2019-04-10 Steering Group Meeting

Steering Group Meeting 10th April 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1       Public Participation

No members of the public attended.

2       Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Linda Boylen, Susan Dutson, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins, Roger Kayes, William Rogers

Observer: Michael Callam

Karen Colam, Andrew Bown & Phil Moore tendered apologies

3       Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 12th March 2019

The minutes were approved: proposed by RJ, seconded by RK, and accepted unanimously.

4       Matters arising


5       Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

This was not discussed, but will be a subject of the meeting on Thursday 16th May

6       Reports from Focus Groups

HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

  • There was no Focus Group meeting since that recorded in last SG meeting (12th March 2019).
  • RK, KH & WR attended a meeting with Imogen Day generally discussing the NDP
  • RK, WR and members of the PCC attended a ‘Meet the Planners’ presentation.  Perranzabuloe falls under Cornwall Council Area 4 .  The planners covering our parish are Tim Marsh and Glenn Lowe, under the leadership of Jeremy Content.  RK will arrange a meeting with these people.
  • RK raised for discussion the idea of exploring the merits of the allocation a large housing site in the NDP, against the background of several sources promoting the benefits to the community of such an approach. MC offered to arrange a meeting with Tim Marsh for an initial exploration of aspects of this option.  It was agreed that such an approach would, if adopted, carry the risk of rejection of the entire NDP at referendum stage, given the hostility within the parish to new large housing sites.

BETI- Report by Kevin Havill

See Appendix 1.

Environment & Heritage – Report by Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak

Two Local Landscape Characteristic Assessments (LLCA’s) have so far been completed, one for ‘The Girt in Perrancoombe, and the other at Callestick – both are examples of steep valley sides. Turn-out was good and Sue Dutson has collated the data collection forms into singe typed documents.

It was noted that Kathryn Statham, who fronts this initiative on behalf of Cornwall Council is prepared to undertake the work commercially on a Freelance basis.  Chris was asked to investigate this further, so that the SG can assess this, complete with indicative costing.

Chris and Sue intend to investigate involving the children at our local primary schools, Perranporth and Goonhavern with the LLCA process so that we can evidence participation and engagement with a wider demographic of the parish. This may well also aid participation and encourage greater uptake with the forthcoming survey.

A further meeting to decide where next to arrange LLCA’s will be arranged.


The first draft of the Questionnaire is expected from the designers (Jeff Muir).  Comments have been received from various SG members, and some early corrections obtained.  These will be included in the draft, and then it will be sent to Phil Moore for a final independent check.  It is hoped to subsequently return these to Jeff Muir immediately after, so that these can be forwarded to the printer immediately after Easter.  Distribution to the parishioners is expected to be at the beginning of May.

All people who showed interest in the NDP will be asked by email to entice at least 5 of their friends to complete the form.

Additional forms and a deposit box will be available at Perranporth Sub-Post office; Londis Store, Goonhavern; Callestick Farm, and the Chiverton Arms.

Notices will be placed in shop windows, on notice boards around the Parish, as well as other visible locations.  It is possible that banners will be displayed in Perranporth.

WR will attempt to obtain another grant from ‘Localities’ to partially cover this exercise.

The initial idea of cream teas and ice creams for parishioners has been abandoned due to lack of people who can organise the day, and doubt about the number of people who would attend as well as doubts regarding its usefulness in getting more questionnaires completed.

7       Administration and Background Organisational Matters


8            Amendment of Terms of Reference and Declarations of Interests (DOI)

These were not discussed, but will form an early agenda item in the May SG meeting

9       Financial Matters

WR will attempt to get a grant from ‘Communities’ to cover the questionnaire and its distribution.

WR stated that money is available in the National Lotteries Community fund.  Thought must be given to future expenditure (eg help with Landscape Character assessment, and professional help (eg policy drafting).

10    Any other Business


11    Items for next meeting

Discussion of the  Format of Steering Group Meetings,

12    Dates of future meetings for 2019

  • Thu 16th May
  • Tue 11th Jun
  • Wed 10th July
  • Thu 15th Aug
  • Tue 10th Sep
  • Wed 16th Oct
  • Thu 14th Nov
  • Tue 10th Dec

Appendix 1            Report from BETI

On 18th March BETI hosted a special meeting in conjunction with Douglas Boden and Patrick Polglase, officers from Cornwall Council who presented plans for the cycle network announced in a few weeks earlier. BETI had previously lobbied for -site money from the Highways England A30 Carland to Chiverton for cycle tracks. Highways England and Cornwall Council have allocated £19m for a system of four new cycle tracks including one from Perranporth to Newquay via Goonhavern. This track will link to others opening up a significant system. Design work is ongoing but the intention is to use as far as possible the old railway route diverting where necessary. The Camel Trail was quoted as the benchmark and Cornwall Council have the ambition that there will be significant health, recreation and economic benefits. We are asked by Cornwall Council to stay in contact and assist with design and routing input.

On the 3rd April at County Hall, Kevin Havill met Rebecca Cohen, the officer responsible for co-ordinating the OCSI reports at Cornwall Council and given the chance to check the underlying mapping data. Data is not collected on a parish basis but derived by merging that from smaller sub areas. It was possible to see that the current report accurately follows our parish boundary and is therefore reliable.

Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) is a spin-out research consultancy from the Social Disadvantage Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Cornwall Council are subscribers to OCSI and we have been encouraged to make use of the OCSI findings. We commend all members of the steering and focus groups read this report as it is a useful analysis of the parish’s population, housing, health and work. It identifies issues we could seek to address.

Rebecca Cohen also has responsibilities for the group dealing with Health and Well-being matters. Further information regarding these issues is to be supplied by the council and BETI will include these within its area of interest co-opting members of the community to assist.

On 9th April the group met primarily to discuss the questionnaires and in particular the business one and to review the OCSI Insight report.

The objective of business questionnaire is that garner information to understand how the economy in Perranzabuloe works and be able to make provision to allow successful enterprises flourish in future. Moreover we are required to think about both the dormitory and working populations in Perranzabuloe.

Obtaining information about individual businesses located in the parish hasn’t been easy but matching the Valuation Office records against a listing of all post codes derived from the public questionnaire has produced more than anticipated a list of approx. 630 individual addresses. This of course doesn’t include people who are using their homes as workplaces .

It is requested that funding be allocated to enable the production, circulation and if necessary analysis of this questionnaire.  This is  likely to be in excess of £1000. A more precise costing will be made.

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