Perranporth NDP, BETI – Meeting #6
Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan – BETI Focus Group
Notes: 23th May 2018 (Parish Rooms)
Kevin Havill – Chair (KH), Philip Moore – Vice Chair (PRM), Mike Callan – CC Consultant (MC), Andrew
Bown (AB), Simon Jefferies (SJ), Karen Colam – Parish Council Rep (KC), Nick Joy (NJ)
Apologies:, Roger Kayes, William Rogers – Parish Council Rep (WR), Jackie Byatt (JB), Richard Mocke
(RM) Tanya Mocke (TM)
Resumé of BETI group progress so far:
- 1# meeting had been to decide what BETI included
- 2# meeting had developed vision and tested concepts
- 3# meeting had been an extraordinary participation in the A30 Carland Cross to Chiverton Cross public meeting
- 4# meeting had been to decide how issues affecting BETI interests should be communicated
- 5# meeting formation of a working group to assist Nick Joy create the NDP flyer
Notes of the previous meeting on 23th April 2018
- Approved
Communication – NDP Flyer Production
- External professional graphic designer Geoff Muir (GM) to be engaged (via NJ)
- KC and PRM to support NJ with Flyer drafts
- NJ to draft a text brief for GM
- Webpage – What have NDP’s done for us?
- Ask WR to communicate with Guy Thomas – asking for feedback on previous flyers by Geoff Muir.
South West Water Meeting (SWW) discussions
- Statements or policies to improve conditions of waste water (these are what Developers would need to achieve with the Parish developments) e.g. separation of waste water sources in particular locales.
- Issues that should specifically be addressed (in terms of water management and flood risk).
- Supplementary information…..
- Use of ‘memoranda of understanding’ encouraged by SWW.
- Surfers against sewage pressing for extending the bathing water season.
- SJ volunteered to work with WR to draft a briefing note on what we need to achieve regarding future water management and flood risk aversion.
- SWW have Investment Periods PR19 (Price Review 19) – just about to start. We possibly have opportunity to influence PR23?
- North Coast cluster group….
- Network Communication Group – possibility for parishes on North Coast to work together (e.g. St Agnes; Crantock; Cubert; Perranzabuloe and Newquay).
Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) – current bar was set too low e.g. Ponsmere Development proceeded
- Could Parish invest in strengthening the existing Shoreline Management Plan?
- SMP is NOT statutory requirement in terms of planning.
- Perranporth is a Coastal Change Management Area (CCMA) referenced in SMP.
- NDP can include CCMA.
– Aside1: NDP should include:
– Public spaces
– Housing spaces
– Innovation / Development spaces
Aside2: SJ offered to do presentation to NDP SG + Parish Council
Aside 3: 66 residential properties currently at risk of flooding in Parish
Aside 4: Surf Club at risk (as is Wateringhole)
Business List
- Valuation Office Commercial list sourced for TR6 by KH (also TR4 and TR8) approx. 350 businesses listed.
- Needs Microsoft Access expertise.
- Relevant post codes for Parish.
- SJ to provide post codes and a mapping for the Parish.
- Business Hub opportunities in the Parish discussed (e.g. possibly in the current Parish Rooms)