Focus Group Meeting Wednesday 23rd June 2021

  1. Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom.


  • Kevin Havill,
  • Lucy Richards,
  • Phil Moore,
  • Philip Henwood,
  • Roger Kayes,
  • Rory Jenkins,
  • Stuart Todd,
  • Sue Dutson.
  • William Rogers
  1. Approval of notes raised at the previous Zoom Meeting held on 19th May 2021

Approved unanimously

  1. Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 19th May 2021
  • Simon Jefferies has completed his section on Coastal management and forwarded these to Kevin for onward transmission to
  • AECOM are collating the comments on the Design Guide and the Master Plan. These have been forwarded to Phil for transmittal to
  • Roger’s write up is complete and has been forwarded to Stuart
  • Settlement boundaries still need to be agreed between Roger & Phil.
  • William has sent a write up on Tamblyn Way to
  1. Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups


  • Roger has circulated his Evidence for his housing policies and submitted this paper to Stuart.


  • All items completed and have been forwarded Stuart .

     Environment & Heritage

  • LLCA complete except for some additional photographs, similarly the main E & H report is being completed between Lucy & Stuart.
  1. Stuart Todd Associates
  • All items covered in the meeting notes above.
  1. Public engagement and meetings
  • To be carried to next meeting
  1. Report back from meetings and contacts with external parties, including Parish Council
  • All other items covered in the meeting above.
  • It was agreed to contact Cornwall Council for their views on the positioning of settlement boundaries.
  1. Any Other Business
  • It was agreed to disband the focus groups. Contact with Stuart via the shared drive will be restricted to Rory and William
  1. Dates of future meetings
  • Rory to instigate a Doodle poll for the week that includes 19th July

Focus Group Meeting Tuesday 15th April 2021

Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom on Tuesday 16th March 2021 with Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Kevin Havill, Peter Gaisford, and Susan Dutson.

Stuart Todd & Michael Callum apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th Febuary 2021

Approved unanimously

Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 10th February 2021

Simon Jefferies (EA) is presently working on the Coastal Management section of BETI.

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups

The h is now expected to be completed by Mid-May.

Kevin has contacted the owner of the airfield (John George in Guernsey-local contact John Bassett). They are in discussion regarding possible business (including outdoor activities and possibility a Park & Ride facility) that could be accommodated at Cligga


Roger expects to complete his section by end-April.  He is about to discuss settlement boundaries with Roger Lacey (CC) concerning particularly whether holiday accommodation parks should be included within the SBs.


Phil Moore has requested a meeting with Stuart Todd and Roger to finalise anomalies with the settlement boundaries.  Stuart Todd will send additional information on this.

The possibility to use Cligga for open space development is queried, due to the ground contamination, and the proximity to World Heritage site.

WR has to complete the section on Sewage and wastewater for KH.

Simon Jefferies will, in his submission, address such problems as costal. erosion, and the effect of structures and sand movement.

Environment & Heritage

Lucy was on holiday, so unable to provide report. She is in contact with all Focus Groups, as well as Stuart Todd

Stuart Todd

Maps are still required in places. WR to check with ST on the extent of mapping received and where there are gaps.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.


Any Other Business


Date of Next Meeting

Mid May, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’ .

Focus Group Meeting Tuesday 16th March 2021

Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom on Tuesday 16th March 2021 with Stuart Todd, Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Kevin Havill, Sam Boston, Michael Callum, Lucy Wilson-Richards, and Susan Dutson.

Andrew Bown apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th Febuary 2021

Approved unanimously

Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 10th February 2021

KH is still trying to contact Dave Watkins (CC) and Simon Jefferies (EA) ref Coastal Management.  Michael Callum has offered to assist.

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups

AECOM has secured a grant from Localities to produce the Master Plan- No Financial assistance from PCC is needed.  The Master Plan is expected to be completed by end April.

Simon Hargreaves (AECOM) has been requested to link up with Stuart Todd, who has asked to be sent the first draft of the Design Guide.

