2020-02-07 Steering Group Meeting – minutes – DRAFT

Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting
Friday 07th February 2020


Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation


2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Linda Boylen, Philip Henwood , Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), William Rogers, Roger Kayes, Phil Moore & Andrew Bown

Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Sue Dutson, and Michael Callan tendered apologies.

Adrian Harvey (County Councillor for Goonhavern) attended.

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 7th January 2019

The minutes were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes –

William Rogers still has to contact Janine Branch to determine whether she wishes to remain on the Steering Group (Repeat Minute)

4 Matters Arising & Declaration of Interest

Nothing outstanding to report

Outstanding Declaration of Interest forms are still required from, Karen Colam, and Janine Branch

5  Questionnaire (Business)

No report

6 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)

Roger reported that he had had a further email exchange with Noreen Jefferies, Cornwall Council’s Rural Housing Enabler, regarding her interest in coming along to the SG to talk about what CC has to offer to rural communities wishing to undertake small-scale housing projects to provide housing for local needs.  Rory asked whether she might be able to suggest a specific NDP policy in this regard, possibly aimed at encouraging local groups in the more rural southerly parts of the parish to come forward to promote such projects, depending of course on planning considerations.  Roger agreed to ask her about this.  The feeling of the meeting was that otherwise, this was probably something that the SG wouldn’t pursue at this juncture.

Preparation of settlement boundaries had been delayed by the illness of Michael Callan but would get underway shortly, at least in Goonhavern.

BETI (Kevin Havill)

No report

Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

No report

7 Any other Business

7.1 Meeting with Stuart Todd Associates to appoint a Policy Writing Expert practice

William had previously contacted Stuart Todd Associates- a firm of repute and known to the Clerk, who specialises in compiling the Neighbourhood Development Plans, with involvement in more than 40 to date at various levels including several in Cornwall. He has produced a price in the order of £10,000 (inc VAT which can be passed on) to compile our document.  This will be subject to variation when he is more aware of the extent of work involved, in compiling all in the same style and format.  The offer was accepted in principle, however, if the price is within 10% of this value, he can be formally employed to undertake the work. If more, it will need to be reconsidered by the Steering Group.

It is hoped that policies from the Focus Groups can be drafted by the end of the month.  RJ will set up a discreet Dropbox for all submissions and correspondence.  The number of policies expected to date are:-

Roger Kayes (Housing)             – 3

Linda Boylan (Housing)           –  4

Kevin Havil (BETI)                   – 40

Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak (E&H)  – 10

RK enquired about the budget.

WR commented that to date the Group had spent in the order of £16,000, less a grant of £7,500, giving net spend of around £8,500.  This figure is significantly less than the Council’s precepted figure of £15,000.  The PC has earmarked £20,000 for the 2020-2021 precept

RJ is pursuing the possibility of linking the provision of Passive Housing with the PRP.

Post meeting Note:  WR informed the PC at their meeting on 10th February who ratified this decision,

 7.2 Meeting with Cornwall Council and the EA  to discuss Flooding issues

The Focus group leads, RK, WR, Dave Watkins, Flood & Coastal Strategic Resilience Lead Cornwall Council, together with Simon Jeffries & Justin Ridgewell from the EA.

The main thrust of the Meeting was to discuss the implications of the Shoreline Management Plan for Perranporth, in terms of coastal erosion and flooding.

The following points were discussed.

  • Coastal erosion can be expected along the strip of land adjacent to the beach
  • With a 1:200 storm, in excess of 70 houses are presently at risk of flooding.
  • Residential buildings should be designed to survive a 1:100 year storm event, with commercial buildings surviving a 1:30 year event.
  • It might be prudent to consider allowing the beach car park to return to dunes in the distant future, as opposed to the car park as at present and hard sea defences.
  • The EA and Cornwall Council will assist in the writing of the policies directing at flooding
  • The EA have GIS files for mapping of the erosion zones that they will make available to the NDP.

7.3 Additional issues

A meeting is to be arranged with Noreen Jefferies to discuss the promotion of rural housing needs, the possibility of a Community Land Trust and identification of specific land

The meeting with Jeremy Content either with Robert Lacey, or on his own still needs to take place specifically to consider land issues and development near to the A30.

