Perranzabuloe NDP Mailchimp subscriber statistics

From fairly early on the Perranzabuloe NDP has had a Mailchimp account to email update those who via the Website or otherwise gave us their email details for updates. We’ve kept a log of the “Mailchimp audience” numbers (see list below).

The Mailchimp system let us track how many people opened emails we sent out. For example in January 2023 we sent an email out regarding the “Supplementary consultation on proposed changes to the NDP”. From that we could see that:

  • 150 received the email
  • 219 total opens (so some recipients opened the email more than once).
  • 98 opened it
  • 9 clicked links in it
  • 5 of the emails bounced
  • 1 person usubscribed from the list.


Historic Mailchimp Subscriber Statistics

  • 2023-03-28 153
  • 2023-01-27 150
  • 2022-09-04 174
  • 2022-05-05 154, seems a few unsubscribe post recent mailshots
  • 2022-03-04 178
  • 2021-10-22 171
  • 2021-07-17 178
  • 2021-05-26 171
  • 2021-04-14 177
  • 2021-01-18 177
  • 2020-12-15 177
  • 2020-10-17 173
  • 2020-07-22 173
  • 2020-05-21 173
  • 2020-03-16 173
  • 2020-02-10 173
  • 2020-01-09 172
  • 2019-11-26 172
  • 2019-07-12 173, did a mail out re the survey, so probably got some unsubscribes.
  • 2019-06-12 177
  • 2019-05-09 174
  • 2019-04-02 174
  • 2019-02-26 154
  • 2019-01-09 152, +23 in the last 30 days


Public Exhibition Posters

We’ve had 4 great public exhibitions. Fantastic to have so many visitors with their questions. We got a lot of positive feedback, including that the posters conveyed a lot of the key information.

We know that not everybody could make these events, and some will want to look again at the posters, so we are putting them here as PDFs.

The 2 PDFs are the same posters, but at reasonable and high resolution to cater for those on slower internet connections. Not everybody will want to zoom in on the maps etc.

The image below is a collage of 4 of the posters.

A30 Chiverton to Carland Cross roadworks

As the works on upgrading the A30 single carriageway between Chiverton Cross and Carland Cross roundabouts has become more obvious more in the community are asking about this.

It will have an impact on most who live +/or work in Perranzabuloe.

The Highways England website address for the latest, plus historic documents is at

The route overview is there, or direct link to the PDF is:

There are also more detailed maps for specific sections:

Public Survey Results – Initial findings public meeting Oct 2019

We had an amazing response rate. 888 responses, so just over 30% of the 2903 surveys sent out. This is high for a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) project and thanks to not only our amazing community but all who are working on and helping with our parishes NDP project.

We held 2 public meetings, one in Goonhavern Village Hall at 7:30pm on Tuesday the 15th of October and one in the Perranporth Memorial Hall, also at 7:30pm, on Wednesday the 16th of October.

Perranporth Memorial Hall NDP meeting

The meeting in Goonhavern had about 10 people who were not part of the NDP Steering Group and the Perranporth meeting about 40.

An overall summary was given, followed by a summary from each of the group leads:

  1. Christine, head of the Environment & Heritage Group (PDF presentation)
  2. Roger, head of our Housing Group (
  3. Kevin, head of the Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure (BETI) Group.

Then the prize draw (1 in Goonhavern, 2 in Perranporth).

General Statistics by Rory Jenkins (current chairman)

  • Slightly more women responded than men. 55% women.
  • Most respondents were 36 or older.
  • Most responses from Perranporth > Goonhavern > Bolingey > Rose before the other hamlets. So, in keeping with the sizes of our main settlements.
  • Most respondents live in a house, not a flat.
  • Most respondents are owner occupiers, not tenants or in social housing.
  • Massive range of groups, where the most popular were:
    • Fitness clubs & classes 21% >
    • Pilates & Yoga 20% >
    • Surfing community 15% >
    • Surf Life Saving Club 13% >
    • local churches 15 %>
    • Rugby Club 9%
    • BUT also 12% said not groups. This could mean that there are isolated people in our community we could all do more to engage with.
  • Massive use of community facilities with the most popular being:
    • Local Shops 91% in general and specifically the Chemist 90%, Local supermarkets 90%, the Garden Centre 78%, Restaurants 76%, Pubs 76%, the Petrol Station 75%, Post Office 75%, Cafes 74% and Take away 61%.
    • Also 59% of respondents use Public Conveniences in the parish
  • Top priorities were given as:
    • Medical Facilities
    • Environment
    • Road Safety