Kevin wishes to contact the owner of the airfield (John George in Guernsey).  Michael Callum can supply details


Roger expects to complete his section by 30 March


Phil Moore has requested a meeting with Sturt Todd and Roger to finalise anomalies with the settlement boundaries.  Stuart Todd will send additional information on this.

The possibility to use Cligga for open space development is queried, due to the ground contamination, and the proximity to World Heritage site.

Kevin is considering provision of employment areas along the new A30, and the provision of the proposed cycle track to St Agnes.  He is also evaluating retail areas and the possibility of Park & Ride facilities for the summer months.

Kevin with some support Phillip H  and Phil Moore have done some work on the mapping and classifying of Open Spaces using Parish OnLine.  Kevin has produced the Open Spaces Gazette which identifies each of these individually in terms of location, category etc.

Environment & Heritage

Lucy considers that she has essentially finished the additions and queries to the LLCA produced earlier by Kathryn Strathern, and is completing the fieldwork for the Views and Vistas.

Lucy is preparing an additional Heritage asset list.

Stuart Todd

Maps are still required in places.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.


Any Other Business


Date of Nest Meeting

Early April, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’

Focus Group Meeting Wednesday 10th February 2021

Attendance and apologies

A virtual meeting of Focus Group heads was held on Zoom on Wednesday 10th February 2021 with Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Peter Gaisford,  Kevin Havill, Sam Boston, Andrew Bowen, Michael Callum, and Susan Dutson.

Tatiana Cant & Stuart Todd also attended. Louise Wilson-Richards apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th January 2021

Approved unanimously

Matters arising from the Zoom Meeting held on 10th January 2021

Kevin will write to Sarah Furley (CC) regarding the Flooding and Coastal Management section of the NDP

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups

Rory, Philip Moor, Kevin &

William met with representatives of the Parish Council to report on progress.  The following issues were raised:

  • The pre-submission draft of the NDP is aimed to be completed by end April 2021.
  • The Parish Council has offered their resources to assist the NDP team, including help from Tatiana.
  • The Design Document being prepared by AECOM will be ready in time to match this date.
  • AECOM advises upon a second document effectively providing a Master Plan for the Parish development would be of use. They have written to Localities to see whether a grant could be available for this.  If not, Will requested that the Parish Council consider paying instead (about £10,000).


Roger expects to complete his section by Middle March


  • Philip Moor met with Simon Hargreaves (AECOM) in Perranporth on Tuesday 02 February, to collect data for the Design Report
  • Kevin is working with Stuart on the map production. Similarly, Lucy Wilson-Richards is in touch with Kevin & Stuart.
  • No comments received from Dave Watkins or Simon Jeffreys regarding to Flooding & Coastal Management.
  • Kevin has required details of the ownership of the airfield. William Will investigate

Environment and Heritage

Lucy Wilson-Richards expects to complete her sections of work by Mid-March.  This includes the completion of the LLCA report, with the necessary additional fieldwork, started by Katherine Statham (CC).

Stuart Todd

  • Stuart is working with word and is happy for the use of Track Changes.
  • It was agreed to get quotes for a graphic designer to apply consistent and improved design to the final document(s) as they head into the consultation phases.
  • All work will be transferred through Google Drive.
  • Stuart advised that Localities have allowed an additional £1000 grant as a result of the Corona Virus. William will investigate this.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.

  • Kevin has held meetings at Trevissome Park and with Sebastian Parker at Callestick Ice Cream

Any Other Business

Discussion concerning the publication of the Plan suggested mailshots, flyers Notices in shops and offices.  This is to be a separate heading in the March agenda.

Minutes are not updated on the website at present. It is not regarded as prudent to place all decisions at this time in the Public Domain.

Tatiana Cant has offered to proof read documentation.