8 Dates of future meetings in 2020

The Next SG meeting will be Tuesday 10th March 2020.


Date of next SG meeting rescheduled to Thursday 12th March

Steering Group Meeting 10th December 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation


2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Linda Boylen, Sue Dutson, Philip Henwood (late), Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), Roger Kayes, William Rogers, Michael Callan, Phil Moore.

Keith Everest (member of public).

There has still been no reply from Andy Kent.

William Rogers will contact both Karen Colam and Janine Branch to determine whether they wish to remain on the Steering Group.

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 14th November 2019

The minutes were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes – approved by Rory Jenkins, seconded by William Rogers.

4 Matters Arising & Declaration of Interest

Nothing outstanding to report

Outstanding Declaration of interest forms are still required from Sam Boston, Peter Gaisford, Karen Colam, and Janine Branch.

Rory will email the form again to the members who have not responded.

5  Questionnaire (Business)

Approximately 550 questionnaires were sent.  To date 91 have been returned.  It was agreed to keep the survey open until the end of January 2020, in the hope of receiving more replies.

6 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)

Roger reported on the meeting of the Housing Focus Group held on the 2nd December. The 7 people who attended engaged in active discussion on the issue of affordable housing, led by Linda Boylen. One member volunteered to help Roger with the process of preparing settlement boundaries. Considerable interest was expressed in preparing a design policy for any new large housing developments that might be given permission.

Roger reported the he had had a discussion with Jeremy Content, leader of the planning manager’s team for this area, although he hasn’t received a response to the list of questions submitted.  In response to Jeremy’s offer to come and speak to the Parish Council or the Steering Group, Roger agreed to invite him to talk to the SG, with the initial suggestion of January 7th or 8th.

BETI (Kevin Havill)

It was agreed that Kevin Havill and Phil Moore should press ahead and produce a series of draft policies based on the results of the public and business surveys to date.

Progress is being made through discussions with Rick Clayton (Cornwall Council Highways) on the All Saints Bicycle trail understood to start form the COOP in Perranporth.

A meeting was held with Ken Yeo (Community Network).  He had appraised earlier discussions with SWW, and agreed to provide information regarding the De-Trunking of the present A30.

Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

E & H met in late November and it was decided that the LLCA process should be handed over to Kath Statham as per previously discussed. Kath will have a look at what we have during January and come back to me with some costs/timeframes.

E & H also started thinking about the open comments within the questionnaire and how the Group can best direct Kath to landscape areas/green open spaces at risk of  being lost between settlements, and also the areas which should be protected. This is currently a work in progress. Another meeting will be arranged in January.

 7 Any other Business

The chair, Rory Jenkins asked the groups to consider what evidence they have to date?
What policies this evidence is likely to support? Issues specifically mentioned were Settlement Boundaries, a Permanent Residence Policy, and the community desire to protect the “Green Wedge” between Perranporth and Bolingey, key views and vistas.

Rory asked what policies are anticipated but not currently backed by evidence?

This was raised so that our 2020 meetings can start to clarify what we believe we can show that the local community wants, and which areas would require more work to determine the community’s views and consequent possible policies. All group heads agreed.

BETI said that their policies look set to focus upon employment opportunities as well as developing the land allocation serviced by the old A30.

8 Dates of future meetings in 2020

The Next SG meeting will be Tuesday 7th January 2020.  A programme of subsequent meetings throughout 2020 will be proposed.

Steering Group Meeting 14th November 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation


2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Linda Boylen, Sue Dutson, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), Roger Kayes, William Rogers, Andrew Bown, Michael Callan(part), Phil Moore, Sam Boston.

Keith Everest (member of public).

Philip Henwood tendered apologies.

There has still been no reply from Andy Kent.

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 10th September 2019

The minutes (prepared by Susan Dutson) were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes – approved by Rory Jenkins, seconded by William Rogers.

