Steering Group Meeting Tuesday 7th January 2020

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation


2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Linda Boylen, Sue Dutson, Philip Henwood (late), Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair, William Rogers, Michael Callan.

Roger Kayes and Phillip Moore tendered apologies.

Adrian Harvey (County Councillor for Goonhavern) attended.

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 12th December 2019

The minutes were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes – approved by Rory Jenkins, seconded by Kevin Havil.

Karen Colam was welcomed back to the Steering Group

William Rogers still has to contact Janine Branch to determine whether she wishes to remain on the Steering Group

4 Matters Arising & Declaration of Interest

Nothing outstanding to report

Outstanding Declaration of interest forms are still required from Sam Boston, Peter Gaisford, Karen Colam, and Janine Branch. (Repeat minute)

5  Questionnaire (Business)

Approximately 550 questionnaires were sent.  To date 91 have been returned.  It was agreed to keep the survey open until the end of January 2020, in the hope of receiving more replies.

6 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups

  • Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)
  • BETI (Kevin Havill)
  • Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

 7 Any other Business

8 Dates of future meetings in 2020

The Next SG meeting will be Friday 7th February2020.  The March meeting has been set fro Friday 17th March 2020.


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