Environment & Heritage Group

Christine talked visitors through the her Environment & Heritage presentation (this is a large PDF), including taking questions from the audience as they arose. In particular, in both Goonhavern and Perranporth there was quite a detailed discussion about the planned roll out of 5G and how this could have a negative impact on the environment.

Overall there was exceptionally strong support for the issues the questions asked about.

  1. It is important that we identify, protect and enhance buffer areas that we wish to retain as our green spaces for the use of wildlife and the Community.
  2. Existing trees, woodland, hedgerows and Cornish hedges should be retained, conserved and enhanced in order to maintain and create effective wildlife habitats and corridors.
  3. It is important that our villages and hamlets retain their unique and distinctive characteristics as separate and individual settlements.
  4. The retention and preservation of important panoramic landscape views and vistas is key to maintaining and enhancing landscape integrity.
  5. The infrastructure for delivering 5G, with the benefit of around 10 times current mobile data speeds, should not result in the removal of, or damage to, existing trees, hedgerows, wildlife areas and wildlife corridors.
  6. All new developments should include integral bio-diversity enhancement measures such as bird boxes/bee bricks and open sustainable drainage systems to attract and protect wildlife as a
    planning condition.

As shown by this bar chart, well over 90% responded with either Strongly Agree or Agree to each question:

Environment and Heritage responses

Housing Group

Roger, head of the Housing Group, focused on those issues most likely to have a direct impact on the end NDP document.

He had a different presentation for Goonhavern and Perranporth, as for each he compared the parish results, with the results from those from each of these areas. In general there was no significant difference between responses from these areas and the general response. But without looking you don’t find that sort of thing out !

At both locations, there were questions and discussions around what the audience understood by the housing questions in the survey. There was also discussion about creating Settlement Boundaries around Perranporth and Goonhavern and whether those present did or didn’t want our end NDP to have a Primary Residency Policy (PRP) or not.

Post the Perranporth discussion around PRP a show of hands poll of the audience had:

  • 17 Strong yes
  • 7 Yes
  • 1 Neutral
  • 2 No
  • 1 Strong no

(Excluding members of the NDP Steering Group, the Perranporth meeting had just under 40 parishioners.)

There were many audience comments relating to PRP including (paraphrased):

  • The local estate agents have lists of those looking for housing in the parish and roughly half of these are from beyond the parish and appear to be those looking for holiday homes / second homes / to let out to holiday maker properties.
  • Tywarnhayle Road has sections of the road, where out of season many properties have no night time lights on in season midweek late night noise is a problem for those who have to get up for work.
  • In other areas properties have returned to being full time occupied from being holiday let properties.
  • There is a concern that if St Agnes and Crantock have PRPs, then Perranporth will be targeted by developers and in general for those looking for non primary residence properties.

Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure (BETI) Group

Kevin, head of the Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure (BETI) Group went through a detailed BETI presentation on many of the BETI questions and their responses.

Kevin reminded all of us, if we are a business owner, or if we know a business owner, that a survey of local businesses is currently underway.

