1 Attendance and Apologies
No Apologies received. Fifteen people attended including twelve members of the Steering Group (listed in Appendix 1).
2 Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated 22nd April 2018
Proposed by Rory Jenkins (RJ), seconded by Will Rogers (WR), and approved unanimously.
3 Matters arising
William Rogers (WR) reported on progress on the preparation of the project plan. Certain members have had sight of the full spreadsheet, that was considered to be too detailed. WR will produce a summary spreadsheet (some 8-10 rows long) and present at the next SG meeting.
WR also reported that he has requested to withdraw the application for funding from the Co-op, since it was not possible at this stage to demonstrate a watertight financial arrangement (given that no financial officer is available in the Parish Council (PCC)). The Coop accepted our withdrawal, and invited us to reapply at a later stage when the next tranche for grants became available.
The application for Community Grant funding submission has not yet been prepared, since no firm costs have been determined. There is in the order of £9000 available subject to detailed estimates. At present the Parish Council has earmarked up to £15,000 for the NP. It was asked whether the Community Grant can be applied for retrospectively. WR will investigate.
It has been suggested by the present PPC that we could have our own bank account and cheque book, actually accounting to them. However this will be up to the new Council (elections due end May) to agree to this procedure. Karen Colam will request that an item be inserted onto the next PPC meeting to discuss this.
Roger Kayes (RK) has prepared the copy for the housing section for the forthcoming flier, and submitted these to NJ.
Michael Callan & Karen Collam have agreed to be co-opted onto the SG.
KC is to contact Cornwall Chamber of Commerce regarding the provision of a list of names and addresses of businesses in the parish.
Discussion continued regarding the planning permission for Oyster Bay development. RK will investigate the grounds upon which 365 days per year of residence can be granted for holiday homes.
Following the question at the previous meeting regarding the advertising of holiday homes with 365 days per year residence, that seemed to make them dwellings, RK asked whether Michael Callan could clarify the situation. MC pointed out that these adverts concerned the recent application by the Oyster Bay company for a new site to the north of Goonhavern, heading out toward the A30 where there is a wind turbine and that this site will allow for 365 days per year occupancy. This will not be classified as housing and there will be no affordable housing provision. Simon Jefferies suggested this was because mobile home-type developments involve only change of use of land, not development as in the construction of buildings. The BETI focus group claim them as businesses but haven’t done any work on this yet.)
A meeting was held with South West Water, primarily with the PPC. However the NDP was represented.
Rory summarised his perspective that SWW can cope with foul drainage from new developments, but they cannot cope with the ingress of storm water run off as well as the foul water. If quantities of storm water could be diverted away from the sewerage, it could free up capacity for new developments. Points of interest to the NDP were the Llanelli Memorandum of Understanding where a new developer was obliged to provide sufficient space in the sewerage by restricting a determinable amount of storm flow from the system to free up space for the new foul drainage. It is possible that a similar provision could e included in the Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Plan.
SWW will look at the ingress of Storm water into the pumping systems as well as ways of alleviating this. Storm water control is managed by the water authorities, local authorities, Environment Agency and DEFRA.
Flooding at Hendrena and Bolenna will be examined by SWW. SWW will also examine the mechanisms used to advise the community upon river spillages in the winter months. Road drainage can be alleviated by regarding around manhole covers and road cross-falls to avoid flooding of covers.
WR will contact SWW in some 6 months time.
Major expense from Water Authorities needs to be included in the Management Plans and the 5 year funding requests (presently PR19). We would need to get the work included in the PR24 (2024) funding request.
KH reported that a national list of business addresses in ‘Access’ format is available from The Cornwall Property Valuation Office. RJ can arrange for these to be transposed into Excel or equivalent format. Names of businesses however will not be available
Communications update
Details of options of designing, printing and distributing the flyer were presented by NJ and discussed (included in Appendix 2 to these minutes).
It was agreed that the distribution of Flyers should be delayed until September/October when the holiday period has passed.
It was agreed to employ Jeff Muir to design and supervise the printing of the flyers. This is based upon previous experience with other NDPs in Cornwall. An estimated sum of £4000 to allow for contingencies etc, should be allocated for the total cost of the first ‘mail shot” contingencies, poster campaign and public meetings.
5 Reports from Focus Groups
BETI (Business, Employment Transport & Infrastructure)
The next BETI meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 23rd May- i.e. one day after this meeting. Hence there is no BETI information to be included in these minutes.
The BETI group will be headed by Philip Moore in KH’s temporary absence overseas.
