Steering Group Meeting Tuesday 29nd March 2022

  1. Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of the Steering Group was held on Zoom.

Attendance: Kevin Havill, Roger Kayes, Rory Jenkins, Stuart Todd, William Rogers and Philip Moore

  1. Responding to comments received

RJ will send out the draft being used to let anybody commenting know that their comment has been received and that we will review their comments as part of formal Regulation 14.

Ahead of then, the Steering Group will contact Cornwall Council planning officers and other experts if it is felt that any comments need extra external input.

  1. Review of the Cornwall Council comments

We went through all of the initial Cornwall Council comments.

  1. What next

A Doodle poll to be setup (by RJ) re a meeting in about 10 days time to go over the progress on creating posters etc for the public meetings in Goonhavern & Perranporth.

Goonhavern Community Centre:

Friday     22nd April   7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Saturday 23rd April 10.00 am – 12:30 pm

Perranporth Memorial Hall:

Monday 25th April    7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Tuesday 26th April 10.00 am – 12:30 pm

Rory & William are meeting on Friday the first at 10am to finalise the feedback on the letter to go out to all in the parish regarding these public meetings.

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