Some summary points that I (Rory, NDP chairman) picked up:

  • Want more wind and solar power, but not more solar farms.
  • Against more AirBnB, holiday houses, second homes & static caravans, but appreciate the benefit of tourism and want a longer season, more hotels.
  • Want an event space and more cultural events.
  • Want to keep and expand the employment base, especially new technology and year round employment.
  • There’s a strong desire for more studios and workshops, shared workspaces, and year round traders, but less appetite for more shops and offices.
  • Want better bus and general public transport improvements.
  • Very positive about improving and enhancing cycling within and beyond the parish (links).
  • Strong support for 20mph in residential areas.
  • Very strong support for the reinstatement of Tamblyn Way steps down to the beach from Droskyn.
  • Very strong support to improve the range of medical, health and educational resources in the parish.
  • Exceptionally strong support for the concept that future development should not increase the risk of flooding.
  • A strong feeling that there is a good quality of life in the parish, but that there is potential to make this even better.

We then had the prize draw

What next ?

The Steering Group, who are always keen to have more volunteers, so if anybody feels they can help in any way, please get in touch, will be digging more into the survey results, undertaking a Survey of local businesses, investigating and consulting further.

All of this will then turn into a draft Neighbourhood Plan for our parish.

This is then shared with you and put to a list of statutory consultees including Cornwall Council

Once any feedback is with us and implemented, it goes to an independent examiner, who will give us feedback on whether the policies we want, as we lay them out, sit within existing national and Cornwall legislation.

Once any feedback from the examiner is dealt with it goes to a public referendum and if majority accepted it becomes adopted.

This is likely to take about a further 18 months.

Strategic Housing Land Use Availability Assessment (SHLAA) sites

These are personal notes, written in November 2018, by Roger Kayes, head of the Perranzabuloe NDP Housing Group on the question.

Following the flurry of interest in the Perranporth map (screen shot of the CC Perranporth SHLAA map below) of  Strategic Housing Land Use Availability Assessment (SHLAA) sites referred to at the Perranporth meeting of the NDP group on the 21st of November 2018, it might be helpful to give any concerned residents further information to clarify what a SHLAA site is, and is not.  There are no SHLAA sites, to my knowledge, in other areas of Perranzabuloe that have not already gone on to receive planning permission.

Cornwall Council’s information on this is very helpful:

“The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires all Local Authorities to carry out Strategic Housing Land Use Availability Assessment as part of the evidence base for the Local Plan.

Cornwall Council has prepared and regularly updates SHLAA to support the Cornwall Local Plan. The SHLAA is a technical document that identifies sites across Cornwall which shows initial potential for providing 10 or more new homes. The SHLAA automatically excludes sites which are:

  1. Not connected to a settlement within the Settlement Hierarchy.
  2. Within a designated Special Area of Conservation, Special Protection Area and/or Site of Special Scientific Interest.
  3. Within Flood Zone 3b.

Sites are largely included in the SHLAA on the basis of a broad-brush desktop assessment which means that their inclusion in the SHLAA does not imply that they would necessarily be granted planning permission or are suitable for allocation for residential use. Nevertheless, with the vast majority of the sites having been put forward by the landowners, it is a good guide to what sites are available. The SHLAA also provides an indication of how many homes could be delivered and when, based on input from the landowners, density calculations and typical build-out rates.”

From:  Cornwall Council Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Note: Housing Land Availability Assessment

Key points are stated very clearly in another document available online (cornwall-shlaa-report-january-2016 – the most recent version as far as I know):

“Box 1: Status of the Cornwall SHLAA Report and Identified Sites

The Cornwall SHLAA is not a planning decision making document. It makes broad assumptions in terms of site suitability in order to bring forward a wide range of sites for consideration of housing potential. Sites that are identified in the Cornwall SHLAA would be required to be further tested by the planning application or allocation processes including consideration of sustainability and planning criteria, development plan policies and consultation before they could be deemed suitable in planning terms.

In summary:

  • The SHLAA is not development plan policy;
  • The SHLAA does not indicate that sites will be granted planning permission;
  • The SHLAA does not preclude sites from being developed for other suitable uses; and
  • The SHLAA is an important evidence base technical document but is not a planning decision making document.

The SHLAA does not preclude other sites which have not been submitted or assessed during this process from coming forward for housing.

The web page on Cornwall Council’s site gives further information and links, including where to find the original version of the map presented here:

Note dated November 23rd 2018

Does the Crantock decision in June 21018 mean that NDPs are useless?

