2018-01-09 Steering Group Meeting Minutes


The Chairman, Rory Jenkins welcomed everybody to the meeting. The list of attendees is appended to these minutes.

Apologies were received from Janine Branch, Peter Gaisford, Susan Griffiths & Karen Tregay.

A particular welcome was extended to Jaquie Byatt, whom as well as being a resident of Perranzabuloe, is also a Planning Officer within CC.  She is prepared to become a member of a Focus Group.

It was agreed that the meeting be recorded for the purposes of writing the Minutes only.

Resignations from the Steering Group were received from Robert Norrington (Communication lead) who wishes to concentrate upon the communication needs of the Parish Council, and Jenny Barton (Vice Chairman) who does not consider that presently she has sufficient time to take on the role.  It was agreed that these roles be opened to the whole of the Steering Group to apply for.  Mindful of this Rory and Nick will produce an initial job specification for the role, with the goal of electing new officers at the next SG meeting.  Nick Joy has agreed to continue as Acting Head of Communications for the meantime, until the formal appointment is made.

Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated 30th November,2017

Proposed by Andrew Bone, seconded by Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak and carried by the majority of the meeting.

Matters arising from meeting dated 30th November, 2017

Cornwall Council has accepted that Perranzabuloe has ‘Designated Area Status’ for the purpose of writing the Neighbourhood Plan. The defined area is the whole of the parish within the designated boundaries.

William Rogers will investigate sources of grant funding from CC, how to apply , and report at the next meeting.

Steering Group Terms of Reference

Roger Kayes re- tabled draft ‘Terms of References ‘  for discussion.  These have been revised to take account of the clarifications and additions requested at the Committee meeting on 30th November, namely:

  • Clarification of the role of the Parish Council in the process of plan preparation (Section 5).
  • Insertion of a sentence about voting out office holders (Section 6).
  • Adding two points about handling minor expenses and pre-agreed expenditure of less than £50 paid by petty cash (Section 8).
  • Minor changes to Dissolution procedures (Section 10).

The Revised Terms of Reference were sent out to all Steering Group members with the Minutes of Meeting of 30th November. Their adoption was agreed unanimously.

Communications Update accepted by the meeting.

Nick Joy gave a short PowerPoint presentation, showing his perspective of how the Communication Policy might progress.  His key points were:

  • The Consultation Statement should provide evidence that we engaged with the community
  • It is necessary to follow along the guidelines set out in CC documents.
  • It is necessary to consult with other Parishes that have completed their plan.
  • It is essential to plan well first to ensure all parishioners are included and nothing is missed.

The presentation is attached  to these minutes.  The communication is a paramount part of the Neighbourhood Plan, and supports all other activities.  RJ reiterated the importance of the openness of the process from the setting of meeting agendas to the actual comprehensive involvement of the parish with surveys, public displays and the final referendum on the acceptance of the final plan. Meetings should not be confined to the Parish rooms, but be held in other venues within the Parish.

The resignation of Robert from the Steering Group means that we cannot continue to refine  or use the Logo presented by him.

A simplified Logo  (shown overleaf) to promote the Neighbourhood Plan was presented and agreed by the meeting to be adopted. It was based on the ideas of, (in order of declining scale):

  • That we live in a coastal parish (blue sea)
  • That a neighbourhood development planning is about boundaries and zones
  • That at a personal level, most of us live in a building that gives us shelter from the natural elements.

Cornwall Council have produced a set of guidelines and comprehensive templates that should be followed throughout the process.  The Neighbourhood Plan must show that the extent of consultation is sufficiently comprehensive to represent the views of the whole of the parish. NJ outlined some of the main issues within the guidelines.

NJ outlined the extent, complexity and detailed nature of the Communication tasks.

SWOT Analysis

Kevin Havill presented a SWOT  (Strengths Weaknesses, Threats & Opportunities) analysis for Perranzabuloe.  This was enthusiastically discussed with various suggestions for additional items to be included. This forms appendix 1 to the minutes.

Formation of Focus Groups

RJ reminded the meeting that the Focus Groups set up by St Agnes parish were:

  • Housing
  • Environment
  • Communication
  • BETI (Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure)

It was agreed that we should follow the same structure with minor amendments.. Hence the initial groups to be adopted by Perranzabuloe would be-

  • Housing
  • Environment & Heritage
  • BETI

The Communication team would work in conjunction with the three FGs and as such, was not included in the list of Focus Groups.

The membership of the initial Focus Groups was agreed to be as follows, with a member of the SG taking the lead, and being responsible for reporting back to future SG meetings.  It was agreed that the coverage of individual FGs  and their changes is likely to evolve as the process proceeds.


Roger Kayes & Jacquie Byatt

Environment & Heritage

Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak (leader), Alison Wright, Susan Dutson, Angela Maynard, Jack Clark, Simon Jeffery, Lizzi  Larbalester


Kevin Havill (leader), Andrew Bown, Karen Colam, Michael Callan, Phil More, Jacquie Byatt,  Simon Jeffery.

The Focus Groups should aim to report back at the next SG meeting,

WR will clarify whether members of the PC (Michael Callan & Karen Colam) can join Focus Groups.  Michael Callan will have an ex-officio role, being both a Parish and County Councillor.

Financial Issues

Andrew Bown has agreed to continue to assist the SG with financial matters.

