1. Attendance and apologies
A virtual meeting of the Steering Group was held on Zoom.
Attendance: Kevin Havill, Phil Moore, Philip Henwood Roger Kayes, Rory Jenkins, Stuart Todd, William Rogers.
Apology received from Tatiana Cant (Parish Clerk)
Status of Documentation.
An email was received from Cornwall Council detailing issues in the NDP that need to be addressed. Their comments on the DRAFT suggest that there is no conflict with their Local Plan or National Policy. All comments are up for us to review and decide upon. The Focus Groups expect to meet during the week beginning starting 14th March to address these comments, passing these through to ST who will combine these into the corrected document.
It was agreed that ST will summarise the CC feedback for the SG, determining what is easy and obvious to accept and include, as well as what needs more consideration and discussion by the SG. ST commented that all feedback is potentially relevant, regardless of the number of people who commented.
It was suggested that public feedback should be sent to ST.
Organisation of Exhibition
The exhibitions will hopefully be organised for the end of April to early May for the start of themSection 14- Public Consultation. A minimum of one evening in Perranporth and Goonhavern (5pm-9pm is envisaged).
Billboards/Posters at the event could include the following:-
- NDP Summary based upon the unused FULL consultation summary leaflet. This will be mailed to the whole of the Parish in advance of the exhibition, together with details of the exhibition itself. The abridged version of this was the mailshot sent out in January 2022. This led to the Website visitor traffic peaking at 76 site visitors on 19th Feb as compared with the normal 3-11 daily visitors. It returned to 5-15 daily visitors after. Chart below
- Settlement Boundaries
- Summary of housing data and arguments that lead to the proposed Settlement Boundaries and the Primary Resident Policy.
- LLCA maps
Any Other Business
Lucy Richards from Tirwell will be approached in the hope that she can assist in the organisation of the LLCA work and other Environment And Heritage aspects for the Exhibition. Post Meeting note:- Lucy has been approached, and will assist, subject to the dates being acceptable.
Lucy has requested to add the LLCA material to the Landscape Institute National Landscape Character database. This was approved.
ST will produce detailed proposed programme for the project.
The table and maps for the Local Green Spaces that show allotments in Hendrawna need to be amended, since the contract with Tregothnan Estates (Land Owner) did not materialise.
KH leaves for Sweden mid May.
Date of next Meeting
Proposed for week of 21st March. Rory will send out Doodle Poll for actual date & time determination.