2022-04-12 Steering Group Meeting Agenda

Meeting via Zoom link to be sent out to all of the Steering Group members (and consultant Stuart Todd)

  1. Attendees and apologies
  2. Approval of minutes of Meeting on 22nd  March 2022
  3. Contacting land owners update.
  4. Publicity as we approach the start of the 6 week Regulation 14 step.
    • Post mailshot – WR
    • Email mailshot – RJ
    • Posters & Parish Notice Boards – WR
    • Poster in shops etc  -WR
    • Social media notifications – RJ
    • www.PerranPlan.co.uk updates:
      • Put the “Regulation 14 Pre-submission Version of the Plan” on the Website – RJ
        • Mark the current version as being the pre-Regulation 14 “soft” community consultation version – RJ
      • Put the “CC SEA / HRA screening opinion report” on the Website – RJ
    • Repeat sending the updated “Regulation 14 Pre-submission Version of the Plan”to all consultees (including CC) – ST, WR, RJ
  1. Rounding off and Settlement boundaries update.
    It has been discussed at Steering Group meetings that some of the group have heard developers have managed to challenge aspects of the St Agnes NDP Settlement Boundaries. We believe around the issue of “rounding off”. RK was going to contact Jeremy Content (The “Principal Development Officer” for Cornwall Council Area Team 4, that includes all of Perranzabuloe), for his input.
  1. Local Green Spaces
    Has this been updated and completed (& put on the www.perranplan.co.uk) Website? – KH
  1. Green Buffers
    Hendrawna Gap is only in the Appendix – RK update
  1. Settlement Boundaries
    What (if anything) needs to consider being changed given SG member observations. – RK
    Public comment changes to be dealt with post Friday the 17th of June 2022
  1. Retail Policy BER9
    What (if anything) needs to consider being changed given SG member observations. – KH
  2. AOB
    • Are hard copies of the documents planned for the team to have at the Public Exhibitions? If yes, which are wanted ?
    • The current Appendix 1 …. Blank pages at the end. Will these be the actual documents when we move to Regulation 14 stage and send these to the consultees etc ?
    • RJ draft default reply to all who have written in OK?
  3. Date of next meeting
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