Attendance and apologies
A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom on Tuesday 16th March 2021 with Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Kevin Havill, Peter Gaisford, and Susan Dutson.
Stuart Todd & Michael Callum apologised for not attending.
Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th Febuary 2021
Approved unanimously
Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 10th February 2021
Simon Jefferies (EA) is presently working on the Coastal Management section of BETI.
Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups
The h is now expected to be completed by Mid-May.
Kevin has contacted the owner of the airfield (John George in Guernsey-local contact John Bassett). They are in discussion regarding possible business (including outdoor activities and possibility a Park & Ride facility) that could be accommodated at Cligga
Roger expects to complete his section by end-April. He is about to discuss settlement boundaries with Roger Lacey (CC) concerning particularly whether holiday accommodation parks should be included within the SBs.
Phil Moore has requested a meeting with Stuart Todd and Roger to finalise anomalies with the settlement boundaries. Stuart Todd will send additional information on this.
The possibility to use Cligga for open space development is queried, due to the ground contamination, and the proximity to World Heritage site.
WR has to complete the section on Sewage and wastewater for KH.
Simon Jefferies will, in his submission, address such problems as costal. erosion, and the effect of structures and sand movement.
Environment & Heritage
Lucy was on holiday, so unable to provide report. She is in contact with all Focus Groups, as well as Stuart Todd
Stuart Todd
Maps are still required in places. WR to check with ST on the extent of mapping received and where there are gaps.
Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.
Any Other Business
Date of Next Meeting
Mid May, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’ .