Environment & Heritage
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak chaired a meeting on 2nd May. Minutes are included in Appendix 3
Roger Kayes raised the issue of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds and that in the future, substantial funds could become available to the parish from this source, when the regulations are introduced in Cornwall (probably at the end of 2018). A parish that has a NDP would receive 25% of the levy of qualifying developments, mainly housing in Perranzabuloe, and this could be in the region of £10,000 per dwelling. A parish with no NDP would receive 10% less. RK has foreseen a role for the NDP process in surveying the parishioners as to their priorities for spending this money, but Michael Callan rejected this idea – it will be the PCC that decides how this money is spent.
RK summarised the housing completion data for the parish (albeit provisional prior to the publication, probably in August) provided by CC, showing the large number of housing completions in the last two years. The data are reproduced here in Appendix 4.
RK and Will Rogers reported on their perceptions during their visit to the St Agnes exhibition of the pre-submission version of their NDP, well as the enthusiasm and inspiring ideas they came away with. It was recommended that members read the report, available at http://stagnesndp.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/St-Agnes-NDP-v4-Pre-submission-version-23-4-18.pdf. (This link will be posted on the Perranplan website).
6 Project planning
This was dealt with in ‘Matters arising’.
7 Financial matters
None arising.
8 NDP Hotline
A hot line for contact will be set up. RJ is to investigate the use of a bespoke mobile that can be managed by anybody in the steering group. An ‘0345’ number will be assigned to this.
RJ assured the Meeting that under the terms of our Privacy Policy on the NDP website, it is in order to hold information solely for the progressing of the NDP. People not wishing their information to be held should advise accordingly.
8 Any other business
it was suggested that all members of the SG should read the draft St Agnes NDP, as an example of a succinct document that in some ways we might emanate.
Christine ZA is due to send out the Wildlife map to the SG. She intends to undertake the Landscape Character Assessment in the autumn.
RK reported that he had taken some photos specifically for the website and passed these on to RJ, and encouraged others to do so. In the context of St Agnes’s use of aerial photographs in their publicity material, he wondered if we should approach the person who took their shots of the five main villages in the parish, to get us similar resources. RJ advised care in paying for that, given legal complexities. Others referred to the drone photos used in the Perranporth Community Facebook page, and that perhaps we should use those.
- Items for next meeting
Discussion of the Flyer
9 Date of next meeting and closure
The next meeting will be on Wednesday the 13th June in the Parish Council offices in Perranporth.
The meeting finished at 9.45pm.
Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Plan
Appendix 1 – List of Attendees
Steering Group: | ||
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak | Karen Colam | Susan Dutson |
Kevin Havill | Rory Jenkins | Nick Joy |
Roger Kayes
Janine Branch |
Phil Moore
Michael Callan |
William Rogers
Andrew Bown
Others: | ||
Simon Jeffrey | Angela Maynard | Maxine Young |
Appendix 2 Communications update 22ndrd May 2018
- Initial Flyer:
- Meeting of FG leaders and Environmental members
- Decisions:
- A3 not A4 (Cost rise from £200 to £400),
- Decided the FG information on the flyer would not get the Public’s attention. Another approach has been discussed and needs to be drafted, then offered to a Graphic Designer.
- Space needs to be given for address and Freepost return.
- Printer ‘can’ print addresses directly to the flyer from spreadsheet
- Freepost is worth the cost
- Delivery method ‘Should’ be the Post Office
- Flyer goes out as part of a promotion campaign (posters, meetings around the parish, etc)
- Timing is very important – Get it right!
- Pay a Graphic Designer if it means getting it right
- Next Communications actions:
- Develop the flyer and get to Graphic designer.
- Provide WR with list of items to purchase for consultations
- Website
- Statement: The website is looking great. Well Done Rory & Team.
- Put SW Water meeting notes to website. Under all FG tags
- NDP Hotline
- a form of communication for people without internet
- Proposed using a spare mobile phone with a PAYG SIM card for the NDP
- It could be used just as an answering message service. Will Rogers has offered his mobile number instead of an NDP number.
- KC and RJ said they would look into the cost of 0345 numbers and VOIT(?). These numbers can then be diverted to SG members phones or voice mail messages.
- Costs of Flyer, including Postage – see spreadsheet appendix
- NJ presented estimations from two printers/Graphic Designers from my working spreadsheet.
- We need 3000 flyers for residential and 2000 for business and handouts
- Post office costs are stamps for delivery to non-Perranporth wards and Post Office flyer drop to Perranporth (all TR6 0) homes.
