Updating the parish on the NDP (late 2021 / early 2022)

In late 2021 we prepared a 2 page update letter that was posted to all households in the parish.

The text of this letter is below. A PDF copy of the letter is here.

This lead to a predictable increase in visitors numbers to the www.perranplan.co.uk NDP Website.

March 2022 update:

You can see from the chart below that over time, site visitor numbers returned to the sub 10 a day after the letter update:

Looking longer term, there are peaks and troughs to Website visitor numbers.

Text of the letter sent out to all households in January 2022:


To all Residents and Businesses in Perranzabuloe Parish


Perranzabuloe Parish Council initiated work on a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the Parish in November 2017.

An NDP, when adopted (or “made”), sits alongside the Cornwall Council Local Plan. This means that its policies carry real weight (i.e., have “teeth”) in the planning system, with its recommendations and policies being used to help determine planning applications within the Parish.

The community and business surveys were undertaken in the Summer of 2019 by the NDP Steering Group (which comprises of volunteer members of the local community and Parish Councillors).  Subsequently, they have been busy working on the content of the draft NDP.

Work has included undertaking studies and completing factual information on topics including, but not limited to, housing, settlement boundaries, heritage, local green spaces and landscape value. This work is important to support the planning policies in the draft NDP. Using Government funding, they have also commissioned, two documents which will form part of the NDP itself, namely a Design Code for the Parish to ensure that any future housing development in the future meets local requirements for design, and a Masterplan for Perranporth.  This identifies key project proposals that could come forward to enhance the village centre, and its role in supporting the local economy, as well as the needs of local residents and visitors alike.

Where are we now?

There will be a full public consultation in the Spring of 2022. You, as residents and businesses of the Parish, will get the opportunity to discuss the NDP with the Steering Group members who have led the work. You will also be able to comment on the NDP’s content. Assuming there are no Covid-19 restrictions in place there will be a public exhibition. The draft NDP has been sent to Cornwall Council for an initial review and to consider if the NDP requires any further sustainability tests to meet Government planning regulations. The consultation in the Spring will also give us the opportunity to consult a mandatory list of statutory and strategic consultees outside of the Parish.

The NDP is the Community’s Plan and it is therefore important that the NDP continues to be shaped by your views as well as the studies and earlier consultations undertaken. We encourage you to look at the draft NDP, as well as the Design Code, Masterplan, and the accompanying evidence base studies. All documents are available on the project website at www.perranplan.co.uk/documents/.

If you have any comments to make on the NDP prior to the full public consultation in the Spring, the NDP Steering Group will be happy to hear from you:

Post – NDP, Perranzabuloe Parish Council, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth, TR6 0DB.


Update presentation to the Parish Council

Pre 2021-11-01 meeting notes for a presentation to the Perranzabuloe Parish Council to give them an update:

Getting Here

  • We started in late 2017, getting our required formal Cornwall Council Designation on the 29th November 2017.
  • Our 2018 to 2019 meetings tended to have 10 or more members of the Steering Group and 2 or 3 others.
    • Early meetings we had 20+ attendees and most of the 14 Steering Group members.
  • Over time, we lost several key contributors, and took on some key consultants who’s contributions have been
    invaluable. Most important has been Stuart Todd of Stuart Todd Associates Ltd & Lucy Wilson Richards of Tirwel.
  • We’ve had consistent, support and help from our Perranzabuloe Parish Council, in particular the parish clerk,
    Tatiana Cant.
  • We’ve had amazing support, work, help and input from so many.
  • The core group of volunteers that attended almost all meetings since 2017, that have done the most work, are
    listed, alphabetically below. If this core had not stuck with it, the project would have collapse.
    o Kevin Havill
    o Phil Moore
    o Phillip Henwood
    o Roger Kayes
    o Rory Jenkins
    o William Rogers

Achievement Summary

An NDP lays out what we can evidence the community wants in terms of nudging the planning process to protect what the
community values and sees as special.
It looks to enhance existing provision of facilities and assets and provide support for additional facilities and development
subject to being a response to demand and local needs, while ensuring that there is no adverse impact on the things that
are valued the most in our natural and built environments.

  • The main 120 page document covers many themes including:
    • Climate Change
    • Sustainable Development
    • Waste, including waste water
    • Design
    • Natural Environment, Landscape and Coastal Management
      • Identifying and protecting the environment, including,
        • Settlement gaps & green buffers
        • Local Green Spaces, Views & Vistas
        • Coastal Change Management Plan
      • Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment. Identifying and giving protection to these.
      • Traffic & Transport including parking
      • Business, Employment and Retail, including Tourism

Headline Policies

Primary Residence Policy

If successful, on for the Parish Council planning group to keep an eye on re applications.

