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Public Survey Results – Initial findings public meeting Oct 2019

We had an amazing response rate. 888 responses, so just over 30% of the 2903 surveys sent out. This is high for a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) project and thanks to not only our amazing community but all who are working on and helping with our parishes NDP project.

We held 2 public meetings, one in Goonhavern Village Hall at 7:30pm on Tuesday the 15th of October and one in the Perranporth Memorial Hall, also at 7:30pm, on Wednesday the 16th of October.

Perranporth Memorial Hall NDP meeting

The meeting in Goonhavern had about 10 people who were not part of the NDP Steering Group and the Perranporth meeting about 40.

An overall summary was given, followed by a summary from each of the group leads:

  1. Christine, head of the Environment & Heritage Group (PDF presentation)
  2. Roger, head of our Housing Group (
  3. Kevin, head of the Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure (BETI) Group.

Then the prize draw (1 in Goonhavern, 2 in Perranporth).

General Statistics by Rory Jenkins (current chairman)

  • Slightly more women responded than men. 55% women.
  • Most respondents were 36 or older.
  • Most responses from Perranporth > Goonhavern > Bolingey > Rose before the other hamlets. So, in keeping with the sizes of our main settlements.
  • Most respondents live in a house, not a flat.
  • Most respondents are owner occupiers, not tenants or in social housing.
  • Massive range of groups, where the most popular were:
    • Fitness clubs & classes 21% >
    • Pilates & Yoga 20% >
    • Surfing community 15% >
    • Surf Life Saving Club 13% >
    • local churches 15 %>
    • Rugby Club 9%
    • BUT also 12% said not groups. This could mean that there are isolated people in our community we could all do more to engage with.
  • Massive use of community facilities with the most popular being:
    • Local Shops 91% in general and specifically the Chemist 90%, Local supermarkets 90%, the Garden Centre 78%, Restaurants 76%, Pubs 76%, the Petrol Station 75%, Post Office 75%, Cafes 74% and Take away 61%.
    • Also 59% of respondents use Public Conveniences in the parish
  • Top priorities were given as:
    • Medical Facilities
    • Environment
    • Road Safety

Environment & Heritage Group

Christine talked visitors through the her Environment & Heritage presentation (this is a large PDF), including taking questions from the audience as they arose. In particular, in both Goonhavern and Perranporth there was quite a detailed discussion about the planned roll out of 5G and how this could have a negative impact on the environment.

Overall there was exceptionally strong support for the issues the questions asked about.

  1. It is important that we identify, protect and enhance buffer areas that we wish to retain as our green spaces for the use of wildlife and the Community.
  2. Existing trees, woodland, hedgerows and Cornish hedges should be retained, conserved and enhanced in order to maintain and create effective wildlife habitats and corridors.
  3. It is important that our villages and hamlets retain their unique and distinctive characteristics as separate and individual settlements.
  4. The retention and preservation of important panoramic landscape views and vistas is key to maintaining and enhancing landscape integrity.
  5. The infrastructure for delivering 5G, with the benefit of around 10 times current mobile data speeds, should not result in the removal of, or damage to, existing trees, hedgerows, wildlife areas and wildlife corridors.
  6. All new developments should include integral bio-diversity enhancement measures such as bird boxes/bee bricks and open sustainable drainage systems to attract and protect wildlife as a
    planning condition.

As shown by this bar chart, well over 90% responded with either Strongly Agree or Agree to each question:

Environment and Heritage responses

Housing Group

Roger, head of the Housing Group, focused on those issues most likely to have a direct impact on the end NDP document.

He had a different presentation for Goonhavern and Perranporth, as for each he compared the parish results, with the results from those from each of these areas. In general there was no significant difference between responses from these areas and the general response. But without looking you don’t find that sort of thing out !

At both locations, there were questions and discussions around what the audience understood by the housing questions in the survey. There was also discussion about creating Settlement Boundaries around Perranporth and Goonhavern and whether those present did or didn’t want our end NDP to have a Primary Residency Policy (PRP) or not.