Date of Nest Meeting

  • Mid-March, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’

Focus Group Meeting Tuesday 12th January 2021

Attendance and apologies

A meeting of Focus Group heads was held virtually on Zoom on Tuesday 12th January 2021 by Rory, Roger, William, Philip Moore, Philip Henwood, Peter Gaisford, Jo Penticost and Kevin. Sam Boston and Andrew Bowen apologised for not attending.

Prior to the formal meeting, Jo Penticost of Perranzabuloe Parish Council gave a presentation on the need for automobile electric charging points in the Parish.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10tth December 2020

Approved unanimously

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups


Roger confirmed that his portion of the NDP was finalised except for about 2 days’ work, before it could be sent in its final form to Stuart Todd.


The Design Guide will be developed on behalf of the Parish by AECOM Architectural Consultants with funding from the Localities Office within the Department of Communities & Local Government (DCLG). The Design Guide will be a standalone document that defines the preferred styles, approach, appearance and materials for use in future residential and commercial developments within the Parish.

The Design Guide and associated Design Codes can be seen as an Annex linked directly to the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Perranzabuloe and will be referenced as such with the final NDP document. This will provide a reference framework for future developments in the Parish for both developers and subsequently for planners officiating over planning decisions. Design and Design Guides are likely to play a significant role in future development decisions according to recently published new guidelines from the Government. The Design Guide should be developed and published within the same time frame as the NDP final draft.

It was recognised within the NDP Steering Group that we did not have the specialist skills and knowledge to develop design guides ourselves, and we needed to get professional expertise and know how to undertake the process.   We therefore sought funding from DCLG to commission this important piece of work.

The Design Guide will also include recommendations for making enhancements and redesign of the appearance and structuring of the main commercial areas’ of Perranporth village. However, a full Masterplan exercise of Perranporth is beyond the scope of the funding secured from DCLG.  I is expected that this work  will be completed by mid-April

It is recommended that subsequent to the NDP, the Parish Council should look to fund a separate full Masterplan exercise as a follow-on to the Design Guide. AECOM would be the obvious choice to undertake this important follow-on work.

The time scale for by AECOM Architectural Consultants to deliver the Design Guide, which will strengthen the ND,P ties in with other Steering Group work being completed for the end of April. As the Design Guide is almost entirely document referenced by the main body of the NDP it will not cause a delay to the project timeline.

Information is still required from Simon Jeffries (EA), and Dave Watkins (CC), concerning Flooding & Coastal Management

Kevin is exploring the potential for business units around the new A30 corridor, as well as determining (as far as possible) the Perranporth to St Agnes cycle route.

The potential of Cligger for increased development is being investigated.

Environment and Heritage

Through advice gained from Sarah Furley and Kath Stratham of Cornwall Council, Louise Wilson-Richards or Tirwell Landscape Consultancy (Truro) has been appointed to complete the work originally undertaken by Christine Ashby-Zwozdiak, for an agreed fee of £2100 plus VAT. Rory and William will be discussing this with Lucy on a Zoom call on 14th

Stuart Todd

  • No issues.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.

  • No issues.

Any Other Business

  • Roger has produced a programme, indicating completion by the end of 2021/early 2022
  • Philip Henwood has offered to take high definition photographs of the area
  • All information will be transferred from ‘Drop Box’ to ‘Google Drive’ .

Post meeting note

  • Post the meeting Rory, the chairperson, reflected that in this meeting he failed to keep to this meeting structured, as set out towards the end of 2020, so that each group only gets involved with the progress of other groups, unless asked, once they have first completed all the work for their own particular group.

Date of Nest Meeting

  • Early February, subject to ‘Doodle Poll’

Focus Group Meeting Monday 7th December 2020

Attendance and apologies

A meeting of Focus Group heads was held virtually on Zoom on Monday 7th December 2020   by Rory, Roger, William, Philip and Kevin. Michael Callam apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 10th November

  • William obtained Technical Assistance from ‘Localities’/AECOM for producing the Design guide
  • Roger has completed his draft settlement boundary maps and is discussing these with Sarah Furley (CC).
  • Initial comments have been received from David Watkins (CC) and Simon Jefferies (EA) regarding policies on the Coastal Management Plan.

