1. Attendees and apologies
Rory Jenkins, Roger Kayes, Kevin Havill, Phil Moore, William Rogers, Stuart Tod
No apologies for non-attendance were offered
2. Approval of minutes of Meeting on 22nd March 2022
Approved, subject to the following correction requested by Roger :-
Queries regarding Settlement boundaries have been received. RK will hopefully discuss these with Jeremy Content at CC
Replace with :-
After some discussion, Roger agreed to contact Jeremy Content of CC to discuss the optimum process for liaising with him regarding objections to the proposed Settlement Boundary.
- Contacting land owners update.
WR is contacting landowners who would be affected by the Local Green Policy. A total of 25 areas have been identified.
Post meeting note . WR has sent letters to 12 of the 13 landowners identified, arriving before 22nd April, when Regulation 14 is to be triggered.
- Publicity as we approach the start of the 6-week Regulation 14 step.
- Post mailshot – WR has arranged for these to be delivered before 22nd April, when the public exhibition programme starts.
- Email mailshot – RJ places information on social media in advance of public exhibitions.
- Posters & Parish Notice Boards – WR has distributed flyes during weekend 10-12 April.
- Poster in shops etc -WR has distributed flyes during weekend 10-12 April.
- Social media notifications – RJ RJ places information on social media in advance of public exhibitions.
- www.PerranPlan.co.uk updates:
- RJ will Put the “Regulation 14 Pre-submission Version of the Plan” on the Website
- Mark the current version as being the pre-Regulation 14 “soft” community consultation version – RJ
- Put the “CC SEA / HRA screening opinion report” on the Website – RJ
- Repeat sending the updated “Regulation 14 Pre-submission Version of the Plan”to all consultees (including CC) – ST, WR, RJ
- Rounding off and Settlement boundaries update.
Roger reported his discussion with Jeremy Content. His suggestion was that the NDP team should prepare their perspective of specific objections and approach him for the Planning Department’s view on our proposed stance.
Local Green Spaces
KH has completed the excel spreadsheet and forwarded to ST.
Posters prepared by Lucy Wilson Richards will need to be revised.
Roger’s contact Roz Evans will finalise the posters and submit professional fees for the work.Green Buffers
Hendrawna Gap is only in the Appendix – RK update
- Settlement Boundaries
What (if anything) needs to consider being changed given SG member observations. – RK
Public comment changes to be dealt with post Friday the 3rd of June 2022
- Retail Policy BER9
What (if anything) needs to consider being changed given SG member observations. – KH
RK is to discuss the content of the Dutson Legal letter with Jeremy Content (CC). A holding letter will be written to the Dutsons (RJ) .
The letter from Sambrook at Welway will be reviewed at the end of the Consultation process.
- Date of next meeting
To be confirmed