Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth
1 Public Participation
2 Attendance and Apologies
SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Linda Boylen, Sue Dutson, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), Roger Kayes, William Rogers, Andrew Bown, Michael Callan(part), Phil Moore, Sam Boston.
Keith Everest (member of public).
Philip Henwood tendered apologies.
There has still been no reply from Andy Kent.
3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 10th September 2019
The minutes (prepared by Susan Dutson) were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes – approved by Rory Jenkins, seconded by William Rogers.
4 Matters Arising
Nothing outstanding to report
5 Declaration of Interest
Outstanding Declaration of interest forms are still required from Sam Boston, Peter Gaisford, Andrew Bown, Karen Colam, Janine Branch and Phil Moore.
Rory will email the form again to those members of the SG whom had not yet responded.
6 Discussion of the Public Meetings held in October, and the way forward
A total of 888 questionnaires were received and analysed. Reporting to the Community took place at two public meetings in October in Goonhavern and Perranporth. Rory has assessed the comments included on the questionnaire to ensure that no details included that would identify households, as required by GDPR. Comments that recurred included, second homes policy, dog fouling, livestock and travellers at Cligga, Lack of enforcement on buildings, hatred of large developments, and the skate park. The comments will be included on the Website.
Considerable discussion followed as how to address the specific comments in terms of policy development, particularly comments on planning enforcement.
7 Questionnaire (Business)
Approximately 550 questionnaires were sent out of which 84 were returned. The survey was meant to close on 15th November. It was decided to keep the survey open until 31 December, in the hope of attracting more replies.
8 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups
Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)
Roger briefly reported on the actions agreed on at the recent meeting of the Housing Focus Group held on Monday 12th November. Seven people attended (including Michael Callan for an hour). The target of preparing draft policies for public presentation in April or May was generally agreed upon. Issues covered included:-
- perspectives of the public meetings held in October on the survey results:
- Permanent Residence Policy:
- starting on the preparation of Settlement Boundaries and the process involved, including the use of GIS:
- the possibility of engaging in a character assessment of parts of the village, as illustrated by the work of St Agnes parish:
- open space issues, and the possibility of commissioning or undertaking of a survey of Goonhavern:
- future meetings to include seminar-like discussions on affordable housing. This will occur at the next meeting, and subsequently on accessibility of housing.
The next Housing FG meeting is arranged for December 2nd.
BETI (Kevin Havill)
The BETI group had recently met on 30th October, the first time since May.
The group has agreed the future program of work:
- Combine the results from the public and business questionnaires (to date) into a document
- Compare the results with the NDP draft policies and statements prepared in the spring. Edit, replace and complement as necessary.
- Undertake a series of external 3 part meetings to further strengthen the evidential base (including Cornwall Council teams dealing with All Saints multitrack / Chiverton Cross Strategic Planning /Drainage, The Community Network, Area 4 town planners, and South West Water)
In terms of financial resources, it is expected we will call for funding to complete the formal drafting of NDP policies and statements and any mapping required to go with these – no immediate requirements.
The group has also started a sub-group to deal with topics appropriate to the NDP that would fall under the heading of Wellbeing. This group consists of four volunteers – Linda Boylen, Sally Turner, Nikki Kelly and Keith Everest.
Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)
There were sadly no returns for the ‘What I love most about Perranzabuloe’ posters in an attempt to engage the youth in the LLCA process.
CAZ wishes to be steered as to whether the drawing up of E & H policies takes priority over completion of the Local Landscape Character Assessment. Both were considered as of equal importance. CAZ will assess her work load, and consider, if necessary, employing a specialist consultant (Kath Statham) to assist.
9 Administration and Organisational Matters
No issues
10 Financial Matters
No issues
11 Any other Business
It was agreed to aim to hold ‘drop in’ consultation days in Perranporth and Goonhavern in April/May 2020, to gather feedback on emerging policies, prior to preparing the draft, pre-submission NDP.
After extended discussion on the Permanent Resident Policy, the following proposal by Rory, seconded by Roger, was agreed unanimously:
Emerging direction of policy: Primary Residence Policy (PRP)
We believe the survey and public meetings showed a strong and majority desire for our Neighbourhood Development Plan to include a Primary Residence Policy (PRP), so we intend to include this. As the survey indicated that we would consult further on the PRP issue, here is more information about the potential implications. We would very much like to receive ongoing feedback on this information, in particular, if this means you have changed your mind and you now feel we should or should not have a PRP in our NDP.
A Focus Group Heads meeting will be held before the next meeting in December, together with Rory & William. WR will send out a ‘Doodle poll’.
Michael Callan agreed to assist in the drawing up of Settlement Boundaries.
Michael Callan advised the meeting that CC has very recently re arranged their Planning Enforcement team. Enforcement and Planning now fall under one department in an area team – in the case of Perranzabuloe, Area 4. RK has written to Jeremy Content (head of Area 4) with a list of questions. Chris & Kevin asked to be circulated with the list.
The Groups should consider Community Land Trusts, which can provide more affordable housing for locals than conventional, developer-led projects, where 50% of new builds are reserved for affordable housing. Community Land Trust training is available. Several people expressed an interest in attending.
12 Dates of future meetings in 2019/2020
Tuesday 10th December
Dates in 2020 are to be decided at the December meeting.