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups


  • Roger showed on screen the draft settlement boundary maps. On the advice of Sarah Furley, the open land immediately south of Ramouth Way should be included with the SB. Consideration had been given to the means of excluding this area, given its visual significance when viewed from the main part of the Village.
  • The possibility of including the open area south of Ramouth Way as a Local Green Space is being considered.
  • Roger still needs to complete the policies on PRP/Green Wedge. He has.  been continuing work with Stuart Wallace, with the Open Space survey of Goonhavern, with input from Ken Yeo and Steve Arthur.


  • Kevin will require several maps for which he requires to use the service of ‘Parish on the line’ offered by the Ordinance Survey at a cost of £290 plus VAT. This expenditure was approved.
  • Kevin will continue discussions with Dave Watkins (CC) regarding the Coastal Management policies.
  • Kevin believes that there is evidence for the need of areas for employment, being retail and commercial as well as seasonal.
  • AECOM (a free service through Localities) is assisting Kevin in the production of a design guide.

Environment and Heritage

  • William is to contact Sarah Furley and Kath Statham both of Cornwall Council regarding professional help to take on Christine’s brief, including the finalisation of the Local Landscape Character Assessment.

Stuart Todd

  • No issues.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.

  • No issues.

Any Other Business

  • Roger has produced a programme, indicating completion by the end of 2021

Date of Nest Meeting

  • Early January subject to ‘Doodle Poll’

Focus Group Meeting Tuesday 10th November 2020

Attendance and apologies

A meeting of Focus Group heads was held virtually on Zoom on Tuesday 10th November 2020 attended by Rory, Roger, William, and Kevin.  In addition, Philip Henwood, Michael Callum, & Prof Philip Moor attended. Sue Dutson, Christine

A-Z and Sam Boston apologised for not attending.

Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom Meeting held on 23rd September

These were approved.

Matters arising

  • Stuart Todd has sent samples of Policy Statements from successful NDPs for comparison.
  • Roger produced some of the settlement boundary maps and hopes to complete the draft by mid-end November 2020.
  • Stuart Todd has forwarded samples of the Cornwall design guide.
  • William has applied to ‘Localities’ for assistance in producing the Design Guide and Design Code.
  • Kevin has forwarded the proposed Coastline Management Policies to David Watkins (CC) and Simon Jefferies (EA) for comments
  • Kevin is producing a map of the A30 corridor and is also producing evidence re the demand for industrial units.

Reports, Timing and Action Plans from Focus Groups


  • Roger shared his screen of a map of the draft settlement boundary for Perranporth. In collaboration with Paul Hamblin, a similar map is being produced for Goonhavern and Bolingey.  Roger has sent a draft of his input to Sarah Furley (CC) for comment.  It was agreed that the drafts maps and associated material will be sent for comment to Michael Callan and Adrian Harvey, the two County Councillors covering the parish, as well as to Ken Yeo and Nigel Davis (PPC Planning) for initial input.  The plans are to be circulated to the SG immediately afterward.
  • The PRP will apply for the whole of the Parish. William enquired as to whether the PRP can apply to new housing proposals where Planning Permission was granted before the PRP came into force, but construction had not yet started.  This is the case for the Penhale Camp site at Holywell. Roger considered that this wasn’t the case unless perhaps the permission actually lapsed, necessitating an entirely fresh application.  He will consult on an aspect of this and advise.
  • Philip Henwood enquired as to whether the Group should consider other Green Spaces besides the wedge of land between Bolingey and Perranporth. There was extensive discussion of the definition of ‘Local Green Spaces’, as in the NPPF, paralleling the discussion at the last meeting.  Reference was made to the document Stuart Todd had forwarded (Example Report for Local Green Space Assessment).