4 Matters Arising

Nothing outstanding to report

5 Declaration of Interest

Outstanding Declaration of interest forms are still required from Sam Boston, Peter Gaisford, Andrew Bown, Karen Colam, Janine Branch and Phil Moore.

Rory will email the form again to those members of the SG whom had not yet responded.

 6 Discussion of the Public Meetings held in October, and the way forward

A total of 888 questionnaires were received and analysed.  Reporting to the Community took place at two public meetings in October in Goonhavern and Perranporth.  Rory has assessed the comments included on the questionnaire to ensure that no details included that would identify households, as required by GDPR. Comments that recurred included, second homes policy, dog fouling, livestock and travellers at Cligga, Lack of enforcement on buildings, hatred of large developments, and the skate park.  The comments will be included on the Website.

Considerable discussion followed as how to address the specific comments in terms of policy development, particularly comments on planning enforcement.

7 Questionnaire (Business)

Approximately 550 questionnaires were sent out of which 84 were returned. The survey was meant to close on 15th November.  It was decided to keep the survey open until 31 December, in the hope of attracting more replies.

8 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)

Roger briefly reported on the actions agreed on at the recent meeting of the Housing Focus Group held on Monday 12th November.  Seven people attended (including Michael Callan for an hour).  The target of preparing draft policies for public presentation in April or May was generally agreed upon. Issues covered included:-

  • perspectives of the public meetings held in October on the survey results:
  • Permanent Residence Policy:
  • starting on the preparation of Settlement Boundaries and the process involved, including the use of GIS:
  • the possibility of engaging in a character assessment of parts of the village, as illustrated by the work of St Agnes parish:
  • open space issues, and the possibility of commissioning or undertaking of a survey of Goonhavern:
  • future meetings to include seminar-like discussions on affordable housing. This will occur at the next meeting, and subsequently on accessibility of housing.

The next Housing FG meeting is arranged for December 2nd.

 BETI (Kevin Havill)

The BETI group had recently met on 30th October, the first time since May.

The group has agreed the future program of work:

  • Combine the results from the public and business questionnaires (to date) into a document
  • Compare the results with the NDP draft policies and statements prepared in the spring. Edit, replace and complement as necessary.
  • Undertake a series of external 3 part meetings to further strengthen the evidential base (including Cornwall Council teams dealing with All Saints multitrack / Chiverton Cross Strategic Planning /Drainage, The Community Network, Area 4 town planners, and South West Water)

In terms of financial resources, it is expected we will call for funding to complete the formal drafting of NDP policies and statements and any mapping required to go with these – no immediate requirements.

The group has also started a sub-group to deal with topics appropriate to the NDP that would fall under the heading of Wellbeing. This group consists of four volunteers – Linda Boylen, Sally Turner, Nikki Kelly and Keith Everest.

Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

There were sadly no returns for the ‘What I love most about Perranzabuloe’ posters in an attempt to engage the youth in the LLCA process.

CAZ wishes to be steered as to whether the drawing up of E & H policies takes priority over completion of the Local Landscape Character Assessment.   Both were considered as of equal importance.  CAZ will assess her work load, and consider, if necessary, employing a specialist consultant (Kath Statham) to assist.

9 Administration and Organisational Matters

No issues

10 Financial Matters

No issues

11 Any other Business

It was agreed to aim to hold ‘drop in’ consultation days in Perranporth and Goonhavern in April/May 2020, to gather feedback on emerging policies, prior to preparing the draft, pre-submission NDP.

After extended discussion on the Permanent Resident Policy, the following proposal by Rory, seconded by Roger, was agreed unanimously:

Emerging direction of policy: Primary Residence Policy (PRP)

We believe the survey and public meetings showed a strong and majority desire for our Neighbourhood Development Plan to include a Primary Residence Policy (PRP), so we intend to include this.  As the survey indicated that we would consult further on the PRP issue, here is more information about the potential implications.  We would very much like to receive ongoing feedback on this information, in particular, if this means you have changed your mind and you now feel we should or should not have a PRP in our NDP.

A Focus Group Heads meeting will be held before the next meeting in December, together with Rory & William.  WR will send out a ‘Doodle poll’.

