Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting – 7th March 2018
Attendance and Apologies
The Chairman, Rory Jenkins welcomed everybody to the meeting. The list of attendees is appended to these minutes. Two new members of the public (Alfred Marcus & Gary Crossley) came to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Philip Moore.
Jack Clark has resigned from the Steering Group.
Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated 8th February 2018
Proposed by Roger Kayes, seconded by Nick Joy and carried unanimously by the meeting.
Matters arising from meeting dated 8th February 2018
No Issues
Communications (Nick Joy)
New Logo acceptance.
Proposed by RJ, seconded by KH that the new logo would be used, with the strap line ‘Improving our Parish for All’ added. This was carried unanimously by the meeting.
Communications Strategy
The first draft of the Communications Strategy Document had been circulated. It was agreed that this is the first draft, and as such is a Working document. It will develop as the project proceeds. . A flow chart will be added. The timings in the document are generic.. Will Rogers is producing a project plan. This will need approving. The Communications strategy indicative timings may be amended to reflect the main timing plan.
Communications Emails
Email forwards or Imap email accounts where required are being set by RJ in the form of He will confirm when all emails are in place.
RJ to develop as soon as possible.
RJ will meet up with NJ over site structure and other aspects.
Next Communications actions:
NJ outlined his immediate action as follows: –
- Talk to publishers – posters/flyers etc
- Begin working on the first public engagement flyer with FGs
- Call a meeting of the FG leaders to formulate a content
- Review the logistics of distribution
- Mail shot/Hand delivery/Combination of the two
- Returns freepost address & Drop off points in strategic points in the community.
Estimated Communications Timings
It is expected that the 1st Engagement flyer will be distributed during April/May depending on assistance that is available.
Consultations will proceed involving everyone throughout 2018, especially the Focus groups
The main Community Survey will be programmed to be actioned during Jan/Feb 2019
It is essential to represent the NDP at all possible events throughout the Parish. Suggested events included Garden Shows, Christmas Market, Carnival etc.. The use of a bus belonging to one of the PC members may be available for use by the group.
Groups were asked to email their meeting write-ups to RJ and NJ so that these can be added to the Website
Reports from Focus Groups
Housing (Roger Kayes)
Roger Kayes apologized that he has not yet produced the discussion document prior to holding the Housing Focus Group’s first meeting. It is his intention to prepare a document outlining the possibilities in the housing area, as a basis for consulting with the community over what it wishes to see happen. Such opportunities are strongly constrained by rather complex planning regulations and practices – e.g. as seen at work in planning committee decision-making. The plan is to get the document out, by March 17th, for consultation with people more knowledgeable than him, and following that will arrange a meeting with people who have expressed an interest in this area.
There was some discussion about the government changes announced on Monday, 5th March, particularly the government’s approach to increasing housing supply through planning. The meeting discussed the draught revision to the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) and associated guidance, and possible implications for the NP. One issue discussed concerned the possibility that in the future it may be important to update the NDP, or parts of it to keep it current, given proposals in the draft revised NPPF.
RK reminded the meeting of the potential for the parish attracting considerable funds in the future from CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) payments, with the parish eligible for 25% of all such payments that arise within the parish, once it has an approved NDP. It was pointed out that the key role of the neighbourhood plan could be to get the parish’s perspective on which projects it would like these funds to be spent on in the future. If the rates proposed by Cornwall Council for this area do pass unaltered into the CIL framework to be adopted in the autumn of 2018, then for a standard-sized, 100m2 new house, the parish could expect £2,500 funds to be forthcoming.
RK also reported that he is exploring with Cornwall Council the possibility for including a policy in the NP against developing additional major sites in the parish. If this is not a prospect, given the frequent advice that a NDP can’t stop development, then there is little point in raising this as a possibility in our consultation material. He reported the suggestion from a planning consultant that this might be possible if there were good evidence that this would cause ‘harm’ to the community, such as in terms of foul drainage and school places. These was discussion as to whether such issues might best be addressed through phasing provisions in any plan.
BETI (Business, Employment Transport & Infrastructure) (Kevin Havill)
The principal activity reported was the meeting with Highways England on the 8th February when they held a public consultation day event at Perranporth Memorial Hall concerning the proposed new section of the A30 to be constructed between Carland Cross and Chiverton Cross.
Philip Moore and Kevin Havill represented the BETI group and meet with the Highways England project managers and retained consultants Arup.
The existing section of the A30 between these points is planned to be ‘de–trunked’. There is provision in the project for off site works and Section106 payments to Cornwall Council for specific projects. Highways England want these projects defined very soon as their consultation period ends 12th March.
Rerouting traffic around Goonhavern and creating a cycle track from Perranporth towards Newquay were two specific items discussed in principal. It was agreed that both could potentially be projects able to benefit from the funds to be allocated.
It was agreed that further discussion should include Cornwall Council as they are Highways England’s counter party.
Guy Thomas has arranged an extraordinary Community Network Panel meeting at Perranporth Parish Council offices 18:30 to 20:30, 8th March at which Highways England will present to the Parish Council and take a Q & A session. The BETI group has been invited to attend and this replaces the previously planned meeting.
Environment & Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)
No formal meetings have been held since the last meeting due to adverse weather causing cancellation.
CAZ .is planning to carry out surveys for the Local Landscape Character Assessment simultaneously with the Local Village Characteristic Assessment.
CAZ requested authority to purchase the Wildlife Resource Map from ORKS (price £80 plus VAT) Proposed by RJ, seconded WR carried unanimously.
Financial Issues
A £500 grant has been awarded to the NDP by the Perranporth Garden Charities.
The Co-operative Community Group funding scheme is requesting that organisations may apply for the next tranche of funding due to start from 28th October 2018. Applications need to be made before 22nd April. 2018. WNR will progress this.
Application for Community Grants can only be made when actual future expenditure has been identified. The grant should be spent within 6 months of award. A total of £9,000 is available over the length of the project. It is suggested that some £3,000-£4,000 should aim to be applied for in April 2018.
Any Other Business
It was noted that meetings were recorded to assist in the formation of the minutes. It was proposed by RK, seconded by RJ that the recordings should be deleted after the acceptance of the minutes. This was carried unanimously.
WR should aim to produce a project plan for discussion at the next meeting of the SG
All meetings of SGs and FGs should be posted upon Facebook. (NJ/RJ to action as necessary).
A system for storage of information will be set up. The possibility of incorporating the facilities of the Perranporth Library is to be investigated.
Date of Next Meeting and Closure
The next SG meetings have been scheduled for Monday 23rd April & Tuesday 22nd May. Both will take place at the Parish offices.
The meeting closed at 21h15.
Appendix 1 – 1 List of Attendees
- Alfred Marcus
- Andrew Bown
- Angela Maynard
- Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
- Gary Crossley
- Jaquie Byatt
- Karen Colam
- Kevin Havill
- Maxime Young
- Michael Callan
- Nick Joy
- Roger Kayes
- Rory Jenkins
- Simon Jeffrey
- Susan Dutson
- William Rogers