  • Kevin is to pursue the production of Design Codes. William has filled in an application to ‘Localities’ for Technical Assistance.
  • Kevin will require to produce some maps and will use the CC facilities for this, as well as access to the OS maps through the Parish Council.
  • Kevin advises that in his opinion a Vision Statement will be required, showing what is special to the Parish and needs to be protected.

Environment and Heritage

  • Rory will talk to Christine and Susan Dutson in order to formulate a way forward should Christine not be able to continue her assignment. The meeting showed great appreciation for the professional work that she has completed to date.
  • It was suggested by Philip that the Lost Church and the Nobel Dynamite factory be given Listed Status,

Stuart Todd

  • No issues. Stuart has access to the ‘Drop Box’. The first Draft has been produced and circulated to the FG heads.
  • In response to a question from Kevin, Roger offered to prepare something indicating the time required for the remaining stages of the NDP process, and to send to ST for agreement.

Report Back from meetings and contacts with external parties.

  • A meeting was held with Douglas Parker of the Development Company – Montbart. He is moving to Cornwall and assessing opportunities for investment. It was a general conversation with no significant discussion.

Any Other Business

  • Initial discussions too place regarding the way to provide opportunities for the public to assess the proposed content of the NDP before it goes to CC The possibility of the use of  a Pop Up shop in the main street was suggested.  This will be a subject of the December FG meeting.

Date of Next Meeting

  • To be advised, though preferably before Christmas.

Steering Group Zoom Meeting 11th June 2020

1    Attendance and Apologies

Linda Boylen, Sam Boston, Philip Henwood, Andrew Bowen,

2      Approval of Issues raised at the Zoom meeting on 4th May 2020

The items discussed were related to the meeting, and approved.

3      Matters arising

Linda Boylen’s section has been sent to Stuart Todd and returned with comments.

CAZ has met with Derek Brooks of Goonhavern Old Cornwall Society

4      Questionnaire (Business)

It was considered that the business questionnaire as it stands has produced as much as it can in its present form.  Kevin might wish to revisit this later, but for the present it was agreed to download the information.  Rory will then close the account with Survey Monkey. William will check with Jeff Muir as to whether his account with Survey Monkey can be used still.  (Post Meeting Note  The account originally held with Jeff Muir is no longer available)

5      Report regarding Stuart Todd Associates

It is hoped to return the corrected questionnaires to Stuart Todd during July.

6      Reports and Action Plans from Focus Groups including Contact with Stuart Todd

  • Housing – Including PRP & Disability Access

Roger hopes to complete the corrections to his housing  section by the end of June.

It was agreed unanimously that the PRP shall encompass the whole of Perranzabuloe.

  • BETI

Kevin has completed action on Stuart’s comments, and will forward to Stuart in July via the Drop Box. Philp Moore is working with Kevin and will be available when Kevin is in Sweden.

  • Environment & Heritage

Kath Statham is working upon the LLCA.  She has completed two surveys and completed the mapping.

9   Report back from meetings and contacts with external parties

7      Any other business

Steering Group Meeting 12th March 2020

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation


2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Phillip Henwood, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), Peter Gaisford, William Rogers, Roger Kayes, Christine Ashby-Zwozdiak.

Sue Dutson, Karen Colan, Sam Boston, Phillip Moore, Andrew Bown, and Michael Callan tendered apologies.

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 7th March 2020

The minutes were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes –

William Rogers still needs to contact Janine Branch to determine whether she wishes to remain on the Steering Group (Repeat Minute).

4 Matters Arising & Declaration of Interest

Nothing outstanding to report.

Outstanding Declaration of Interest forms are still required from, Karen Colam, and Janine Branch.

5 Questionnaire (Business)

No report.

6 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)

Primary Residence Policy (PRP) will be a policy in the NDP, however there was discussion as to whether this should be applied to the whole of Perranzabuloe or be confined to certain areas.  Should the latter approach be considered, it will be necessary to resample the community.  This can be done by Facebook, emails, the ‘Around Perran’ leaflet etc.  RK wishes to sample some of the new developments in Perranporth to try and ascertain the proportion of ‘Second homes’ in the New Builds.