Settlement Boundaries around Perranporth, Bolingey & Goonhavern.

Development outside of these areas will meet more challenging requirements.
Policy 8 in the Cornwall Local Plan says 6+ dwellings must contribute toward affordable housing need. From 6‐10 units, a
financial contribution in lieu of on‐site provision will be acceptable, from 11 upwards, must contribute to meeting affordable
Policy 9, Rural Exceptions Sites, there is no size limit to which the policy for 50% affordable housing applies.

Headline Documents

  • Perranzabuloe Design Code
  • Perranporth Strategic Masterplan

All Policies

The 120 page main document has all of the detail.

The consultation summary leaflet has a cut down version of all the policies, where the section headings are:

• Sustainable Development
• Housing
• Natural Environment, Landscape and Coastal Management
• Energy and Wastewater
• Traffic and Transport
• Leisure & Wellbeing
• Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment
• Business, Employment and Retail
• Tourism


Focus Group Meeting Wednesday 20th July 2021

Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom.


  • Kevin Havill,
  • Phil Moore,
  • Philip Henwood,
  • Roger Kayes,
  • Rory Jenkins,
  • Stuart Todd,
  • William Rogers
  • Tatiana Cant (PPC Clerk)

Lucy Richards apologised

  1. Approval of notes raised at the previous Zoom Meeting held on 23rd June 2021

Approved unanimously

  1. Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 19th May 2021
  • AECOM are collating the comments on the Design Guide and the Master Plan. These have been forwarded to Phil for transmittal to Stuart.  There are still issues to be clarified, and will be finalised through a conversation between Phil and AECOM.
  • Roger’s write up is complete and has been forwarded to Stuart.
  • The outstanding settlement boundary questions are with Cornwall Council for any view / input in time for Rory to then put the final say with the external NDP examiner. This should be before the document(s) are passed to the Parish Council.
  • Supporting documents & evidence reports have been sent to Rory for placing on the web site. Progress is at perranplan.co.uk/documents/
  • Stuart is completing editing of the EH documentation (including LLCA) with Lucy.

Status of Documents

Documents be proof read by Tuesday 3rd August, and passed to PPC for comment and agreement at the main PPC meeting on 13 September.

The documents will be forwarded to CC for formal comment after 13 September

Stuart Todd Associates

  • All items covered in the meeting notes above.
  1. Public engagement and meetings
  • To be carried to next meeting / to when all the documents are complete.
  1. Report back from meetings and contacts with external parties, including Parish Council
  2. Any Other Business

Initial feedback from Cornwall Council and the NDP external independent examiner re Settlement Boundaries has included that:

  • Developments in gardens are Brownfield sites so under the NPPF, they can’t see how a Settlement Boundary will impact a possible planning application. Other normal considerations will have to be met.
  • St Agnes has had multiple small (below 10 properties ….) applications approved beyond it’s Settlement Boundary.
  1. Dates of future meetings
  • Tuesday 27th July at 8pm

Focus Group Meeting Wednesday 23rd June 2021

  1. Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom.


  • Kevin Havill,
  • Lucy Richards,
  • Phil Moore,
  • Philip Henwood,
  • Roger Kayes,
  • Rory Jenkins,
  • Stuart Todd,
  • Sue Dutson.
  • William Rogers
  1. Approval of notes raised at the previous Zoom Meeting held on 19th May 2021

Approved unanimously

  1. Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 19th May 2021
  • Simon Jefferies has completed his section on Coastal management and forwarded these to Kevin for onward transmission to
  • AECOM are collating the comments on the Design Guide and the Master Plan. These have been forwarded to Phil for transmittal to
  • Roger’s write up is complete and has been forwarded to Stuart
  • Settlement boundaries still need to be agreed between Roger & Phil.
  • William has sent a write up on Tamblyn Way to
  1. Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups


  • Roger has circulated his Evidence for his housing policies and submitted this paper to Stuart.


  • All items completed and have been forwarded Stuart .

