
Below you will find our main documents, which have been put into 5 sections:

  • Regulation 15/16 (submission) documents for consultation run by Cornwall Council, followed by an Independent Examination.
  • Consultation Responses.
  • Background Papers.
  • Supplementary consultation on proposed changes to the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
  • Pre-submission (Regulation 14) version of the Perranzabuloe NDP (22nd of April 2022 version).
  • DRAFT NDP (November 2021 version).
  • Related Information.

The Examiners Report is Published


The Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan has been modified according to the Examiner’s recommendations.

Cornwall Council have put the updated documents on their Planning Portal.

The documents on the Cornwall Council planning portal include:

The plan will now progresses to referendum on the 3rd of October 2024.


Regulation 15/16 (submission) document – Guide

Although nothing replaces reading and becoming familiar with the entire NDP with all of it’s documents, these documents should help guide parish councillors and others. It was created when the NDP was at Regulation 15/16 stage. The plan is to update it, when/if the plan is adopted (assuming majority vote), to cover the final referendum version.

Regulation 15/16 (submission) documents

Having reviewed comments on the pre-submission (Regulation 14) version of the Perranzabuloe NDP, the Steering Group (SG) made consequent changes. The Perranzabuloe parish council OK’d all the updated documents (Regulation 15) and they were then formally submited on to Cornwall Council for a Regulation 16 Consultation. Responses made during the consultation can be viewed by using the reference PA23/00026/NDP on Cornwall Council’s planning application website.

The above documents will often reference Background Documents which are in the Background Documents section below.

* Following the Regulation 14 consultation, we were advised to amend the “Settlement Boundary” designation in name, to “Development Boundary” and the latter term is used in documents published after Regulation 14 consultation for Submission to Cornwall Council.

Consultation Responses

  • Consultation Feedback (PDF) 6.5 MB.
    This includes comments received before Regulation 14, from the Regulation 14 consultation, from the post Regulation 14 Supplementary Consultation and from Statutory Consultees.

    • Redacted responses ZIP 82 MB
      The responses were often in the form of longer letters that have been put into redacted PDFs that are in one ZIP file.
      Shorter responses are all in the Consultation Responses PDF.
    • Results of the Supplementary consultation on proposed changes to the Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF).
    • The name and other personal details of individuals have been removed. So many comments are from Consultee XX. A list of the name and contact details for such individuals is in a separate document that Cornwall Council +/or the Independent Examiner will use to contact historic consultees.

With the plan now entering “Stage 3” of scrutiny by Cornwall Council and an Independent Examiner, comments further should be sent to them and not direct to the Steering Group.

Background Papers

NOTE: Larger PDFs have a note at the end of their description as to their size.

PROJECT NOTE: As upload files, check that these are put / updated on the pages for each Group.

Supplementary consultation on proposed changes to the Neighbourhood Development Plan
(19th January to 2nd March 2023)

Following comments received during our consultation on the draft NDP held in May 2022 (Pre-submission Regulation 14 stage), the Steering Group consulted with parishioners (plus statutory consultees and businesses) on three changes to the draft plan.

  1. Shrink the Principal Residence Policy to just Perranporth
    Cornwall Council have strongly suggested that the required evidence for a Principal Residence Policy is not strong enough to support this as a parish wide policy. This could lead to the entire policy being rejected. We are consequently proposing a Principal Residence Policy for only the area where there is a strongest evidence base. This is Perranporth and it’s immediate surroundings.
    > Full details. (PDF)
  2. Change the Settlement Gap and Green Buffer between Perranporth and Bolingey given the new secondary school announcement
    The now announced location for a new secondary school on the edge of Perranporth could totally undermine the proposed Settlement Gap between Perranporth and Bolingey. We are proposing a change to this Settlement Gap to keep development from linking the distinct villages of Perranporth and Bolingey, while supporting the proposed school site.
    > Full details. (PDF)
  3. Change the Settlement Boundary, Settlement Gap and Green Buffer at Ramoth Way (Perranporth)
    We agree with comments received that the Perranporth Settlement Boundary along Ramoth Way in Perranporth should be drawn outside existing properties. This has the knock-on of more appropriately protecting undeveloped land in this area as a Local Green Space and not a Green Buffer. (Please note that Settlement Boundary can be called a Development Boundary*).
    > Full details. (PDF)


Pre-submission (Regulation 14) version of the Perranzabuloe NDP

The DRAFT Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has had it’s first round of informal comments from the Perranzabuloe Parish Council and Cornwall Council. You can view or download the updated Pre-submission (Regulation 14) NDP and the associated Appendix documents using the links below. You may also find it usefull to look at the “Background Papers” further down this page.

  • Regulation 14 ran for 8 weeks from Friday the 22nd of April 2022 to Friday the 17th of June 2022.

Should you have any comments on any of the documents please email us at

DRAFT NDP (the November 2021 version pre Regulation 14)

This was our Parish Council reviewed draft pre the later “Pre-submission (Regulation 14) version of the Perranzabuloe NDP” version.

The DRAFT Perranzabuloe NDP has had it’s first round of approval from the Perranzabuloe Parish Council. You can download this DRAFT and the 9 Appendix documents from here. Some of the Appendixes are also listed below as “Background Papers”

Related Information

The documents below were the main related documents that fed into our process.

The “Declarations of Interest” for the Steering Group (SG) members are on the Contact page of this Website.

Perranzabuloe Documents:

Neighbourhood Development Plans in Cornwall:

Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP):

Environment & Heritage:

Other NDP’s, their Examiners Reports etc:

Questionnaires used by other NDP teams in Cornwall:

News, Notes etc. from our NDP Groups:



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