These are personal notes, written in November 2018, by Roger Keyes, head of the Perranzabuloe NDP Housing Group on the question.

I don’t accept the simplistic conclusion that simply because Cornwall Council approved the housing application in Crantock in June 2018, then this means that NDPs are valueless.  From my perspective, the case supports the view that NDPs can have some value, even while they don’t fulfil the high expectations of what they could achieve, expectations promote by some proponents of NDPs.

The Crantock application was decided by the Central Planning Committee meeting held in St Austell on June 11th, a meeting that I attended.  For a relatively small development of 22 houses, the application was for an extension of a larger site already with permission, through which access would be gained.  This additional site extends in toward the village rather than out into open countryside and lies outside of the ‘Settlement Boundary’ as defined in the NDP.  As I heard it, a key justification given by planning officers for recommending approval of the application was their view that one of three existing planning permissions for new housing in Crantock, known I believe as Parsons Green, had stalled and its implementation was now unlikely or at least uncertain.  This would, they argued, create a short-fall in the supply of houses needed to cater for those on the HomeChoice Register for Crantock.  So they recommended approval.  After heated debate, the committee voted to approve it by 8 votes to 7.

(By the way, it wouldn’t surprise me if Crantock Parish think that they may have a case for judicial review since, at that time, the planning application for Parsons Green was still valid (it wouldn’t go on to expire until October 2018) and the fact that they believed it to be stalled was not ‘material.’  If this were to be the grounds for going to judicial review, it would underline the significance of this issue.)

So, what influence did the NDP have?

It was clear from the discussion that significant weight was being given to the contents of the NDP.  In the background was the fact that the Committee had deferred the application from February until after the referendum in May 2018.  Materially, the ‘Rural exception site’ outside of the ‘Settlement Boundary’ provisions of the NDP resulted in the developers having to increase the Affordable Housing provision from 30% of the houses on the site originally proposed, to 50% in the version approved eventually.

Are there any lessons for Perranzabuloe? 

In this case, Crantock had already fulfilled the allocation of houses in the Cornwall Local Plan (just as Perranzabuloe has), yet still the planning policy context dictated that if there is outstanding local need for Affordable Housing (AH), then applications for market-led developments will be given approval so that additional AH will be forthcoming.  In Crantock, the issue was has or hasn’t the ‘local need’ been accommodated.  In Perranzabuloe, the numbers on the HomeChoice Register are so much greater than the numbers of AH houses coming forward that such applications are likely to be approved, unless other considerations dictate otherwise.  This is the stance outlined the introduction to our Perranzabuloe NDP Housing group.

November 16th 2018

NDP Awareness Leaflet


In early November of 2018, we are sending out a leaflet to let as many people as possible, who work or live in the parish, about the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).

The leaflet is also being put in cafe’s, shops, pubs etc.

You can PDF version of the leaflet here.

The meeting encourages anybody who wants to know more to attend some public meetings:

  • Goonhavern Village Hall
    – Tuesday 20th November, 2018: 7:30pm
  • Perranporth Memorial Hall
    – Wednesday 21st November, 2018: 7:30pm
  • Chiverton Arms Blackwater
    – Tuesday 27th November, 2018: 7:30pm

What next?
Sign up to stay informed and (possibly let us know if you’d like to get involved).

Steering Group Meeting – 8th February 2018

Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting – 8th February 2018


1   Address by Kathryn Statham

Prior to the start of the meeting, Kath Statham (Landscape Planning Officer -Cornwall Council) gave a presentation upon ‘Local Landscape Character Assessment and Neighbourhood Planning’. A copy of the slides is attached to these minutes. Kath is prepared to offer help and training (at a cost) from the CC to enable this to be addressed in the Neighbourhood Plan. She also provided high definition large scale maps of the area. The presentation was very well received.

Post the meeting Kathryn sent us:

2          Attendance and Apologies

The Chairman, Rory Jenkins welcomed everybody to the meeting. The list of attendees is appended to these minutes.