     Environment & Heritage

  • LLCA complete except for some additional photographs, similarly the main E & H report is being completed between Lucy & Stuart.
  1. Stuart Todd Associates
  • All items covered in the meeting notes above.
  1. Public engagement and meetings
  • To be carried to next meeting
  1. Report back from meetings and contacts with external parties, including Parish Council
  • All other items covered in the meeting above.
  • It was agreed to contact Cornwall Council for their views on the positioning of settlement boundaries.
  1. Any Other Business
  • It was agreed to disband the focus groups. Contact with Stuart via the shared drive will be restricted to Rory and William
  1. Dates of future meetings
  • Rory to instigate a Doodle poll for the week that includes 19th July

Steering Group Zoom Meeting Wednesday 19th May 2021

1.    Attendance and Apologies

  • Stuart Todd, Rory Jenkins, Phil Moore, Kevin Havill, Lucy Richards, Roger Kayes, Sue Dutson.
  • – William expecting to join in a bit. (Joined around 8:30pm)

2.    Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom meeting on 15th April  2021

  • Approved.

3.    Matters arising

  • Simon Jefferies yet to reply re Coastal Management.
    • Kevin to inform Simon that if we don’t have this by ….. it wont’ go in the NDP as it starts the screening process. If you have anything that is ready to go in, or can go in by that date, please send it over.
  • Master Plan from AECOM is with us and some comments have gone to Phil from the SG. Phil to collate comments for AECOM.
  • Roger write up almost done. A couple of feedback points between Roger & Stuart being dealt with. Two background housing papers expected to be finished in the next couple of days.
    • Settlement boundaries, big issues cleared. Kevin, Phil & Roger due to Zoom meet up and finish this up in the next 10 days.
  • Cligga open space. Stuart to add in some supportive text that the area has the potential to be improved, whilst not at the same time conflicting with the natural environment or heritage assets in the area.
  • William has written up the section on sewage and wastewater for Kevin.
  • Lucy was on holiday last week, and yes it was great. Now back at work.
  • Stuart & William looking at gaps in the maps. Yes, some maps are still being pulled in. Lucy & Kevin are going to liaise re the maps Lucy needs.
    • Protecting existing employment areas. Kevin has done this. Stuart is going to check these.
    • Need to check have the code number re publishing maps. Stuart to check with Tatiana if this is already in place.
    • AECOM have identified primary and secondary frontage (aka shopping) areas. Kevin is going to check this fits Vs his local knowledge of this and what is in the plan re BETI.

4.    Reports Timings and Action Plans from Focus Groups


  • Outstanding Issues including settlement boundaries
  • Already covered under Matters Arising.
    Roger will circulate his 2 papers once done.


  • Design Code & potential Master Plan– Present state
    Already covered under Matters Arising.

  • Maps
    Already covered under Matters Arising.

  • Other issues
    Kevin said yes to Stuart question that OK to make public the commercial land agent feedback.

Environment & Heritage

  • Report from Lucy Wilson-Richards of Tirwell
  • LLCA
    • Feedback from the SG missed a window where Lucy had to progress things, so some deadlines have slipped.
      Progress is being made and sent over to Stuart, who OK to review it.
    • About to dive into the Heritage section.
    • Potential for local information systems eg QR codes to let people learn about the local area.
    • William to send Lucy information re parish council aspirations to re-instate Tamblyn Way steps down to the beach from Droskyn sundial area (Perranporth) with a visitor information resource.

5.    Stuart Todd Associates

  • Discussion with Stuart Todd as to what he still needs to complete
  • All items covered in the meeting above.

6.    Public engagement and meetings

  • Can do public engagement at first draft. Which can be good to get the public back in the loop. Rough provisional time scale.
    • Draft end June
    • Screening with Cornwall Council starting end of June.
    • Soft consultation, more a public update in July / August.
      – we want the local population to have their input pre it all entering the formal consultation steps.
    • Regulation 14 in September ….

7.    Report back from meetings and contacts with external parties, including Parish Council

Covered above.

8.    Any Other Business

9.    Dates of future meetings

Doodle poll for the week that includes 19th of June.

Focus Group Meeting Tuesday 15th April 2021

Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom on Tuesday 16th March 2021 with Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Kevin Havill, Peter Gaisford, and Susan Dutson.

Stuart Todd & Michael Callum apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th Febuary 2021

Approved unanimously

Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 10th February 2021

Simon Jefferies (EA) is presently working on the Coastal Management section of BETI.

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups

The h is now expected to be completed by Mid-May.

Kevin has contacted the owner of the airfield (John George in Guernsey-local contact John Bassett). They are in discussion regarding possible business (including outdoor activities and possibility a Park & Ride facility) that could be accommodated at Cligga


Roger expects to complete his section by end-April.  He is about to discuss settlement boundaries with Roger Lacey (CC) concerning particularly whether holiday accommodation parks should be included within the SBs.


