Attendance and apologies
A meeting of Focus Group heads was held virtually on Zoom on Tuesday 10th November 2020 attended by Rory, Roger, William, and Kevin. In addition, Philip Henwood, Michael Callum, & Prof Philip Moor attended. Sue Dutson, Christine
A-Z and Sam Boston apologised for not attending.
Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 23rd September
These were approved.
Matters arising
- Stuart Todd has sent samples of Policy Statements from successful NDPs for comparison.
- Roger produced some of the settlement boundary maps and hopes to complete the draft by mid-end November 2020.
- Stuart Todd has forwarded samples of the Cornwall design guide.
- William has applied to ‘Localities’ for assistance in producing the Design Guide and Design Code.
- Kevin has forwarded the proposed Coastline Management Policies to David Watkins (CC) and Simon Jefferies (EA) for comments
- Kevin is producing a map of the A30 corridor and is also producing evidence re the demand for industrial units.
Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups
- Roger shared his screen of a map of the draft settlement boundary for Perranporth. In collaboration with Paul Hamblin, a similar map is being produced for Goonhavern and Bolingey. Roger has sent a draft of his input to Sarah Furley (CC) for comment. It was agreed that the drafts maps and associated material will be sent for comment to Michael Callan and Adrian Harvey, the two County Councillors covering the parish, as well as to Ken Yeo and Nigel Davis (PPC Planning) for initial input. The plans are to be circulated to the SG immediately afterward.
- The PRP will apply for the whole of the Parish. William enquired as to whether the PRP can apply to new housing proposals where Planning Permission was granted before the PRP came into force, but construction had not yet started. This is the case for the Penhale Camp site at Holywell. Roger considered that this wasn’t the case unless perhaps the permission actually lapsed, necessitating an entirely fresh application. He will consult on an aspect of this and advise.
- Philip Henwood enquired as to whether the Group should consider other Green Spaces besides the wedge of land between Bolingey and Perranporth. There was extensive discussion of the definition of ‘Local Green Spaces’, as in the NPPF, paralleling the discussion at the last meeting. Reference was made to the document Stuart Todd had forwarded (Example Report for Local Green Space Assessment).
- Kevin is to pursue the production of Design Codes. William has filled in an application to ‘Localities’ for Technical Assistance.
- Kevin will require to produce some maps and will use the CC facilities for this, as well as access to the OS maps through the Parish Council.
- Kevin advises that in his opinion a Vision Statement will be required, showing what is special to the Parish and needs to be protected.
Environment and Heritage
- Rory will talk to Christine and Susan Dutson in order to formulate a way forward should Christine not be able to continue her assignment. The meeting showed great appreciation for the professional work that she has completed to date.
- It was suggested by Philip that the Lost Church and the Nobel Dynamite factory be given Listed Status,
Stuart Todd
- No issues. Stuart has access to the ‘Drop Box’. The first Draft has been produced and circulated to the FG heads.
- In response to a question from Kevin, Roger offered to prepare something indicating the time required for the remaining stages of the NDP process, and to send to ST for agreement.
Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.
- A meeting was held with Douglas Parker of the Development Company – Montbart. He is moving to Cornwall and assessing opportunities for investment. It was a general conversation with no significant discussion.
Any Other Business
- Initial discussions too place regarding the way to provide opportunities for the public to assess the proposed content of the NDP before it goes to CC The possibility of the use of a Pop Up shop in the main street was suggested. This will be a subject of the December FG meeting.
Date of Next Meeting
- To be advised, though preferably before Christmas.