Attendance and apologies
A virtual meeting of the Steering Group was held on Zoom.
Attendance: Kevin Havill, Roger Kayes, Rory Jenkins, Stuart Todd, William Rogers.
Apology received from Philip Moore
Approval of minutes dated 8th March, 2022
The minutes were approved except that Philip Henwood was shown in error as attending.
Status of Documentation.
Comments received from CC require to be addressed. Due to time restriction these were moved to a separate meeting scheduled for Tuesday 29th March.
The consultation summary document, together with the covering letter was forwarded to Kevin, Roger & Phil for final checking and should be returned to RJ/WR by Monday 28th March. WR and RJ will undertake a final check before passing to St Austell Printers for printing and posting before 10th April.
The following dates and places were agreed for the exhibition-
Goonhavern Community Centre
Friday 22nd April 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Saturday 23rd April 10.00 am – 12:30 pm
Perranporth Parish Rooms
Monday 25th April 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Tuesday 26th April 10.00 am – 12:30 pm
The exhibition in the Perranzabuloe will be available to be viewed, though unmanned, up until Friday 29th April.
St Austell Printers will be asked to assist with the poster for shop windows etc.
5 Organisation of exhibition
- WR has secured mounting boards from Perranporth Art Club. They have 8 with approx. dimensions of 1.2 x 1.2 and another 8 of 1.2 x1.8 approx. Supporting stands are also available.
- Lucy Wilson Richards of Tirwell has been appointed to produce the Environmental & Heritage poster.
- KH will investigate the possibility of a Power Point presentation.
- The ‘Perrnanplan’ web address should appear on the posters.
- Any Other Business
Queries regarding Settlement boundaries have been received. RK will hopefully discuss these with Jeremy Content at CC. A separate meeting will be held to review CC’s comments on all of the proposed policies .
7 Date of next Meeting
Proposed for week of 5th April. Rory will send out Doodle