Post the Perranporth discussion around PRP a show of hands poll of the audience had:

  • 17 Strong yes
  • 7 Yes
  • 1 Neutral
  • 2 No
  • 1 Strong no

(Excluding members of the NDP Steering Group, the Perranporth meeting had just under 40 parishioners.)

There were many audience comments relating to PRP including (paraphrased):

  • The local estate agents have lists of those looking for housing in the parish and roughly half of these are from beyond the parish and appear to be those looking for holiday homes / second homes / to let out to holiday maker properties.
  • Tywarnhayle Road has sections of the road, where out of season many properties have no night time lights on in season midweek late night noise is a problem for those who have to get up for work.
  • In other areas properties have returned to being full time occupied from being holiday let properties.
  • There is a concern that if St Agnes and Crantock have PRPs, then Perranporth will be targeted by developers and in general for those looking for non primary residence properties.

Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure (BETI) Group

Kevin, head of the Business, Employment, Transport & Infrastructure (BETI) Group went through a detailed BETI presentation on many of the BETI questions and their responses.

Kevin reminded all of us, if we are a business owner, or if we know a business owner, that a survey of local businesses is currently underway.

Some summary points that I (Rory, NDP chairman) picked up:

  • Want more wind and solar power, but not more solar farms.
  • Against more AirBnB, holiday houses, second homes & static caravans, but appreciate the benefit of tourism and want a longer season, more hotels.
  • Want an event space and more cultural events.
  • Want to keep and expand the employment base, especially new technology and year round employment.
  • There’s a strong desire for more studios and workshops, shared workspaces, and year round traders, but less appetite for more shops and offices.
  • Want better bus and general public transport improvements.
  • Very positive about improving and enhancing cycling within and beyond the parish (links).
  • Strong support for 20mph in residential areas.
  • Very strong support for the reinstatement of Tamblyn Way steps down to the beach from Droskyn.
  • Very strong support to improve the range of medical, health and educational resources in the parish.
  • Exceptionally strong support for the concept that future development should not increase the risk of flooding.
  • A strong feeling that there is a good quality of life in the parish, but that there is potential to make this even better.

We then had the prize draw

What next ?

The Steering Group, who are always keen to have more volunteers, so if anybody feels they can help in any way, please get in touch, will be digging more into the survey results, undertaking a Survey of local businesses, investigating and consulting further.

All of this will then turn into a draft Neighbourhood Plan for our parish.

This is then shared with you and put to a list of statutory consultees including Cornwall Council

Once any feedback is with us and implemented, it goes to an independent examiner, who will give us feedback on whether the policies we want, as we lay them out, sit within existing national and Cornwall legislation.

Once any feedback from the examiner is dealt with it goes to a public referendum and if majority accepted it becomes adopted.

This is likely to take about a further 18 months.

Upcoming public meetings for initial results from the 888 returned surveys

The Neighbourhood Development Plan team are holding 2 public events to give a summary of the 888 surveys returned. Please come along to one or both of these events:

  • Tue 15th Oct, 7:30pm at Goonhavern Village Hall
  • Wed 16th Oct, 7:30pm at Perranporth Memorial Hall.

These events have been promoted by:

  • Our Facebook page and the 2 main Facebook groups for the parish.
  • A Mailchimp e-mailshot was sent out – 9 October 2019 at 6:04 pm to 153 recipients (71.8% opened it.)
  • Posters were done (a different one was done for Goonhavern Vs Perranporth – thumbnails above.
    – these posters were put on the parish notice boards, the shop (which is also the Post Office) in Goonhavern. In Perranporth, the butchers, several cafe’s and the post office
  • As per publicising the survey, the meetings to discuss the results were the cover of the “Around Piran” magazine:

2019-07-10 Steering Group Meeting

Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 10th July 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1       Public Participation

Chris Pearson attended.  He is particularly interested in receiving the survey results when available.

2       Guest Speaker

Jackie Smith (Sustainable Drainage Lead Officer Cornwall Council) gave a presentation on methods of controlling drainage within new developments.

3       Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Sam Boston, Andrew Bown, Keith Everest, Peter Gaisford, Phillip Henwood, Rory Jenkins (chair), Roger Kayes & William Rogers.