Phil Moore has requested a meeting with Stuart Todd and Roger to finalise anomalies with the settlement boundaries.  Stuart Todd will send additional information on this.

The possibility to use Cligga for open space development is queried, due to the ground contamination, and the proximity to World Heritage site.

WR has to complete the section on Sewage and wastewater for KH.

Simon Jefferies will, in his submission, address such problems as costal. erosion, and the effect of structures and sand movement.

Environment & Heritage

Lucy was on holiday, so unable to provide report. She is in contact with all Focus Groups, as well as Stuart Todd

Stuart Todd

Maps are still required in places. WR to check with ST on the extent of mapping received and where there are gaps.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.


Any Other Business


Date of Next Meeting

Mid May, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’ .

Focus Group Meeting Tuesday 16th March 2021

Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom on Tuesday 16th March 2021 with Stuart Todd, Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Kevin Havill, Sam Boston, Michael Callum, Lucy Wilson-Richards, and Susan Dutson.

Andrew Bown apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th Febuary 2021

Approved unanimously

Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 10th February 2021

KH is still trying to contact Dave Watkins (CC) and Simon Jefferies (EA) ref Coastal Management.  Michael Callum has offered to assist.

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups

AECOM has secured a grant from Localities to produce the Master Plan- No Financial assistance from PCC is needed.  The Master Plan is expected to be completed by end April.

Simon Hargreaves (AECOM) has been requested to link up with Stuart Todd, who has asked to be sent the first draft of the Design Guide.

Kevin wishes to contact the owner of the airfield (John George in Guernsey).  Michael Callum can supply details


Roger expects to complete his section by 30 March


Phil Moore has requested a meeting with Sturt Todd and Roger to finalise anomalies with the settlement boundaries.  Stuart Todd will send additional information on this.

The possibility to use Cligga for open space development is queried, due to the ground contamination, and the proximity to World Heritage site.

Kevin is considering provision of employment areas along the new A30, and the provision of the proposed cycle track to St Agnes.  He is also evaluating retail areas and the possibility of Park & Ride facilities for the summer months.

Kevin with some support Phillip H  and Phil Moore have done some work on the mapping and classifying of Open Spaces using Parish OnLine.  Kevin has produced the Open Spaces Gazette which identifies each of these individually in terms of location, category etc.

Environment & Heritage

Lucy considers that she has essentially finished the additions and queries to the LLCA produced earlier by Kathryn Strathern, and is completing the fieldwork for the Views and Vistas.

Lucy is preparing an additional Heritage asset list.

Stuart Todd

Maps are still required in places.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.


Any Other Business


Date of Nest Meeting

Early April, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’

Focus Group Meeting Wednesday 10th February 2021

Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom on Wednesday 10th February 2021 with Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Peter Gaisford,  Kevin Havill, Sam Boston, Andrew Bowen, Michael Callum, and Susan Dutson.

Tatiana Cant & Stuart Todd also attended. Louise Wilson-Richards apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th January 2021

Approved unanimously

Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 10th January 2021

Kevin will write to Sarah Furley (CC) regarding the Flooding and Coastal Management section of the NDP

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups

Rory, Philip Moor, Kevin &

William met with representatives of the Parish Council to report on progress.  The following issues were raised:

  • The pre-submission draft of the NDP is aimed to be completed by end April 2021.
  • The Parish Council has offered their resources to assist the NDP team, including help from Tatiana.
  • The Design Document being prepared by AECOM will be ready in time to match this date.
  • AECOM advises upon a second document effectively providing a Master Plan for the Parish development would be of use. They have written to Localities to see whether a grant could be available for this.  If not, Will requested that the Parish Council consider paying instead (about £10,000).


Roger expects to complete his section by Middle March


  • Philip Moor met with Simon Hargreaves (AECOM) in Perranporth on Tuesday 02 February, to collect data for the Design Report
  • Kevin is working with Stuart on the map production. Similarly, Lucy Wilson-Richards is in touch with Kevin & Stuart.
  • No comments received from Dave Watkins or Simon Jeffreys regarding to Flooding & Coastal Management.
  • Kevin has required details of the ownership of the airfield. William Will investigate

Environment and Heritage

Lucy Wilson-Richards expects to complete her sections of work by Mid-March.  This includes the completion of the LLCA report, with the necessary additional fieldwork, started by Katherine Statham (CC).

