Website visitors from 1st January 2019 to 30 June 2023

We can see from the Google Analytics that the Website has been visited.

We can see spikes around various stages when the Steering Group did all they can to raise awareness as to the evolution of the plan.

The Steering Group feel this shows that the promotion of the plan via:

  • Surveys and letters to all households in the parish.
  • Notices on parish notice boards, shops, cafe’s etc
  • Facebook notices (our own Facebook page and the 2 main Facebook groups for the parish).
  • Public events
  • Speaking at Parish Council meetings
  • Articles in local publications (Around Piran)
  • Posters
  • etc.

Did make those in our parish aware of the plan and it’s progress.


Website visitor charts from the 1st of January 2019 to the end of June 2023, when the plan is entering stages 15 & 16.

First the daily chart:

and then the (smooths the spikes out) weekly chart:


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