Michael Callan agreed to assist in the drawing up of Settlement Boundaries.

Michael Callan advised the meeting that CC has very recently re arranged their Planning Enforcement team.  Enforcement and Planning now fall under one department in an area team – in the case of Perranzabuloe, Area 4.  RK has written to Jeremy Content (head of Area 4) with a list of questions.  Chris & Kevin asked to be circulated with the list.

The Groups should consider Community Land Trusts, which can provide more affordable housing for locals than conventional, developer-led projects, where 50% of new builds are reserved for affordable housing. Community Land Trust training is available. Several people expressed an interest in attending.

12 Dates of future meetings in 2019/2020

Tuesday 10th December

Dates in 2020 are to be decided at the December meeting.

2019-05-14 BETI Meeting Minutes

Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan – BETI Focus Group
Notes: 14th May 2019 (PC Parish Rooms )


Kevin Havill – Chair (KH), Philip Moore – Vice Chair (PRM), Clive Stevens (CS), Richard Eves
(RE), Mike Callan – CC Consultant (MC)


Karen Colam (KC), Andrew Bown (AB), Richard Page (RP), Jim Hewitt (JH), Sharon
Hewitt (SH), Keith Everest (KE), Mark Trevethen (MT), William Rogers – Parish Council Rep

1. Previous Minutes

  • Minutes of the previous meeting on 9th April 2019 – Approved

2. Business Questionnaire

  • Following the session with Stephen Horscroft, Counwall Council Economic
    Development Officer the questionnaire has been restructured to be more
    ‘tick box’. Also for the sake of ensuring anonymity the questionnaire has been
    split into two parts. The first recording the respondent and the second the
    detailed information. The two parts will be separated when the information
    is analysed.
  • Both sections and the covering letter reviewed as a group.
  • Agreed that postal responses shall be sought in the first hand and follow up
    calls made to business addresses that haven’t responded. Also ballot boxes at
    Perranporth Post Office, Perranzabuloe Parish Office and Goonhavern Post
    Office to be used.
  • Timing – agreed that the questionnaires will be sent out 1st September with a
    request for returns by 23rd September, thereafter personal calls will be
  • At the previous meeting it was agreed to break the parish into sectors and
    divide meeting individual businesses amongst each group. Not all BETI
    members present at the meeting so preliminary division suggested as

    • Team One: Team Leaders Sharon and Jim Hewitt, assisted by Clive
      • Goonhavern
      • Callestick
      • Silverwell
      • Chiverton Cross
      • Perranwell
    • Team Two: Team Leader: Phil Moore
      • New Road & Station Road Perranporth
      • Bolingey
      • Rose
    • Team Three: Team Leader- Mike Callan, assisted by Kevin Havill
      and Andrew Bown
      • Central Perranporth
      • Cligga
      • Trevissome Park
    • Team Four: Team Leader Keith Everest
      • Holiday Parks

Given the anticipated volume of personal calls required it was agreed that the
various team leaders will co-opt other helpers as required

3. Other Recent Meetings

  • Cornwall Council Economic Officer, Stephen Horscroft. Issues to raised:
    • Draft Business questionnaire – this has been updated
    • Draft Policies – discussed and his input received
    • Re-use of caravan parks – He will come back to us on this
    • Employment use of land near Chiverton Cross and on the detrunked
      A30 – He will come back to us on this
    • Availability of European Structural Funds – Looking doubtful that we
      will qualify in time
  • KH had been invited to attend a presentation by Bill Grimsey to Cornwall
    Council regarding the regeneration of town centres and high streets. Main

    • High Streets are changing form and need to rely on more than just
    • Local leadership and marketing key
    • Biggest current threats are Brexit, Austerity, Business Rates and
    • Parking must be free
    • Concentrate the active zones and reuse the non active

4. Forthcoming Meetings

  • Steering Group, progress of business questionnaire and timing to be
    given together with request for printing/mailing etc
  • South west Water. WR has arranged a public meeting. MC, PM, RE &
    CS will represent BETI
  • Cornwall Council Cycle Network – agreed a follow up meeting would
    be useful. PM, MC & CS to arrange and participate

5. Cycle Track

  •  BETI should look at the start point for the new track in Perranporth
    (Ponsmere Valley, Wheal Leisure??) and for facilities at Goonhavern

6. AOB

  • Health and Wellbeing – still outstanding. On KH’s to do list

Next meeting over the summer period:
To be called by Phil Moore as necessary

Steering Group Meeting 16th May 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1        Public Participation

No members of the public attended.

