Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan
BETI Focus Group
Meeting Notes
8thMarch 2018 (Parish Rooms)
Kevin Havill (Chair), Simon Jefferies, Andrew Bown, Jackie Byatt , Karen Colam (PC), Mike Callan (CC Consultant), William Rogers (PC)
Philip Moore
- The scheduled meeting was postponed to allow the BETI Focus Group join the Extaordinary Meeting of the St Agnes and Perranporth Community Network Panel (CNP) meet with Highways England (H E) to discuss the proposed A30 dualling project between Carland Cross and Chiverton Cross.
- Ken Yeo chaired the meeting with councillor representatives of the CNP, Cornwall Council (C C), H E and Ove Arup
- C C officers Guy Thomas (Localisation) and Jeremy Edwards (Highways); H E project leader Josh Hodder and representatives from Ove Arup H E’s their retained consultants presented themselves
- Josh Hodder gave a brief presentation of the project and timetable. Explained that the consultation period is to close at 12thMarch and the importance of interested parties to register on line or in writing their comments by that cut off date.
- H E plan to submit a planning application for the project in August 2018 with works planned to start in March 2020 and be fully completed in 2023. The overall budget is £290M
- The existing A30 will be handed over to Cornwall Council for operation and maintenance.
- The project includes provision for off site and ‘de-trunking’ works including that enabling access to the highway network for cyclists, walkers and horse riders.
- The meeting was then opened to the public for Q & A
- Kevin Havill (K H) on behalf of BETI explained that at the meeting on February 8thwith H E at the Methodists Church Hall, Perranporth two specific project and potential budget considerations had been made to Josh Hodder. Subsequently K H had been directed to liaise with Guy Thomas of Cornwall Council (C C) as they will be the counter party to H E. The same project considerations were addressed to the collective forum:
- The potential to create a by pass for Goonhavern by utilising what will be the old A30 to take traffic from Camborne towards Newquay and vice versa. Traffic would be directed down Scotland Road and rejoin the A3075 at Cubert Cross. Consideration within the design and an allocation of funds to facilitate these works was requested. H E open to discussion but Jeremy Edwards concerned about pre-study costs of £25000 and likely costs for necessary highway improvements. K H suggested C C should consider making this a project and applying to H E for funds whilst they could.
- The need for cycle links from Perranporth towards Newquay especially the section between Perranporth and Goonhavern. Jeremy Edwards responsed that the better funding partner likely to be Sustrans and that indeed St Agnes had made a detailed application for a cycle track and bridge at Chiverton Cross. (The implication being that works for the St Agnes project were more advanced and would be prioritised)
- There followed a number of other questions and comments from the floor.
- A common discussion point was the request that the junction at Chybucca should be made a full east west interchange as opposed to currently west facing only. Traffic flow figures prepare by Callestick Ice Cream Farm were diametrically different to those calculated by Ove Arup. This linked with the strong request from several membersof he public to redesign this junction. H E invited parties to submit their evidence and arguments and it appeared during the discussion that C C were prepared to reconsider a third corridor into Truro via Allett
- Post meeting action
- Once the Public session closed it was agreed amongst BETI members:
- To garner support for the two Perranzabuloe NDP projects:
- Feed back on the H E website should be given.
- Political support be gained by working in conjunction with neighbouring C C councillor Adrian Harvey, who expressed post meeting support.
- Political support also be gained via representation to the local MP Sarah Newton.
- Meetings be requested with the C C officers and to be arranged via Guy Thomas.
- To garner support for the two Perranzabuloe NDP projects:
- H E online comment text submitted 09-03-18:
Response ID ANON-483E-G91K-Z
A30 Chiverton Cross to Carland Cross statutory consultation Submitted on 2018-03-09 15:04:24
6 Are you responding on behalf of an organisation?
If yes, which organisation?:
Perranzabuloe Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan – Steering Group
7 Do you have an interest in land that the proposals cross?
8 Can we make direct contact with you?
A30 Chiverton to Carland Cross
11 Do you have any comments on our proposals for the Chiverton junction to Chybucca section of the scheme? (A plan of the proposals in Section A can be found in the Consultation Booklet on pages 10-13).
12 Do you have any comments on our proposals for the Chybucca junction to Zelah section of the scheme? (A plan of the proposals in Section B can be found in the Consultation Booklet on pages 14-17).
