In late 2021 we prepared a 2 page update letter that was posted to all households in the parish.
The text of this letter is below. A PDF copy of the letter is here.
This lead to a predictable increase in visitors numbers to the NDP Website.
March 2022 update:
You can see from the chart below that over time, site visitor numbers returned to the sub 10 a day after the letter update:
Looking longer term, there are peaks and troughs to Website visitor numbers.
Text of the letter sent out to all households in January 2022:
To all Residents and Businesses in Perranzabuloe Parish
Perranzabuloe Parish Council initiated work on a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the Parish in November 2017.
An NDP, when adopted (or “made”), sits alongside the Cornwall Council Local Plan. This means that its policies carry real weight (i.e., have “teeth”) in the planning system, with its recommendations and policies being used to help determine planning applications within the Parish.
The community and business surveys were undertaken in the Summer of 2019 by the NDP Steering Group (which comprises of volunteer members of the local community and Parish Councillors). Subsequently, they have been busy working on the content of the draft NDP.
Work has included undertaking studies and completing factual information on topics including, but not limited to, housing, settlement boundaries, heritage, local green spaces and landscape value. This work is important to support the planning policies in the draft NDP. Using Government funding, they have also commissioned, two documents which will form part of the NDP itself, namely a Design Code for the Parish to ensure that any future housing development in the future meets local requirements for design, and a Masterplan for Perranporth. This identifies key project proposals that could come forward to enhance the village centre, and its role in supporting the local economy, as well as the needs of local residents and visitors alike.
Where are we now?
There will be a full public consultation in the Spring of 2022. You, as residents and businesses of the Parish, will get the opportunity to discuss the NDP with the Steering Group members who have led the work. You will also be able to comment on the NDP’s content. Assuming there are no Covid-19 restrictions in place there will be a public exhibition. The draft NDP has been sent to Cornwall Council for an initial review and to consider if the NDP requires any further sustainability tests to meet Government planning regulations. The consultation in the Spring will also give us the opportunity to consult a mandatory list of statutory and strategic consultees outside of the Parish.
The NDP is the Community’s Plan and it is therefore important that the NDP continues to be shaped by your views as well as the studies and earlier consultations undertaken. We encourage you to look at the draft NDP, as well as the Design Code, Masterplan, and the accompanying evidence base studies. All documents are available on the project website at
If you have any comments to make on the NDP prior to the full public consultation in the Spring, the NDP Steering Group will be happy to hear from you:
- Email –
- Telephone – 07507 2787 904
Post – NDP, Perranzabuloe Parish Council, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth, TR6 0DB.