Steering Group Meeting 12th March 2020

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation


2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Phillip Henwood, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), Peter Gaisford, William Rogers, Roger Kayes, Christine Ashby-Zwozdiak.

Sue Dutson, Karen Colan, Sam Boston, Phillip Moore, Andrew Bown, and Michael Callan tendered apologies.

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 7th March 2020

The minutes were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes –

William Rogers still needs to contact Janine Branch to determine whether she wishes to remain on the Steering Group (Repeat Minute).

4 Matters Arising & Declaration of Interest

Nothing outstanding to report.

Outstanding Declaration of Interest forms are still required from, Karen Colam, and Janine Branch.

5 Questionnaire (Business)

No report.

6 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)

Primary Residence Policy (PRP) will be a policy in the NDP, however there was discussion as to whether this should be applied to the whole of Perranzabuloe or be confined to certain areas.  Should the latter approach be considered, it will be necessary to resample the community.  This can be done by Facebook, emails, the ‘Around Perran’ leaflet etc.  RK wishes to sample some of the new developments in Perranporth to try and ascertain the proportion of ‘Second homes’ in the New Builds.

A green wedge has been identified at Bolingey only

RK is having discussions with the CC Rural Housing enabler (Noreen Jefferies) and will find about the use of affordable housing with small communities in rural areas.

BETI (Kevin Havill)

There was no advance upon Business Questionnaires.  It was decided to keep the Survey Monkey open for another month, and then assess whether any advantage would be gained by continuing (cost in the order of £50 per month).  One of the outcomes of the survey was that only 38% of businesses that provided returns were reliant upon tourism.

KH & RK met with Robert Lacey (CC head of planning) to discuss development of the A30 corridor and as a potential centre for business growth.  It appeared that there has been no thought by CC on this potential opportunity.  KH will however produce some policies to support this.  Areas such as New Road Perranporth, should be designated as business areas. Employment areas will be Red Lined on mapping.

Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

CAZ requested guidance to the extent of information and references that would be needed by Stuart Todd. She was advised to forward all the information collated to date, and that he will assess upon its sufficiency and advise accordingly.  The Landscape Character Assessment Plan is being completed by Katharine Statham (Cornwall Council) and can be later in its production.

A local green space survey is required.  This can be achieved with SG members walking their dogs and filling in tick boxes. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

It was agreed that a survey of ‘Views and Vistas’ that need protection would be undertaken on social media.

7 Any other Business

Production of the Documentation and Submissions to Stuart Todd

Extensive discussion took place regarding the detail in the individual focus group submissions. It was suggested that all documents should be available to all members of the Steering Group, and all should be owned by the groups as opposed to the individual author.  It is aimed to send all copy to Stuart Todd by the end of March.  It is hoped to have the completed document ready for screening by end June 2020.

All should be on the Dropbox.  All copy should be held here in case we ever lose a member, particularly in the case of the Corona virus. Extensive discussion took place regarding the detail in the individual focus group submissions.

Cornwall Council will need 12 weeks for a screening consultation, and the earliest that the document can be issued will be end September.

WR will find the availability of Stuart Todd.  Paul Weston who is equally revered works with Stuart, and might be asked by Stuart to assist.  There was a general feeling within the meeting that the work should not be farmed out to another person.

Stuart Todd produced an updated budget in the order of £9,100 plus VAT. This was accepted.  WR was authorised to request that he proceed with the work, with the proviso that if the cost exceeded this figure, it would require to be ratified by the SG


Imogen Day (CC) can organise mapping (at a cost) for the Group.  KH need maps and can either buy from Ordinance Survey or use the PC, which holds a licence.  It also has an A3 printer.   OGIS mapping is also available.  RK will advise.

Meeting with Origin 3

Origin 3 is working with Tregothnan estates, as the Project Managers and Planners for future development.  They had meeting with some of the SG.  The meeting was very general.  Tregothnan wishes to upkeep their existing letting housing stock, hence are selling off land for housing. Originally Tregothnan employed an agent between owner and Developer.  They will not now be following this approach and will cut out the ‘middleman’.

Origin 3 has subsequently written to the NDP requesting knowledge of the programme for its production.

Weight of NDP prior to the referendum

It was suggested that a NDP can carries some weight when it is has been submitted to CC, but this is not guaranteed.

8 Dates of future meetings in 2020

The date of the next SG meeting will be advised.  RJ will send out a Doodle Poll in due course to set the date.

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