Stuart Todd

  • Stuart is working with word and is happy for the use of Track Changes.
  • It was agreed to get quotes for a graphic designer to apply consistent and improved design to the final document(s) as they head into the consultation phases.
  • All work will be transferred through Google Drive.
  • Stuart advised that Localities have allowed an additional £1000 grant as a result of the Corona Virus. William will investigate this.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.

  • Kevin has held meetings at Trevissome Park and with Sebastian Parker at Callestick Ice Cream

Any Other Business

Discussion concerning the publication of the Plan suggested mailshots, flyers Notices in shops and offices.  This is to be a separate heading in the March agenda.

Minutes are not updated on the website at present. It is not regarded as prudent to place all decisions at this time in the Public Domain.

Tatiana Cant has offered to proof read documentation.

Date of Nest Meeting

  • Mid-March, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’

Parish Council update meeting – 2021-02-04

Pre meeting notes by Rory (NDP Chairman)

Thankyou for asking for this meeting.

We know this is taking up everybody’s evening, so we hope this meeting shouldn’t take up more than about half an hour.

It’s great to be able to give you an update.
I know that William has been giving the parish council regular updates, but it’s always good to have a bit more dialogue and answer any questions you might have.

  • From our side, I’m the NDP chairman.
  • Kevin Havill is our our vice-chairman & head of BETI (Business, Employment Transport & Infrastructure)
  • William is our key parish council representative, the NDP secretary, who has kept the admin side of things together, including all the finances where he has managed to get more grants than we all expected.
  • Prof Phil Moore is a key member of our BETI and Steering Group.
  • Roger Kayes, the head of our housing group wasn’t able to make the meeting
  • & Christine Ashby Zwozdiak head of our Environment & Heritage group has had to step back from the entire NDP due to personal circumstances.

I know Tatiana has been involved in NDPs elsewhere, so I’m sure she’ll only smile when I say that like many projects, the amount of work needed, the depths of detail required  and technical challenges has been more than many expected.

In our early meetings we considered a fast tack NDP, but the clear majority of those involved wanted a plan that has much substance as sensibly possible. For example, we firmly believe our plan is going to cover more areas, in more detail than the excellent St Agnes Plan. The scale and complexity of this project should not be under estimated by the Parish Council.

In relation to the St Agnes plan, if we look at their time scales, from the time of their first public surveys to having the draft plan to start the end consultation steps, we are looking set to do it in a month less than St Agnes took. We are on track to publicise the draft in May of this year.

Similar to St Agnes we have split the NDP into 3 main areas:

  • Housing
  • Environment & Heritage
  • BETI (Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure)

I have shared our current central document to Sam, Peter & Tatiana. These 110 pages link into a lot more documents, but it’s the core bit where we welcome any feedback and other comments.

I’ve also had a look at NDP progress in Cornwall. From Cornwall Council data, so far two thirds of Cornwall are covered by NDPs, with one third of these designated areas having so far been adopted (38 of the 138 designated areas have adopted NDPs) or started the final statutory stages.

In terms of comparing our progress to other areas, we are in the same broad time scale as other, non fast track, NDPs.
We have had a team of over 15 and regularly had members of the public attend meetings drop down to only 6 that reliably attend meetings.
It’s a long time since we’ve had more than 6 people at a Steering Group meeting.

We lost a key group lead, Christine, but luckily her and the rest of the group had already done the lions share of the work, so were able to bring in a Cornwall Council recommended external consultant to finish off and wrap up Environment & Heritage, this seems to be working really well.

We are continually very mindful that at any time a developer could put in a substantial application before our NDP that will have Settlement Boundaries and a Primary Residence Policy. For example if a developer for the Holywell Bay ex military land puts in a new application, post our NDP reaching a critical stage, it could mean it is rejected or require fundamental alteration, more towards what people in the parish want.

Our progress to date has only been because of phenomenal amounts of work from the team of volunteers, with the support we have had from Cornwall Council and the parish council.

In terms of headline areas the NDP is set to cover,

  • for Housing,
    • settlement boundaries & a
    • Primary Residence Policy and an
    • associated Design Guide & Design Codes.
  • for Environment & Heritage, our initial public surveys and public meetings showed consistent strong support to protect these:
    • is the landscape and environment that is the main reason people wish to live and work here.
    • so the hundreds of hours of Local Landscape Character Assessments (LLCA), and other work has identified much of the environment & heritage assets the parish has, so as to give them greater protection.
  • for BETI (Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure) as we have Kevin and Phil from that group here, I’ll hand over to them.
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