2018-10-16 Steering Group Meeting

Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development  Plan

Steering Group Meeting – Minutes

Wednesday 16th October 2018

1. Attendance and Apologies

Apologies were received from Janine Branch, Phil Moore & Andrew Bown. Eight people, including 7 from the Steering Group attended. (Listed in Appendix 1).

2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated dated 22nd April 2018

Proposed by Rory Jenkins (RJ), seconded by Roger Kayes and approved unanimously.

3. Matters arising

It was proposed by KC, seconded by RK that RJ set up the new NDP hotline for contacting the NDP by the general public. Its number will be 01872 463572.

Linda Boylen has requested to become actively involved with the SG. This was welcomed by the SG. Similarly, she is to become a member of the Housing Focus Group.

4. Communications update

Details of timings for the Flyer and of public meetings were confirmed. These are as follows: _

  • Design Completed mid October
  • Printing and Distribution Completed 10th November
  • Public Meetings: _
    • Goonhavern Tuesday 20th November
    • Perranporth Wednesday 21st November
    • Blackwater (Chiverton Arms) Tuesday 27th November

The remainder of the meeting was an analysis of the draft flyer as produced by Jeff Muir (Design Consultant responsible for producing the flyer and poster).

5. Reports from Focus Groups

None – see item 4.

6 Project planning

No discussion.

7 Financial matters

None arising.

8 Any other business

It was suggested that the NDP is represented at the Christmas Market. WR has booked a space with the organisers

9. Items for next meeting

The Flyer and public meetings.

9 Date of next meeting and closure

The next meeting will be decided in line with the publication of the Flyer as well as the scheduled public meetings.

The meeting finished at 9.45pm.

Appendix 1 – List of Attendees

Michael Callan (PPC Representative)

Steering Group
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
Kevin Havil
Rory Jenkins
Roger Kayes
Linda Boylen
Karen Colam
William Rogers

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