Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting
Friday 07th February 2020
Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth
1 Public Participation
2 Attendance and Apologies
SG members: Linda Boylen, Philip Henwood , Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), William Rogers, Roger Kayes, Phil Moore & Andrew Bown
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Sue Dutson, and Michael Callan tendered apologies.
Adrian Harvey (County Councillor for Goonhavern) attended.
3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 7th January 2019
The minutes were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes –
William Rogers still has to contact Janine Branch to determine whether she wishes to remain on the Steering Group (Repeat Minute)
4 Matters Arising & Declaration of Interest
Nothing outstanding to report
Outstanding Declaration of Interest forms are still required from, Karen Colam, and Janine Branch
5 Questionnaire (Business)
No report
6 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups
Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)
Roger reported that he had had a further email exchange with Noreen Jefferies, Cornwall Council’s Rural Housing Enabler, regarding her interest in coming along to the SG to talk about what CC has to offer to rural communities wishing to undertake small-scale housing projects to provide housing for local needs. Rory asked whether she might be able to suggest a specific NDP policy in this regard, possibly aimed at encouraging local groups in the more rural southerly parts of the parish to come forward to promote such projects, depending of course on planning considerations. Roger agreed to ask her about this. The feeling of the meeting was that otherwise, this was probably something that the SG wouldn’t pursue at this juncture.
Preparation of settlement boundaries had been delayed by the illness of Michael Callan but would get underway shortly, at least in Goonhavern.
BETI (Kevin Havill)
No report
Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)
No report
7 Any other Business
7.1 Meeting with Stuart Todd Associates to appoint a Policy Writing Expert practice
William had previously contacted Stuart Todd Associates- a firm of repute and known to the Clerk, who specialises in compiling the Neighbourhood Development Plans, with involvement in more than 40 to date at various levels including several in Cornwall. He has produced a price in the order of £10,000 (inc VAT which can be passed on) to compile our document. This will be subject to variation when he is more aware of the extent of work involved, in compiling all in the same style and format. The offer was accepted in principle, however, if the price is within 10% of this value, he can be formally employed to undertake the work. If more, it will need to be reconsidered by the Steering Group.
It is hoped that policies from the Focus Groups can be drafted by the end of the month. RJ will set up a discreet Dropbox for all submissions and correspondence. The number of policies expected to date are:-
Roger Kayes (Housing) – 3
Linda Boylan (Housing) – 4
Kevin Havil (BETI) – 40
Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak (E&H) – 10
RK enquired about the budget.
WR commented that to date the Group had spent in the order of £16,000, less a grant of £7,500, giving net spend of around £8,500. This figure is significantly less than the Council’s precepted figure of £15,000. The PC has earmarked £20,000 for the 2020-2021 precept
RJ is pursuing the possibility of linking the provision of Passive Housing with the PRP.
Post meeting Note: WR informed the PC at their meeting on 10th February who ratified this decision,
7.2 Meeting with Cornwall Council and the EA to discuss Flooding issues
The Focus group leads, RK, WR, Dave Watkins, Flood & Coastal Strategic Resilience Lead Cornwall Council, together with Simon Jeffries & Justin Ridgewell from the EA.
The main thrust of the Meeting was to discuss the implications of the Shoreline Management Plan for Perranporth, in terms of coastal erosion and flooding.
The following points were discussed.
- Coastal erosion can be expected along the strip of land adjacent to the beach
- With a 1:200 storm, in excess of 70 houses are presently at risk of flooding.
- Residential buildings should be designed to survive a 1:100 year storm event, with commercial buildings surviving a 1:30 year event.
- It might be prudent to consider allowing the beach car park to return to dunes in the distant future, as opposed to the car park as at present and hard sea defences.
- The EA and Cornwall Council will assist in the writing of the policies directing at flooding
- The EA have GIS files for mapping of the erosion zones that they will make available to the NDP.
7.3 Additional issues
A meeting is to be arranged with Noreen Jefferies to discuss the promotion of rural housing needs, the possibility of a Community Land Trust and identification of specific land
The meeting with Jeremy Content either with Robert Lacey, or on his own still needs to take place specifically to consider land issues and development near to the A30.
8 Dates of future meetings in 2020
The Next SG meeting will be Tuesday 10th March 2020.
Date of next SG meeting rescheduled to Thursday 12th March