Michael Callan, Kevin Havill, Linda Boylen, Susan Dutson, Phil Moore, Karen Colam & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

Andrew Kent has not attended meetings since the inaugural meeting.  Rory will contact him to check whether he is no longer interested, and if so to request that he stands down.

Marijka Zwozdiak (undertaking the data input for the survey) also attended.

4       Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 12th June 2019

The minutes were approved, subject to minor editing alterations:  Proposed by Rory, Seconded by Andrew and accepted unanimously.

5       Matters arising

No issues.

6       Declarations of Interest

All Steering Group members were advised of the new Declaration of Interest form, produced by Rory. The earlier copy that was produced had one question duplicated.  All members of the SG are requested to fill this in.

7       Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

No issues

8       Questionnaire

  • State of returns

Surveys in excess of 300 have already been inputted on line. There are still some 300 that still need to be inputted.

Marijka Zwozdiak reported that she is inputting between 2 & 3 returns per hour.

  • Checking Procedure

Roger Kayes will carry out quality checking on 10% of surveys inputted.

  • Report back Sessions

Report back sessions on the survey have been booked for Goonhavern on Tuesday 15th October, and at Perranporth on Wednesday 16th October, 2019.

9       Reports from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space (Roger Kayes

Roger reported that the planned meeting with Tim Marsh (to be arranged by Michael Callan) had not yet taken place.

A recent planning appeal decision in Wadebridge suggests that the Government is putting greater weight upon the contents of local NDPs that have not yet passed the referendum.  At the end of June, the planning inspector upheld Cornwall Council’s refusal of an application for 225 houses on the edge of the town, specifically on the grounds that the application would prevent the local community deciding what it wanted to happen on that land.  The NDP has been through community-wide consultation immediately before submission to CC, but issues raised during that consultation haven’t yet been agreed to enable it to proceed to the next stage.

Roger reported that he is still to convene a meeting with a volunteer who has offered to show interested members of the NDP team to learn how to use ‘QGIS’.  Having access to a functioning Geographical Information System will be very useful in preparing maps for the NDP.


No report this month.

Environment and Heritage

Four members were present for the meeting on 3rd July and it was decided that the deadline for the completion of all previously allotted assessment and photo files will be Thursday 15th August. Any lack of coverage will be assessed and rectified after this date. Next meeting is to take place in early September. Chris agreed to produce and circulate via social media a ‘what do we love about Perranzabuloe’ form to engage local children in the LLCA process.

CAZ is arranging a competition to get children involved with the LLCA.  It has been agreed to offer prizes of £10 & £5 for winners (proposed by Rory, seconded by Phil Henwood).

10    Financial Matters

William produced a draft of expenses to date, and estimates for the future expenditure of the project.

Andrew Bown will take over the running of finances from William.

The SG is paying a monthly rate to Survey Monkey in order that the results can be processed.  Rory reported that this will be more cost effective that paying an annual fee.

Rory will cancel the contract for the unique phone line, given that hardly any members of the community made use of it during our survey.

11    Any other Business

Rory has been approached by a planner from ‘Origin 3-a Bristol based planning and urban design consultancy. He understands that he is working with land owners / development re Tregothan Estates.  Rory aims to arrange a meeting with him (with Roger) when he is in the area.

William produced a provisional draft estimate for the total cost of the NDP- See appendix A

12    Dates of future meetings for 2019

Tue 10th Sep
Wed 16th Oct (This will need to be adjusted- clashing with Parish Feedback- suggest one week earlier!)  This will be finalised in the September 2019 SG meeting
Thu 14th Nov
Tue 10th Dec


Appendix A

Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan  Draft  Cost estimate as at 10 July ’19