A green wedge has been identified at Bolingey only

RK is having discussions with the CC Rural Housing enabler (Noreen Jefferies) and will find about the use of affordable housing with small communities in rural areas.

BETI (Kevin Havill)

There was no advance upon Business Questionnaires.  It was decided to keep the Survey Monkey open for another month, and then assess whether any advantage would be gained by continuing (cost in the order of £50 per month).  One of the outcomes of the survey was that only 38% of businesses that provided returns were reliant upon tourism.

KH & RK met with Robert Lacey (CC head of planning) to discuss development of the A30 corridor and as a potential centre for business growth.  It appeared that there has been no thought by CC on this potential opportunity.  KH will however produce some policies to support this.  Areas such as New Road Perranporth, should be designated as business areas. Employment areas will be Red Lined on mapping.

Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

CAZ requested guidance to the extent of information and references that would be needed by Stuart Todd. She was advised to forward all the information collated to date, and that he will assess upon its sufficiency and advise accordingly.  The Landscape Character Assessment Plan is being completed by Katharine Statham (Cornwall Council) and can be later in its production.

A local green space survey is required.  This can be achieved with SG members walking their dogs and filling in tick boxes. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

It was agreed that a survey of ‘Views and Vistas’ that need protection would be undertaken on social media.

7 Any other Business

Production of the Documentation and Submissions to Stuart Todd

Extensive discussion took place regarding the detail in the individual focus group submissions. It was suggested that all documents should be available to all members of the Steering Group, and all should be owned by the groups as opposed to the individual author.  It is aimed to send all copy to Stuart Todd by the end of March.  It is hoped to have the completed document ready for screening by end June 2020.

All should be on the Dropbox.  All copy should be held here in case we ever lose a member, particularly in the case of the Corona virus. Extensive discussion took place regarding the detail in the individual focus group submissions.

Cornwall Council will need 12 weeks for a screening consultation, and the earliest that the document can be issued will be end September.

WR will find the availability of Stuart Todd.  Paul Weston who is equally revered works with Stuart, and might be asked by Stuart to assist.  There was a general feeling within the meeting that the work should not be farmed out to another person.

Stuart Todd produced an updated budget in the order of £9,100 plus VAT. This was accepted.  WR was authorised to request that he proceed with the work, with the proviso that if the cost exceeded this figure, it would require to be ratified by the SG


Imogen Day (CC) can organise mapping (at a cost) for the Group.  KH need maps and can either buy from Ordinance Survey or use the PC, which holds a licence.  It also has an A3 printer.   OGIS mapping is also available.  RK will advise.

Meeting with Origin 3

Origin 3 is working with Tregothnan estates, as the Project Managers and Planners for future development.  They had meeting with some of the SG.  The meeting was very general.  Tregothnan wishes to upkeep their existing letting housing stock, hence are selling off land for housing. Originally Tregothnan employed an agent between owner and Developer.  They will not now be following this approach and will cut out the ‘middleman’.

Origin 3 has subsequently written to the NDP requesting knowledge of the programme for its production.

Weight of NDP prior to the referendum

It was suggested that a NDP can carries some weight when it is has been submitted to CC, but this is not guaranteed.

8 Dates of future meetings in 2020

The date of the next SG meeting will be advised.  RJ will send out a Doodle Poll in due course to set the date.

2020-02-07 Steering Group Meeting – minutes – DRAFT

Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting
Friday 07th February 2020


Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1 Public Participation


2 Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Linda Boylen, Philip Henwood , Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), William Rogers, Roger Kayes, Phil Moore & Andrew Bown

Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Sue Dutson, and Michael Callan tendered apologies.

Adrian Harvey (County Councillor for Goonhavern) attended.