2        Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Susan Dutson, Andrew Bown, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), & Roger Kayes

Observer: Michael Callam arrived after 30 minutes.

Will Rogers (secretary) tendered apologies

3        Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 10th April 2019

The minutes were approved, subject to amendments in the text about Housing.  Proposed by Kevin, seconded by Rory and accepted unanimously.

4        Matters arising

Roger reported that William is unable to apply for Locality funding for the costs of the questionnaire, given the closure of the scheme to new applications at this time, around the beginning of the new financial year.  That doesn’t materially matter since he will be able to access the remainder of the £9000 total fund available from Locality for future expenditure, leaving the costs for the questionnaire to be covered by the £15000 fund put aside by the Parish council for the NDP.

5        Amendment of Terms of Reference

This again was not possible to advance since less than two-thirds of the total membership was present.

6        Declarations of Interest

Roger reported that he had realised following a comment from Kevin at the last meeting that he has been confusing two dimensions:

  • The standard declaration of interest, as exemplified by the form given to new parish councillors, which would apply to someone who owns property or is involved with a particular commercial company, where decisions of an organisation (in this case, the Parish Council) might reasonably be expected to impacted.  In the interests of transparency and the evident avoidance of conflict, that person would be expected to declare an interest.
  • There is a broader issue connected with ensuring that there is an appropriate balance on the Steering Group of people with a pro-development bias, versus those with more of a conservationist, pro-environment stopping-development orientation. It would be good practice for the SG to try and achieve an appropriate balance between these two, to avoid the NDP being steered in one or another direction, without regard to the expressed interests of the wider community.

After considerable discussion, it was decided to adopt a simplified ‘declaration of interest’ form (covering the first bullet point above), and leave the second dimension to be monitored as new members were accepted onto the SG.  The new approach (agreed on, yet still to be incorporated into the Terms of Reference) of waiting until a prospective new member has attended at least two SG meetings, would give the group the opportunity to see how that member would affect the balance.

7        Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

It was suggested that the Secretary delete this from the next agenda since it was felt that the issues raised under this heading had been satisfactorily resolved.

8        Questionnaire

Supply of photographs: the contribution of images of for use in the questionnaire from various people not on the Steering Group was noted and thanks were given to (in alphabetical order): Jamie Turnbull, Karen Daubney, Louise Anne Waters and Sarah Shobrook.

There was discussion of:

  • the distribution of posters through the parish.
  • the current discussions with the practice manager of Perranporth surgery with a view to setting up of a table in the foyer to the surgery on three mornings following the release of the questionnaire, to encourage people to fill it in.
  • Linda offered to investigate the possibility of doing something similar at the front of the main co-op.
  • the possibility of needing to employ one or two people to process paper questionnaires, based on experience of the heavy workload required to process the returns during the preparation of the Community Plan in 2012.  To be further discussed at the next meeting, depending on the number of returns.

9        Reports from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space

Roger reported that he has been contacted by Simon Ellis of CAD architects as part of their community consultation related to a housing application that was due to be submitted in the summer.  He had advised that the NDP had not yet developed any policies and thus there was no basis for the NDP to make a contribution to this quasi-formal consultation. Rory agreed with this approach.


A meeting was held on the 11th of April with Stephen Horscroft, Economic Development Officer of Cornwall Council. He was supportive of the draft policies prepared for the business questionnaire.

Kevin reported attending a talk by retail expert Bill Grimsey on the 10th of May at Cornwall Council on the future of town centres.