- This was the most cost effective postage solution that also satisfies the NDP guidelines for later scrutiny.
- A Freepost address should be set up for any postal returns.
- The Graphic Designer (Jeff Muir) estimated his costs at £500. The SG felt that this was too low and should be doubled to ensure costs are covered.
- Prevision should also be made for Posters design and publication.
- A budget of £4000 was proposed to be put to the PC.
- NJ to liaise with Jeff Muir and obtain quotations from printers
- Community Magazine Printers in Cornwall are a Parish Council magazine printers with a good eco-friendly ethos.
- Preferred option is Jeff Muir to design and Community Printing to print
Fllyer Print Costs | ||||||||
Company | No. to print | Total Cost | Print A4 | Print A3 | Arrangement | +Design | +Postage | Freepost |
Boscawen (Quote) | 2750 | £356.80 | £256.80 | £100.00 | £250.00 | £1,432.20 | £0.38 | |
Boscawen (Quote) | 2750 | £386.80 | £286.80 | £100.00 | £500.00 | £1,432.20 | £0.38 | |
Boscawen (Estimate) | 5000 | £1,121.45 | £521.45 | £100.00 | £500.00 | £1,432.20 | £0.38 | |
Parish Magazine Printing | 3000 | £235.00 | £195.00 | £40.00 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Parish Magazine Printing | 6000 | £430.00 | £390.00 | £40.00 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Parish Magazine Printing | 3000 | £430.00 | £390.00 | £40.00 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Parish Magazine Printing | 5000 | £690.00 | £650.00 | £40.00 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Freepost return @ 38p 2nd Class | ||||||||
Postage Costs | 1st @ 67p | 2nd @ 58p | Maildrop | 5% | 10% | 15% | ||
Perranporth | 1886 | £1,263.62 | £1,093.88 | £500.00 | £35.83 | £71.67 | £107.50 | |
Goonhaven | 483 | £323.61 | £280.14 | for up to | £9.18 | £18.35 | £27.53 | |
Penhallow | 253 | £169.51 | £146.74 | 7000 | £4.81 | £9.61 | £14.42 | |
Rose | 237 | £158.79 | £137.46 | Houses | £4.50 | £9.01 | £13.51 | |
2859 | 1915.53 | 1658.22 | £54.32 | £108.64 | £162.96 | |||
Freepost set up cost | £116.00 | |||||||
Preferred Option | 3000 | £2,157.30 | £390.00 | £40.00 | £500.00 | £1,064.34 | £162.96 | |
Extra for hand-outs | 2000 | £260.00 | £260.00 | |||||
£2,417.30 |
Appendix 3 Environment & Heritage update 22nd May 2018
Environment & Heritage Meeting Notes – Wednesday 2nd May 2018 7.30pm at the Tywarnhayle Inn
- Present:
- Steve Adams
- Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
- Sue Dutson
- Kevin Havill
- Nick Joy
- Roger Kayes
- Angela Maynard
- Chris apologised for having no fixed agenda as such, due to treading water until launch of fliers.
- We had a discussion regarding the omission of specific protection for county wildlife sites from the NPPF revisions and the need to respond to the consultation, however, despite this, it was agreed that these areas remain reasonably well protected and it will take several years before any revision is embedded.
- We discussed the need to utilise the CWT map, and eventually the LLCA to inform spatial planning for conservation such as linking wildlife corridors.
- Discussion ensued regarding the possibility that under the NP certain areas of land could be designated with caveats for development (i.e. having stipulations that key vulnerable sites could only be developed in certain ways).
- Discussed the Community orchard scheme in Newquay which is an amazing resource for the community, where the land was gifted to the people of Newquay by the Duchy. Perhaps a similar wealthy land owner could be persuaded to do something similar for Perranzabuloe? Mentioned that we have no allotments within the Parish and that community schemes such as these could form part of our wish list or could be cited as suitable development for certain areas of vulnerable land within the parish.
- We all had a good look at the CWT maps and more detailed analysis is available should we require it.
- Chris asked about obtaining the designation status for the grading of agricultural land. Roger said he would help with this.
- Brief discussion on the formation of settlement boundaries and the criteria we would use to do so, but was agreed that it was too early in the process without having completed the LLCA to formulate any policies on this.
- Discussions then turned to Communications (see Nick’s notes)
- Meeting concluded at around 9.30
Appendix 4 Monitoring data for housing to end March 2018
Note the data for 2017-2018 are provisional at this stage (that is, they may alter by <10).
Total Housing Completions
Housing Commitments at end of March 2018
Note this includes the 134 on Penhale Camp.