On behalf of the Business, Employment, Transport and Infrastructure (BETI) group within the Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan group we have the following observations:
– The Cornwall Plan allocates the need for over 25000 sq metres of B1 space in St Agnes and Perranporth CNA. We see limited opportunity to create employment land for industrial or logistical uses within near distance of the Carland Cross and Chiverton Cross intersections. We anticipate that there is more chance of creating employment land near the proposed Chybucca junction. Making a full east/west intersection at Chybucca would enable businesses reliant on heavy and or through traffic to service their needs or customers to locate there. This would also enable businesses inappropriately or poorly located elsewhere within the CNA to relocate to a more advantageous location.
– The existing businesses within short distance of the proposed Chybucca junction call for this junction to include feeder/slip roads from both the east and west. Currently it is planned to only have slip roads serving traffic coming from or to the west. This would also be a benefit for tourist and visitor traffic which is a vital part of the local economy.
– We are also keen to create a network of cycle tracks to compliment the excellent selection of footpaths we have in the locality. We ask, therefore, that consideration be made in the design and budget for the safe and easy passage of cyclists across the existing and proposed A30 trunk roads travelling from the expanding dormitory areas of Perranporth and Goonhavern towards Truro via Callestick/Marazanvose and Zelah.
– We understand that there is a budget for off site projects and those associated with the de-trunking of the existing A30. Moreover that it is a stated intention to encourage and facilitate through specific defined projects routes for cyclists/walkers/equestrian within the existing road network and new routes to complement the existing. We therefore request that design and budget provision be made to assist the creation of tracks suitable for traffic not best suited on narrow and fast lanes such as cyclists, joggers, walkers, riders from Perranporth to Newquay via Goonhavern and Perranporth to Truro via Goonhavern.
13 Do you have any comments on our proposals for the Zelah to Carland Cross junction section of the scheme? (A plan of the proposals in Section C can be found in the Consultation Booklet on pages 18-21).
See answer to Q16
Preliminary environmental information
14 Do you have any comments on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report?
15 Do you have any comments on the mitigation that we are proposing, or any other suggestions for mitigation?
The existing A30
16 Do you have any comments on what will happen to the existing A30 after the new A30 is built? (Please note: although we won’t be doing these things as part of the new A30, we will pass any comments on to Cornwall Council).
On behalf of the Business, Employment, Transport and Infrastructure (BETI) group within the Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan group we have the following observations:
– With the creation of the new A30 there will we understand be an expected 70% reduction of traffic on the existing A30. This would create an opportunity to use what will be then a rather over specified road to reroute traffic from Chiverton Cross towards Newquay that currently passes through Goonhavern. This would require use of a road known locally as Scotland Road and which would require some improvement work including a bridge or improvement to the existing bridge over a dismantled railway track.
The benefits would be: - Reduced travel time from Chiverton to Newquay - A significantly safer traffic route including the existing intersections along the A3075 - The opportunity to create traffic calming in Goonhavern - The reduction in pollution within residential areas - The opportunity to create a safer traffic intersection at Cubert Cross We request that the design work for the current A30 proposals anticipate and accommodate this altered local traffic network. Also that funds for the necessary pre studies, design and implementation works be allocated.
– We understand that there is a budget for off site projects and those associated with the de-trunking of the existing A30. Moreover that it is a stated intention to encourage and facilitate through specific defined projects routes for cyclists/walkers/equestrian within the existing road network and new routes to complement the existing. We therefore request that design and budget provision be made to assist the creation of tracks suitable for traffic not best suited on narrow and fast lanes such as cyclists, joggers, walkers, riders from Perranporth to Newquay via Goonhavern and Perranporth to Truro via Goonhavern.
17 Do you have anything you think we will need to consider as we develop our construction plans further?
That traffic management will enable the free flow of traffic for through traffic road users during construction to prevent endless traffic jams. Also that attention is paid to the safety of users of the small road network because of the increase in traffic seeking to avoid construction hold ups.
18 Do you have any other comments on our proposals for the A30 Chiverton to Carland Cross scheme?
19 How did you hear about this consultation? (Please choose all that apply)
Media articles, Leaflet through the post, Email, Word of mouth
Other (please specify)::