The cost of the production of the NP was raised. WR reported that based upon the experience of St Agnes, the whole Plan could be produced  for between £20-£30,000.  This allows for publications as part of Communications,  a small amount of professional  help, as well as a reasonable allocation of unforeseen extras.  Now that Perranzabuloe has received designated status from CC, we can apply for a grant from  ‘Locality’ .  This is a source of funding for NDP preparation, set up by Central Government.  Also, money may be available from the National Lottery as well as the Cornwall Community Foundation.  WR will report at the next meeting.

Any Other Business

Roger Kayes will provide a suggested reading list for SG members of completed, or largely complete NPs, together with a few Examiner’s reports, so that we can learn from the experience of others.  The list forms Appendix 4, and is also available on ‘Perranplan.org’

Kevin Havill has requested that the SG purchases a white board for use at meetings.  MC commented that the PC owns at least one that can be used.

Date of Next Meeting and Closure

The next SG meetings have been scheduled for Thursday 8th February, and Wednesday 7th March.  Both will take place at the Parish offices.

The meeting closed at 21h00.

Appendix 1 – Perranporth Neighbourhood Plan SWOT Analysis 8th January 2018


  • Overstretched infrastructure & services:
  • Education, Health and Sewerage
  • Traffic – seasonal & specific points (Liskey & Budnic Hill) Lack of Parking
  • The Retail Offer
  • Urban Design
  • Lack of local energy source or gas
  • Lack of desirable and truly affordable housing
  • Lack of property for commercial/employment opportunities
  • Loss of hotel accommodation and venues
  • No Chamber of Commerce


  • The Beach
  • Tourism
  • Landscape/Environment
  • Community
  • Clean Air
  • Outdoors Sports
  • Dog Friendly
  • Many small and independent businesses
  • History/heritage
  • Cottage Industries
  • Airfield


  • Pollution
  • Uncontrolled development
  • Loss of:
    • Community services (Library, museum..)
    • All year round retail and services
  • Drift towards 2# home or arcade/slot machine town
  • Social problems:
    • Youth
    • Vulnerable elderly
  • Climate Change causing beach erosion


  • Create a modern image
  • Designate areas for appropriate housing
  • Designate protected landscape areas
  • Designate areas for new businesses
    • Clusters
    • A 30 opportunities
  • Create a stronger all year economy
  • Improve Perranporth village centre
  • Make provision for the smaller communities and co-ordinate the parish as a whole
  • Sustainable use of the beach inc “Plastic Free Coastline”
  • Enhance outdoor activities
    • Footpaths /cycle tracks

Appendix 2  – 1 List of Attendees

  • Jack Clark
  • Karen  Colam
  • Angela Maynard
  • Maxine Young
  • Alison Wright
  • Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
  • Andrew Bone
  • Susan Dutson
  • Kevin Havill
  • Rory Jenkins
  • Nick Joy
  • Roger Kayes
  • Phil Moore
  • William Rogers
  • Michael Callan
  • Lizzi Larbalister
  • Jacquie Byatt
  • Daniel Rule
  • Simon Jeffery

Appendix 3  – Members of Steering Group as of

  • Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
  • Nick Joy
  • Andrew Bown
  • Andrew Kent
  • Jamine Branch
  • Phil Moor
  • Susan Dutson
  • Kevin Havill
  • William Rogers
  • Philip Henwood
  • Roger Kayes
  • Rory Jenkins

Appendix 4 Suggestion of NPs and Examiner’s Reports to look at

An initial pointer….   Roger Kayes, 18 January 2018

Cornwall Council’s website gives updated information on the progress of Cornish parishes in preparing NPs:


According to this site, there are 214 parish and town councils in Cornwall; 118 are currently engaged in preparing NPs, a figure which includes the 11 that have completed the process and whose plans are now ‘made’ (that is, adopted as part of Cornwall’s ‘Development Plan’).

1          Bude-Stratton NP and Examiner’s Report

The final NP dated February 2016 (although it includes amendments following the Examination held in December 2016):


The Examiner’s Report is available from:


You can get a sense of part of the CC process by looking at the material that went to a Committee in 2016 via:


2          Roche NP and Examiner’s Report

This CC page links to the Roche documents – the NP was ‘made’ in the summer of 2017:


3          St Ives NP and Examiner’s Report

These are lengthy documents but the NP is pretty detailed and the discussion of the Primary Residence condition interesting, particularly if we want to consider this here in Perrranzabuloe:


4          Feock NP

Feock is a much smaller and more rural parish that Perranzabuloe, but has been recommended by Jinny Clarke of St Agnes.  It has interesting detail in terms of planning policies, and I understand the NP process has benefited from the significant number of professional people with relevant experience living in the area.  They have produced a separate ‘Delivery Strategy’ and Consultation Document, both of which are well worth looking at.  Note the coverage of issues in the Delivery Strategy.


At the time of writing, the dedicated website at http://www.feockparishcouncil.co.uk/neighbourhood-plan has technical problems and is inaccessible.

5          Crantock NP

This NP went out to ‘Statutory Consultation’ in November 2017 (the 6-week period finishing in January 2018).  The plan is the ‘Proposal Document’, part way down the page.  It is particularly included here since this is a neighbouring NP.  (I haven’t looked at it in detail.)


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