A BETI meeting was held on the 13th of May when the number of business addresses on the list obtained from the Valuation Office was whittled down to 560.  Kevin put forward a proposal that Will would obtain a quote from Jeff Muir for producing 560 questionnaires (plus some spares), to be mailed out individually in an envelope with a return envelope. These would be sent out in early September.  This was approved unanimously.

Roger quizzed Kevin about the value to the NDP of the business questionnaire.  In response, Kevin put forward various points to support the case that it would be a useful exercise, both for the NDP itself as well as more widely.

Environment and Heritage

Chris reported on progress with the Local Landscape Character Assessment, with a substantial number of visits to different character types already undertaken. There was consideration of the prospect of using the services of Kas Statham to assist but no decision was taken.

10   Administration and Background Organisational Matters

Nothing to discuss.

11     Financial Matters


12     Any other Business

Kevin encouraged members to have a detailed look at the OCSI report with data for our parish, particularly on deprivation, issues that the NDP might be able to help with.

Roger talked about the tools available for preparing maps as working documents and for inclusion in the final NDP.  Confusion continues about the usefulness in this context of the ‘Cornwall Council Interactive Map’, freely available online, and the slightly different ‘Local Councils Interactive Map’ which requires a password to access (available on request from Roger, for NDP purposes only).  Discussions are on oing with technical sections within Cornwall Council, with the help of Kas Statham, the LLCA trainer.  Roger is also pursuing the potential for use of QGIS to produce suitable maps, with the help of a volunteer who already uses this programme.  Chris and Sue expressed an interest in being involved in any training.

13     Dates of future meetings for 2019

Tue 11th Jun
Wed 10th July
Thu 15th Aug
Tue 10th Sep
Wed 16th Oct
Thu 14th Nov
Tue 10th Dec

2019-04-10 Steering Group Meeting

Steering Group Meeting 10th April 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1       Public Participation

No members of the public attended.

2       Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Linda Boylen, Susan Dutson, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins, Roger Kayes, William Rogers

Observer: Michael Callam

Karen Colam, Andrew Bown & Phil Moore tendered apologies

3       Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 12th March 2019

The minutes were approved: proposed by RJ, seconded by RK, and accepted unanimously.

4       Matters arising


5       Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

This was not discussed, but will be a subject of the meeting on Thursday 16th May

6       Reports from Focus Groups

HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

  • There was no Focus Group meeting since that recorded in last SG meeting (12th March 2019).
  • RK, KH & WR attended a meeting with Imogen Day generally discussing the NDP
  • RK, WR and members of the PCC attended a ‘Meet the Planners’ presentation.  Perranzabuloe falls under Cornwall Council Area 4 .  The planners covering our parish are Tim Marsh and Glenn Lowe, under the leadership of Jeremy Content.  RK will arrange a meeting with these people.
  • RK raised for discussion the idea of exploring the merits of the allocation a large housing site in the NDP, against the background of several sources promoting the benefits to the community of such an approach. MC offered to arrange a meeting with Tim Marsh for an initial exploration of aspects of this option.  It was agreed that such an approach would, if adopted, carry the risk of rejection of the entire NDP at referendum stage, given the hostility within the parish to new large housing sites.

BETI- Report by Kevin Havill

See Appendix 1.

Environment & Heritage – Report by Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak

Two Local Landscape Characteristic Assessments (LLCA’s) have so far been completed, one for ‘The Girt in Perrancoombe, and the other at Callestick – both are examples of steep valley sides. Turn-out was good and Sue Dutson has collated the data collection forms into singe typed documents.

It was noted that Kathryn Statham, who fronts this initiative on behalf of Cornwall Council is prepared to undertake the work commercially on a Freelance basis.  Chris was asked to investigate this further, so that the SG can assess this, complete with indicative costing.

Chris and Sue intend to investigate involving the children at our local primary schools, Perranporth and Goonhavern with the LLCA process so that we can evidence participation and engagement with a wider demographic of the parish. This may well also aid participation and encourage greater uptake with the forthcoming survey.

A further meeting to decide where next to arrange LLCA’s will be arranged.