Apologies were received from Alison Wright. New observers were Marijka Zwozdiak and Tanya Mock.

3          Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated 9th January 2018

Proposed by Rory Jenkins, seconded by Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak and carried unanimously by the meeting.

4          Matters arising from meeting dated 9th January 2018

William Rogers reported that in order to apply for grants from CC it will be necessary to progress the Neighbourhood Plan to a position that we can assess costs of assets and activities fairly accurately.

WR submitted a request to the Gardens Charities to consider providing a grant in their January 2018 allocation.

Due to the departure of Jenny Bowden, it has been necessary to appoint a new Vice Chairman. Kevin Havill offered himself for this position. There were no other nominations, or objection to Kevin. Hence he was appointed by the Steering Group.

Nick Joy’s temporary position of Communications Officer was endorsed unanimously to become a permanent position.

4a       New Issue – Report on Meeting between RJ, WR and Guy Thomas of CC

Given the progress that Cornwall Council has accepted that Perranzabuloe has ‘Designated Area Status’ for a NDP, that we should have a Steering Group and Focus Groups, it seemed appropriate to have an update with Guy Thomas. He will be one of our primary contacts in Cornwall Council for the duration of the project.

Rory (NDP Chairperson) and William (NDP Secretary) met Guy at the Cornwall Council offices in Truro.


Prior to the meeting, Rory wrote up the following notes that were pre-circulated by Willaim. A quick summary of these were given at the meeting.

From having been involved with many NDP’s around Cornwall Guy had the following advice:

1. Spread the load. If the project is taken on by too small a group, it can lead to it stalling or collapsing.

2. St Agnes have stood out for their level of on-going information to their community. Their almost monthly updates to the community is yielding dividends with them typically getting around 20% respondent rates to their consultations. This is apparently high.

3. Don’t attempt community consultation in the holidays. Spring and Autumn work well.

4. Always keep evidence of all engagement and responses.. Without the final NDP being backed by evidence of being the wishes of the community it won’t get accepted by CC

5. If we feel we might need external experts, ask Guy and his team first. They might have the skills we need, for free or cheaper than elsewhere. Or they might know where to get the best skills at the best price.

6. Imogen Day in his team is their expert on policy. So not only can she help with what we can and can’t influence, she will also be there to help write up the NDP so that it fits with existing planning policy.

Progressing this, Guy suggested the following 2018 time scale.

Feb / March
Engage with the community to say that work has started on a NDP. Explain what this is. Say we want everybody’s views, input, help etc.  Give contact details. (Website, Facebook, email list, notice boards). Say that from the initial group and meetings, which we hope will grow as more learn about it, It was suggested by RJ that we should identify items that cause the most concern for the Parish, and home in particularly on the top 5 subjects to examine in depth.

the initial TOP 5 issues are ……   .Ask what they think about these. Ask if what issues, if any, they would put instead of any of these issues. Have it so that responses are delivered to drop off points at local shops, pubs etc.

Late April / May
Have the first community engagement meetings. Having these where the community normally meet apparently works well. eg a local pub.
This would involve the first questionnaire to establish top concerns.

Attend events throughout the Parish

July & August
Consolidate and analyse the responses.

Use the analysed responses to start a second round of questions and engagement.

In relation to the overall plan and next stages, Guy in particular mentioned the  Consultation and Engagement Toolkit and the Project Plan links which are to a PDF and an Excel template: These can be accessed though the following hyperlinks.:-
Project Planning
Project Plan Template (which WR has already started looking at)


All events Should be recorded and logged, together with the extent of representation from the public.

5          Reports from Focus Groups

     Housing (Roger Kayes)

Roger Kayes started off by saying that he felt that the Housing Focus Group was adopting a different approach to that of the other focus groups – in particular, because of the constraints and opportunities generated by the planning context within which any neighbourhood plan proposals will have to be developed.

Having held a few meetings with himself (given that he is currently the only member of this Focus Group), he reported that he is preparing half a dozen briefing notes on key dimensions of this planning ‘framework’. It is intended that these briefing notes should help the Steering Group decide the key choices open to the NP process; these being the choices which could be presented to the wider community in the forthcoming consultation.