3 Approval of Minutes on Meeting on 7th January 2019

The minutes were unanimously approved subject to minor editing changes –

William Rogers still has to contact Janine Branch to determine whether she wishes to remain on the Steering Group (Repeat Minute)

4 Matters Arising & Declaration of Interest

Nothing outstanding to report

Outstanding Declaration of Interest forms are still required from, Karen Colam, and Janine Branch

5  Questionnaire (Business)

No report

6 Reports and action plans from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes)

Roger reported that he had had a further email exchange with Noreen Jefferies, Cornwall Council’s Rural Housing Enabler, regarding her interest in coming along to the SG to talk about what CC has to offer to rural communities wishing to undertake small-scale housing projects to provide housing for local needs.  Rory asked whether she might be able to suggest a specific NDP policy in this regard, possibly aimed at encouraging local groups in the more rural southerly parts of the parish to come forward to promote such projects, depending of course on planning considerations.  Roger agreed to ask her about this.  The feeling of the meeting was that otherwise, this was probably something that the SG wouldn’t pursue at this juncture.

Preparation of settlement boundaries had been delayed by the illness of Michael Callan but would get underway shortly, at least in Goonhavern.

BETI (Kevin Havill)

No report

Environment and Heritage (Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak)

No report

7 Any other Business

7.1 Meeting with Stuart Todd Associates to appoint a Policy Writing Expert practice

William had previously contacted Stuart Todd Associates- a firm of repute and known to the Clerk, who specialises in compiling the Neighbourhood Development Plans, with involvement in more than 40 to date at various levels including several in Cornwall. He has produced a price in the order of £10,000 (inc VAT which can be passed on) to compile our document.  This will be subject to variation when he is more aware of the extent of work involved, in compiling all in the same style and format.  The offer was accepted in principle, however, if the price is within 10% of this value, he can be formally employed to undertake the work. If more, it will need to be reconsidered by the Steering Group.

It is hoped that policies from the Focus Groups can be drafted by the end of the month.  RJ will set up a discreet Dropbox for all submissions and correspondence.  The number of policies expected to date are:-

Roger Kayes (Housing)             – 3

Linda Boylan (Housing)           –  4

Kevin Havil (BETI)                   – 40

Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak (E&H)  – 10

RK enquired about the budget.

WR commented that to date the Group had spent in the order of £16,000, less a grant of £7,500, giving net spend of around £8,500.  This figure is significantly less than the Council’s precepted figure of £15,000.  The PC has earmarked £20,000 for the 2020-2021 precept

RJ is pursuing the possibility of linking the provision of Passive Housing with the PRP.

Post meeting Note:  WR informed the PC at their meeting on 10th February who ratified this decision,

 7.2 Meeting with Cornwall Council and the EA  to discuss Flooding issues

The Focus group leads, RK, WR, Dave Watkins, Flood & Coastal Strategic Resilience Lead Cornwall Council, together with Simon Jeffries & Justin Ridgewell from the EA.

The main thrust of the Meeting was to discuss the implications of the Shoreline Management Plan for Perranporth, in terms of coastal erosion and flooding.

The following points were discussed.

  • Coastal erosion can be expected along the strip of land adjacent to the beach
  • With a 1:200 storm, in excess of 70 houses are presently at risk of flooding.
  • Residential buildings should be designed to survive a 1:100 year storm event, with commercial buildings surviving a 1:30 year event.
  • It might be prudent to consider allowing the beach car park to return to dunes in the distant future, as opposed to the car park as at present and hard sea defences.
  • The EA and Cornwall Council will assist in the writing of the policies directing at flooding
  • The EA have GIS files for mapping of the erosion zones that they will make available to the NDP.

7.3 Additional issues

A meeting is to be arranged with Noreen Jefferies to discuss the promotion of rural housing needs, the possibility of a Community Land Trust and identification of specific land

The meeting with Jeremy Content either with Robert Lacey, or on his own still needs to take place specifically to consider land issues and development near to the A30.

8 Dates of future meetings in 2020

The Next SG meeting will be Tuesday 10th March 2020.


Date of next SG meeting rescheduled to Thursday 12th March

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