The first draft of the Questionnaire is expected from the designers (Jeff Muir).  Comments have been received from various SG members, and some early corrections obtained.  These will be included in the draft, and then it will be sent to Phil Moore for a final independent check.  It is hoped to subsequently return these to Jeff Muir immediately after, so that these can be forwarded to the printer immediately after Easter.  Distribution to the parishioners is expected to be at the beginning of May.

All people who showed interest in the NDP will be asked by email to entice at least 5 of their friends to complete the form.

Additional forms and a deposit box will be available at Perranporth Sub-Post office; Londis Store, Goonhavern; Callestick Farm, and the Chiverton Arms.

Notices will be placed in shop windows, on notice boards around the Parish, as well as other visible locations.  It is possible that banners will be displayed in Perranporth.

WR will attempt to obtain another grant from ‘Localities’ to partially cover this exercise.

The initial idea of cream teas and ice creams for parishioners has been abandoned due to lack of people who can organise the day, and doubt about the number of people who would attend as well as doubts regarding its usefulness in getting more questionnaires completed.

7       Administration and Background Organisational Matters


8            Amendment of Terms of Reference and Declarations of Interests (DOI)

These were not discussed, but will form an early agenda item in the May SG meeting

9       Financial Matters

WR will attempt to get a grant from ‘Communities’ to cover the questionnaire and its distribution.

WR stated that money is available in the National Lotteries Community fund.  Thought must be given to future expenditure (eg help with Landscape Character assessment, and professional help (eg policy drafting).

10    Any other Business


11    Items for next meeting

Discussion of the  Format of Steering Group Meetings,

12    Dates of future meetings for 2019

  • Thu 16th May
  • Tue 11th Jun
  • Wed 10th July
  • Thu 15th Aug
  • Tue 10th Sep
  • Wed 16th Oct
  • Thu 14th Nov
  • Tue 10th Dec

Appendix 1            Report from BETI

On 18th March BETI hosted a special meeting in conjunction with Douglas Boden and Patrick Polglase, officers from Cornwall Council who presented plans for the cycle network announced in a few weeks earlier. BETI had previously lobbied for -site money from the Highways England A30 Carland to Chiverton for cycle tracks. Highways England and Cornwall Council have allocated £19m for a system of four new cycle tracks including one from Perranporth to Newquay via Goonhavern. This track will link to others opening up a significant system. Design work is ongoing but the intention is to use as far as possible the old railway route diverting where necessary. The Camel Trail was quoted as the benchmark and Cornwall Council have the ambition that there will be significant health, recreation and economic benefits. We are asked by Cornwall Council to stay in contact and assist with design and routing input.

On the 3rd April at County Hall, Kevin Havill met Rebecca Cohen, the officer responsible for co-ordinating the OCSI reports at Cornwall Council and given the chance to check the underlying mapping data. Data is not collected on a parish basis but derived by merging that from smaller sub areas. It was possible to see that the current report accurately follows our parish boundary and is therefore reliable.

Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) is a spin-out research consultancy from the Social Disadvantage Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Cornwall Council are subscribers to OCSI and we have been encouraged to make use of the OCSI findings. We commend all members of the steering and focus groups read this report as it is a useful analysis of the parish’s population, housing, health and work. It identifies issues we could seek to address.

Rebecca Cohen also has responsibilities for the group dealing with Health and Well-being matters. Further information regarding these issues is to be supplied by the council and BETI will include these within its area of interest co-opting members of the community to assist.

On 9th April the group met primarily to discuss the questionnaires and in particular the business one and to review the OCSI Insight report.

The objective of business questionnaire is that garner information to understand how the economy in Perranzabuloe works and be able to make provision to allow successful enterprises flourish in future. Moreover we are required to think about both the dormitory and working populations in Perranzabuloe.

Obtaining information about individual businesses located in the parish hasn’t been easy but matching the Valuation Office records against a listing of all post codes derived from the public questionnaire has produced more than anticipated a list of approx. 630 individual addresses. This of course doesn’t include people who are using their homes as workplaces .

It is requested that funding be allocated to enable the production, circulation and if necessary analysis of this questionnaire.  This is  likely to be in excess of £1000. A more precise costing will be made.

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