An example of this is regarding the allocation of new housing sites. The current situation is that the Cornwall Local Plan, itself adopted in November 2016, contains an allocation of 1100 houses for the local ‘Community Network Area’, an area which spans 8 parishes running from St Agnes up to Crantock. According to Cornwall Council’s monitoring, enough houses had been developed or given planning permission from the beginning of the plan period in 2010 to April 2017, to fulfil the target of dwellings to be built before the end of the period, 2030. So our NP does not have to allocate further large sites.

He briefly presented some points around CC’s policy of rural Exception Sites which are required to provide at least 50% of the capacity as ‘affordable housing’, as well as the topic of the Community Infrastructure Levy which has implications for any proposal to include a ‘Permanent Residence Condition’ for new housing developments in the parish.

Karen Collam offered to help with the work of this focus group (and immediately after the end of the meeting, Susan Dutson also volunteered to help).

            BETI (Business, Employment Transport & Infrastructure) (Kevin Havill)

The group has met twice since the previous Steering Group Meeting. The BETI focus group consists of seven members plus two parish councillors as participating observers. The group has a broad knowledge base and managed to reach a positive and broad consensus on the points discussed to date.

At the first meeting the group extensively explored the scope of what should be considered under the headings of Business, Employment, Transport and Infrastructure.

Together with these we also considered various potential sources of information and contact groups to support building the evidential base, and to whom we can inform of the Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) process with the view of gaining participation and feedback.

At the second meeting they followed Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) recommendations to agree a vision statement that was felt to be applicable to BETI areas of interest and which they hoped would be in line with the ambitions of the other groups. The group then specified a reasonably comprehensive number of hard and soft objectives which can be taken to the community as the starting point for discussion and debate.

Meeting Notes were made and circulated. These recorded those present and issues discussed.

The agreed Vision Statement was:

To create an environment for a healthy, vibrant and thriving local economy serving the needs of all year round residents and visitors alike.  Perranzabuloe will seek to attract and retain people and their families who can live, work and enjoy active leisure time in the locality.

Businesses including those within new technologies sectors would be attracted to establish and enlarge due to the provision of new infrastructure, a local labour pool and suitable premises.

            Environment & Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

Several areas of expertise were identified and all agreed that this is a huge remit. Energy is to be focused into Local Landscape Character Assessment LLCA areas and plans.   The group is awaiting the next steering group meeting to provide clarity on zoning.

The group discussed the NDPs from Newquay, Falmouth, St Ives, Bude, and Crantock. They have looked with particular focus on St Agnes as the sister parish. Of particular interest was the St Agnes Parish Open Space Strategy which has been analysed by CC using the same methodology/criteria as Cornwall Council’s own Open Space Strategy. It was suggested that it would be in the Council’s interest if this NDP completed the Open Space Strategy (OSS) for the whole Parish as they intend eventually to roll it out across the entire Duchy. It was queried as to whether it would be necessary to add further areas though retrospectively. It seemed rather thin on farmland, and hedge/scrubland. Newquay NDP also includes ‘valued landscapes’ and protection of views and vistas.

It was proposed that an Online Recording Kernow & Scilly (ORKS), via the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) study be conducted for the area. Details of CC’s Environmental Growth Strategy together with the associated Biodiversity were discussed. The Biodiversity Targets document which accompanies will also need to be embedded. Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s ‘wildlife resource map for neighbourhood planning was also examined.

Lizzi Larbalestier and her team on Perranporth’s Plastic Free Coastline Status were congratulated. It was agreed that there are many volunteers involved who may also wish to join the group with this, not to mention expertise associated with knowledge of Sites of Special Scientific Interest/ Areas Outstanding Natural Beauty SSSI/AONB’s, dune management re: planning, flora and fauna etc..

Assistance from Natural England and Historic England was noted and welcomed. The CC Interactive Map/Magic was discussed

The extent of conservation areas within the parish, (perhaps Callestick or Bolingey), need to be investigated further.

