Pre 2021-11-01 meeting notes for a presentation to the Perranzabuloe Parish Council to give them an update:
Getting Here
- We started in late 2017, getting our required formal Cornwall Council Designation on the 29th November 2017.
- Our 2018 to 2019 meetings tended to have 10 or more members of the Steering Group and 2 or 3 others.
- Early meetings we had 20+ attendees and most of the 14 Steering Group members.
- Over time, we lost several key contributors, and took on some key consultants who’s contributions have been
invaluable. Most important has been Stuart Todd of Stuart Todd Associates Ltd & Lucy Wilson Richards of Tirwel. - We’ve had consistent, support and help from our Perranzabuloe Parish Council, in particular the parish clerk,
Tatiana Cant. - We’ve had amazing support, work, help and input from so many.
- The core group of volunteers that attended almost all meetings since 2017, that have done the most work, are
listed, alphabetically below. If this core had not stuck with it, the project would have collapse.
o Kevin Havill
o Phil Moore
o Phillip Henwood
o Roger Kayes
o Rory Jenkins
o William Rogers
Achievement Summary
An NDP lays out what we can evidence the community wants in terms of nudging the planning process to protect what the
community values and sees as special.
It looks to enhance existing provision of facilities and assets and provide support for additional facilities and development
subject to being a response to demand and local needs, while ensuring that there is no adverse impact on the things that
are valued the most in our natural and built environments.
- The main 120 page document covers many themes including:
- Climate Change
- Sustainable Development
- Waste, including waste water
- Design
- Natural Environment, Landscape and Coastal Management
- Identifying and protecting the environment, including,
- Settlement gaps & green buffers
- Local Green Spaces, Views & Vistas
- Coastal Change Management Plan
- Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment. Identifying and giving protection to these.
- Traffic & Transport including parking
- Business, Employment and Retail, including Tourism
- Identifying and protecting the environment, including,
Headline Policies
Primary Residence Policy
If successful, on for the Parish Council planning group to keep an eye on re applications.
Settlement Boundaries around Perranporth, Bolingey & Goonhavern.
Development outside of these areas will meet more challenging requirements.
Policy 8 in the Cornwall Local Plan says 6+ dwellings must contribute toward affordable housing need. From 6‐10 units, a
financial contribution in lieu of on‐site provision will be acceptable, from 11 upwards, must contribute to meeting affordable
Policy 9, Rural Exceptions Sites, there is no size limit to which the policy for 50% affordable housing applies.
Headline Documents
- Perranzabuloe Design Code
- Perranporth Strategic Masterplan
All Policies
The 120 page main document has all of the detail.
The consultation summary leaflet has a cut down version of all the policies, where the section headings are:
• Sustainable Development
• Housing
• Natural Environment, Landscape and Coastal Management
• Energy and Wastewater
• Traffic and Transport
• Leisure & Wellbeing
• Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment
• Business, Employment and Retail
• Tourism