
Our intention is that as many people and organisations from Perranzabuloe Parish are involved in the areas Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) as possible. We certainly have a growing number of people discussing the many issues, on our Facebook Group which is “Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Plan Facebook Group“.

You can use our stay informed and (possibly) get involved form.

These are the currently elected lead roles of the Steering Group:

Focus Group Leads:

    • BETI (Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure) – Kevin Havill –
    • Environment & Heritage – Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak (Personal circumstances meant Chris left the Steering Group in November 2020).
    • Housing – Roger Kayes –

Full Steering Group List:

  • Kevin Havill
  • Phil Moore
  • Phillip Henwood
  • Roger Kayes
  • Rory Jenkins
  • Will Rogers
  • Andrew Bown (left the Steering Group in November 2020)
  • Linda Boylen (left the Steering Group in July 2020)
  • Christine Ashby-zwozdiak (left the Steering Group in November 2020)
  • Janine Branch (left the Steering Group in January 2019)
  • Jenny Bowden (left the Steering Group in August 2019)
  • Karen Colam (left the Steering Group in January 2020)
  • Susan Dutson (left the Steering Group in March 2021)

Declarations of Interest by the Steering Group Members

  • Andrew Bown
  • Christine Ashby-zwozdiak
  • Kevin Havill
  • Linda Boylen
  • Peter Gainsford – Parish Council representative to some meetings*
  • Phillip Henwood
  • Philip Moore
  • Roger Kayes
  • Rory Jenkins
  • Sam Boston – Parish Council representative to some meetings*
  • Susan Dutson
  • William Rogers

Background:  The Perranzabuloe NDP Steering Group decided to request that all existing and new members of the Steering Group should each make a ‘declaration of interest’.  Such an approach parallels that carried out by the Parish Council and would reflect best practice.
* This was extended to those member of the Parish Council who at any point regularly attended Steering Group meetings.

In addition to YES or NO to the questions, there is the optional ability to give more detail to the questions, as well as to make a general statement. The general approach when considering the questions is to ask the question “Do you feel this would impact you more than the average person in the parish?”


Andrew Bown

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: YES
    Conversion of a former farm building to a residential property in the parish – owned jointly by the family.
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO

Christine Ashby-zwozdiak

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: YES
    My family own a stretch of track currently earmarked for the Saints Trail.
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: YES
    I hope to see many positive  policies produced via this plan which should allow nature to flourish, our heritage to be protected, and our communities and wildlife   safeguarded from inappropriate additions to the built environment.


Kevin Havill

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: NO
    I have previously made objections to Cornwall Council about planning applications in the near vicinity of our home, primarily on the issues of loss of a County Wildlife Site and Highway Safety. I am not aware of policies being considered by the NDP which would significantly impact us negatively whilst I’m hoping that the policies adopted will provide for us and others in the parish positive benefits.
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    With significant pressure in the County from central government I see Perranzabuloe as being exposed to inappropriate development and the erosion of a landscape and local character. The NDP provides an opportunity for the local community to state what it wants and to provide necessary guidance for decision makers. Moreover I see it as a catalyst towards positive changes. My working experience as a chartered surveyor has been various types of medium and large scale development and I therefore hope my experience will add to the pool of skills in the Steering Group.

Linda Boylen

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: NO
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: YES (possibly)
    My family and I following the death of my father are considering possible re development of the site of his home. We will endeavour to ensure that this pays attention to the stated wishes of the community through the NDP.

  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    I am very strongly of the opinion that we should be aware of the needs of our disabled and elderly community members. Housing suitable for their needs is in short supply and where possible will endeavour to influence future development to take this into consideration.

Phillip Henwood

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: YES
    I have a small piece of land off of 10 Tywarnhayle Road and am applying for planning permission for it to build a new house.
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    Hopefully the land will have planning permission well before the NDP.

Peter Gainsford

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: NO
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    I have two properties:
    1 White Surf Eureka Vale, Perranporth
    Pollys Meadow, Lmbourne, Penhallow.

Philip Moore

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: YES
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: YES
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: YES
  • Personal Statement:
    I wish to help derive a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Perranzabuloe Parish that will assist in enhancing future developments, protect, sustain and enhance the natural environment and ecology, protect local heritage and help improve the vitality and growth of the local economy. We live in a beautiful coastal environment that needs preserving and enhancing for the benefit of all residents and visitors.

Roger Kayes

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: YES
    I live on Chapel Hill, off Liskey Hill, within 100m of land identified by Tregothnan Estates as land it would be happy to make available for housing, as part of Cornwall Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SCHLAA). I would be affected by development of land close to my site in terms of traffic generation and noise, although the sites are over the other side of the ridge from me and would not be visible from there.
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: YES
    Self-builder – a one-off project and so possibly not relevant here.

  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    I have had a long-standing interest in planning in Cornwall, where I grew up.   At the beginning of my working life, I worked as a professional planner for two years in a strategic planning department, but moved subsequently into environmental consultancy, so my experience in planning is limited.  Since returning to Cornwall in 2011 I have spent a considerable amount of time observing the workings of Cornwall Council planning department, particularly following the long emergence of its Local Plan and observing around 20 planning committee meetings between 2013 and 2015.

Rory Jenkins

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: NO
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    I live with my wife and young family in the Droskyn area of Perranporth.

    Neighbouring land already has planning permission, so this won’t be impacted by this NDP.

Sam Boston

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: NO
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    I am a Parish Councillor for the Perranporth Ward of Perranzabuloe Parish Council and am also a Governor at Perranporth CP school.
    I live on Droskyn Way where developments are planned on neighbouring land but have already been granted planning permission so will not be impacted by this NDP.

Susan Dutson

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: NO
    Development to the back of Droskyn Way with a proposed new road junction into Tregundy Lane
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    I live in Bolingey with my husband, we are both retired. Various small scale, single dwelling developments are taking place/have taken place around us. A larger scale development, Barham, recently had planning permission declined because of flood zone issues.

William Rogers

  • Question 1: Do you, or close family member, own (or have an interest in) land that might be significantly affected by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?   For example, do you live near sites that might be developed for housing or whose development would significantly impact on the views from your house?  
    Reply: YES
    Development to the back of Droskyn Way with a proposed new road junction into Tregundy Lane
  • Question 2: Are you, or a close family member, professionally involved in residential or commercial development (land agent, developer, builder and related) in the parish? If you have ticked ‘yes’, please specify:
    Reply: NO
  • Question 3: Do you have any other interests which could reasonably be expected to be positively or negatively impacted by policies likely to considered in the preparation of the Perranzabuloe NDP?
    Reply: NO
  • Personal Statement:
    I live on the corner of Droskyn Way & Tregundy Lane.  I am concerned about the increase of traffic in this area, as well as the potential nuisance  of a new road on the Western boundary of my bungalow.
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