP steering group is still alive and active, Pete thinks sharing of information is important to maintain impetus of NDP.

Kevin thinks that sharing of information collated to date reflects well on SG and the Council, William indicated that the existing hall bookings were made in June and it would be difficult to secure subsequent bookings if meetings were rescheduled.

It was decided that the public meetings scheduled for October should go ahead: –

  • Goonhavern Tuesday 15th October 7.30 Village Hall
  • Perranporth Wednesday 16th October 7.30 Memorial Hall

Chris emphasised the need for the SG to have a media person – a person who can best communicate and disseminate information held by the SG. Roger indicated that there was significant ‘sharing’ and ‘liking’ in social media terms but public turn out to meetings was minimal.

In order to plan and prepare for scheduled public meetings it was decide that heads of groups ie. Housing, BETI and Environment and Heritage in addition to Rory and William should meet on Tuesday 8th October. By Monday 7th at 9.00am all should submit a brief input for the meeting – each should be a 5-10-minute input summarising key points of the relevant section of the questionnaire.

Rory thought it important to share points so that there is an overall collective awareness of key points for framing of policy.

Up to date Survey Monkey information will be available from the end of September, meeting Tuesday 8th October at Rory’s place. RJ, WR, RK, KH, CA-Z to attend.

To advertise public meetings a £40 advert in Perran Magazine, banner style posters will be placed on Parish noticeboards and emailing list will be used. William to compile a set of phone number to be contacted.

7) Reports from Focus Groups

BETI (Kevin Havill)

No meeting since May – proposed  meeting with Rick Clayton to talk re Cycle Path has been rearranged for Monday 14th October at 6.00pm

Kevin reported that the business questionnaire was yet to go out but would be circulated to addresses that were commercially rated properties as ascertained from information relating to business rates paid. 520 names initially to be mailed

Jeff Muir had been invited to quote for a distribution costing – £2300 – this did not include processing of results and so the format was changed so that a covering letter was sent to businesses requesting their completion in Survey Monkey format with a £1300 costing quotation.

Phil Henwood suggested that information from Facebook and social media could also be used to target businesses.

William to instruct Jeff Muir to complete this element of the budget for £1300.

William emphasised that he requires evidence of any spending made relating to NDP, costs must be specific, accountable and subject to due diligence.

Rory had a personal feeling that, because we are a small team, we may need to use expert help to formalise thinking and policy set up. There is grant money available for specific projects and Parish Council for access to petty cash. Also, some Lottery and Coop funding is available for specific projects. Requests made for lump sums need to be completely identified and itemised.

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)

Nothing to report – no meeting since April. Glen Lowe – local (planning officer) is leaving the area – new appointment awaited.

Rory informed that further discussions relating to Cycle with NDP committee will be facilitated w/c 20th October.

Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

Last meeting 3rd July – at this meeting it was decided the deadline for submissions of Local Landscape Character Assessment documents (LLCA) would be 15th August. More have been received but more are needed. Some of the assessments need revisiting because they have been completed by evaluators who have not received the LLCA training and the final page was incomplete.

Current situation is that the current data needs to be collated and formalised.

Surveys/poster seeking to elicit children’s ideas about The Parish thro drawing and prose have been left by Chris with 360 Club – returns to Post Offices at Perranporth or Goonhavern. No returns received as yet. The survey is to be further promoted through social media and there will be prizes of £10 for most inspiring/innovative ideas.

With access to an A3 printer winning designs can be enlarged and shared.

Chris and Sue Dutson to meet to resolve issues – either more LLCA training or review incomplete data sheets.

8) Any other Business

There are 2 boxes of blank surveys surplus to requirements currently being held by Rory.

It was suggested that each SG member had a blank copy of the questionnaire in their possession for reference purposes.

For info – a site at the top of St George’s Hill has been offered by Raymond Turvey for affordable housing – a feasibility study has been carried out and Roger has responded

Wednesday 9th October William has a meeting with Imogen Day Cornwall Council rep

Thursday 14th November – next SG meeting (30th Oct SG is cancelled)

Tuesday 10th December


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