1. Attendance and Apologies
- Stuart Todd, Rory Jenkins, Phil Moore, Kevin Havill, Lucy Richards, Roger Kayes, Sue Dutson.
- – William expecting to join in a bit. (Joined around 8:30pm)
2. Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom meeting on 15th April 2021
- Approved.
3. Matters arising
- Simon Jefferies yet to reply re Coastal Management.
- Kevin to inform Simon that if we don’t have this by ….. it wont’ go in the NDP as it starts the screening process. If you have anything that is ready to go in, or can go in by that date, please send it over.
- Master Plan from AECOM is with us and some comments have gone to Phil from the SG. Phil to collate comments for AECOM.
- Roger write up almost done. A couple of feedback points between Roger & Stuart being dealt with. Two background housing papers expected to be finished in the next couple of days.
- Settlement boundaries, big issues cleared. Kevin, Phil & Roger due to Zoom meet up and finish this up in the next 10 days.
- Cligga open space. Stuart to add in some supportive text that the area has the potential to be improved, whilst not at the same time conflicting with the natural environment or heritage assets in the area.
- William has written up the section on sewage and wastewater for Kevin.
- Lucy was on holiday last week, and yes it was great. Now back at work.
- Stuart & William looking at gaps in the maps. Yes, some maps are still being pulled in. Lucy & Kevin are going to liaise re the maps Lucy needs.
- Protecting existing employment areas. Kevin has done this. Stuart is going to check these.
- Need to check have the code number re publishing maps. Stuart to check with Tatiana if this is already in place.
- AECOM have identified primary and secondary frontage (aka shopping) areas. Kevin is going to check this fits Vs his local knowledge of this and what is in the plan re BETI.
4. Reports Timings and Action Plans from Focus Groups
- Outstanding Issues including settlement boundaries
- Already covered under Matters Arising.
Roger will circulate his 2 papers once done.
- Design Code & potential Master Plan– Present state
Already covered under Matters Arising. - Maps
Already covered under Matters Arising. - Other issues
Kevin said yes to Stuart question that OK to make public the commercial land agent feedback.
Environment & Heritage
- Report from Lucy Wilson-Richards of Tirwell
- Feedback from the SG missed a window where Lucy had to progress things, so some deadlines have slipped.
Progress is being made and sent over to Stuart, who OK to review it. - About to dive into the Heritage section.
- Potential for local information systems eg QR codes to let people learn about the local area.
- William to send Lucy information re parish council aspirations to re-instate Tamblyn Way steps down to the beach from Droskyn sundial area (Perranporth) with a visitor information resource.
- Feedback from the SG missed a window where Lucy had to progress things, so some deadlines have slipped.
5. Stuart Todd Associates
- Discussion with Stuart Todd as to what he still needs to complete
- All items covered in the meeting above.
6. Public engagement and meetings
- Can do public engagement at first draft. Which can be good to get the public back in the loop. Rough provisional time scale.
- Draft end June
- Screening with Cornwall Council starting end of June.
- Soft consultation, more a public update in July / August.
– we want the local population to have their input pre it all entering the formal consultation steps. - Regulation 14 in September ….
7. Report back from meetings and contacts with external parties, including Parish Council
Covered above.
8. Any Other Business
9. Dates of future meetings
Doodle poll for the week that includes 19th of June.