It was mentioned that reference to, and investigation of, the Town and Country Planning Act is required in addition to other planning documents. This is in order to maintain conformity and to shape general policies without getting bogged down in detail over area specifics. The AONB Management Plan also applies to far west of the Parish.

Skate Park (Bolenna) difficulties were discussed as part of CC Public Open Space observations. The key observations of the existing provision were that there were low levels (per person) of types 4 (children’s equipped play) and 5 (youth) provision, However to some degree these would be compensated by the considerable beach assets. The level of types 1 (park/amenity) and 2 (natural open space) are higher in Perranporth than in most other towns, BUT the Insight report states that green space and access is low for Perranporth. Further investigation is needed, hence also the requirement for a more comprehensive Parish wide survey in conjunction with wildlife/ORKS mapping/LLCA’s.

The group concluded with a look at language for a possible mission statement for this group or as a whole.

No further meeting date was set, as the FG will meet at next steering group when a clearer picture of evolving LLCA will emerge, and the volunteers to train for the process are identified.

6          Communications

New Logo acceptance.


It was agreed that the new logo would be used, and that a strap line should be added. NJ will send suggestions of appropriate strap lines. The SG will decide upon the final wording.

            Communications Strategy

NJ will write the NDPs Communication Strategy document. This will define how the group will engage with all parties throughout the process to ensure transparency and inclusion. It will define how communication flows between organisations like Focus Groups to public, etc., how to provide evidence of meetings and consultations, as well as responsibilities. A draft will be sent to SG in by end of February to be approved at next March SG meeting. Focus Group leaders will be asked to approve the draft.


All SG members are to have an email account like

In addition, Officers and focus group leaders may have specific like, business. focus@, Chairman@ etc. .These can be accounts to use or forward to private accounts.

            Estimated Communications Timings

It is expected that the 1st Engagement flyer will be distributed during April/May depending on assistance that is available.


Consultations by involving everyone, especially the Focus groups – throughout 2018

The main Community Survey will be programmed to be actioned during Jan/Feb 2019

It is essential to represent the NDP at all possible events throughout the Parish.

Groups were asked to email their meeting write ups to Rory and Nick so that these can be added to the Website


7          Financial Issues

An application has been made to the Perranporth Garden Charities for funding.

8         Any Other Business


9          Date of Next Meeting and Closure

The next SG meetings have been scheduled for Wednesday 7th March and Monday 23rd April. Both will take place at the Parish offices.

The meeting closed at 21h15.




Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Plan


Appendix 1 – 1 List of Attendees

Jack Clark                                      Karen Colam                            Angela Maynard

Janine Branch                               Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak            William Rogers

Andrew Bone                                Susan Dutson                           Kevin Havill

Rory Jenkins                                  Nick Joy                                    Roger Kayes

Michael Callan                                Marijka Zwozdiak                      Tanya Mocke

Kathryn Statham (CC)



Appendix 2 – Members of Steering Group as of

8th February 2018

Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak                 Nick Joy                                    Andrew Bown

Andrew Kent                                 Jamine Branch                          Phil Moor

Susan Dutson                                Kevin Havill                               William Rogers

Philip Henwood                              Roger Kayes                             Rory Jenkins




Communications Officer Position

Currently I’m acting as Communications Officer for the NDP group. I shall put myself forward for this position at this weeks meeting. However, if anyone wishes to put themselves forward for the position you can do so at the next meeting. (8th  Feb at Parish Council Offices)

Communications Role: To develop and maintain a Communications Strategy that engages with the Public, the County Council (and other external bodies) and all communications within the NDP Steering group over the 2 -3 years to completion.

The role will require very good PC literacy as it is foreseen that most of the communications will be via the Website, emails and Social Media.

It is estimated that this role will require a minimum of 20hrs/month.

Please feel free to email me for any more details.

In addition, This role will require assistance. If anyone has some spare time and would like to assist the NDP process, please email me.

Thank you.

Nick Joy –

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