01 July 2018 Jeff Muir Inv 22 Printing cost, mailing house fees & delivery £2,549.34
13 November 2018 Jeff Muir Inv 25 Design of leaflet & Platemaking £1,216.00
15 November 2018 Jeff Muir Inv 26 Design and production of banners and volunteer cards £470.00
Hire of Memorial hall £25.00
Hire of Goonhavern Hall £20.00
Hire of small meeting room (Memorial Hall)  twice £40.00
Provision of list of properties from Cornwall Council £27.00 £4,347.34
Grant from Localities £4,069.00
Grant from perraporth garden charities £500.00
Balance remaining £221.66
18 April 2019 Jeff Muir Inv 33 £3,487.31
16 May 2019 Jeff Muir Inv 34 £1,588.00
16 May 2019 Jeff Muir Inv 35 £298.40
04 July 2019 Jeff Muir Inv 37  Banners £144.00
20 April 2019 Provision of list of properties from Cornwall Council £24.00
01 May 2019 Around Piran Advert £30.00
26 June 2019 Advertising on Facebook £30.00
27 June 2019 Survey Monkey fees £200.00
31 August 2019 Input of Forms £2,000.00
31 August 2019 Freepost returns £500.00 £8,301.71
Design,Printing cost, Mailing House & Delivery £2,146.73
Public participation meeting £1,000.00
Production of Neighbourhood plan  Estimate £5,000.00
Public participation meet £1,000.00
TOTAL COST(Estimate)   £21,795.78
Less grants to date £4,847.34
Net Cost   £16,948.44


2019-06-12 Steering Group Meeting

Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 12th June 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1       Public Participation

No members of the public attended.

2       Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Susan Dutson, Linda Boylen,  Andrew Bown, Keith Everest, Peter Gaisford, Rory Jenkins (chair), Phil Moore & William Rogers

Observer: Michael Callan (Cornwall Council) .

Roger Kayes, Kevin Havill, Karen Colam & Janine Branch tendered apologies

3       Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 16th May 2019

The minutes were approved:-  Proposed by Rory, seconded by William and accepted unanimously.

4       Matters arising

No issues

5       Amendment of Terms of Reference

The final Terms of Reference for conducting SG business, as drafted by Roger were adopted.

Proposed Rory,  Seconded Andrew Bown, Adopted unanimously.

6       Declarations of Interest

No further issues

7       Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

The Parish Council has requested that an additional 2 PCC members be co-opted onto the Steering Group, in the light of Michael Callam, and Karen Colam resigning from the Parish Council..  Peter Gaisford (proposed by William & seconded by Rory) and Sam Boston (proposed by Rory, seconded by SD)  were unanimously accepted onto the SG.

8       Questionnaire

To date over 500 returns had been received (155 on line,348 by return mail.  There are also an unknown quantity deposited in the collection boxes put in stores around the Parish.  It is expected that the final number of returns will be in excess of 25% of those sent out.  This is regarded in the light of other NDPs as being an acceptable response.

The possibility of employing students to transfer data into the Survey Monkey will be investigated.  A rate of £12 per hour was agreed.

It was agreed that .there should be feedback session to the Public (including the draw for the prize for completion of the Questionnaire.) in both Perranporth and Goonhavern  towards the beginning of October.  This should allow sufficient time for processing.

9       Reports from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space

No report this month.


Following a session with Stephen Horscroft, (Cornwall Council Economic Development Officer) it was advised that the business questionnaire has been restructured to be more ‘tick box friendly’. Also, for the sake of ensuring anonymity the questionnaire has been split into two parts.

It was agreed that postal responses shall be sought initially, and follow up calls made to the business addresses that haven’t responded. Also, ballot boxes at

Perranporth Post Office, Perranzabuloe Parish Office and Goonhavern Post Office will be used.

Post meeting it has been agreed that the Business Survey will also be made available on line and recipients of the letter encouraged to preferably complete the online version.

Cycle Track

BETI should look at the start point for the new track in Perranporth (Ponsmere Valley, Wheal Leisure) and for facilities at Goonhavern

Forthcoming Meetings

  • Steering Group:- progress of business questionnaire to be reported, and timing to be given, together with request for printing/mailing etc
  • South West Water. WR has arranged a public meeting. MC, PM, RE & CS will represent BETI
  • Cornwall Council Cycle Network – agreed a follow up meeting would be useful. PM, MC & CS to arrange and participate

Environment and Heritage

Progress is good. Several new assessments came in and other potential sites/surveyors have been identified. There are some issues with format and photos which will require attention, but this will dealt with at a later stage.

The next meeting will be on Weds July 3rd to assess progress.

Sue and CAZI are planning to work on a school intervention exercise involving the engagement of Class 5 and 6 pupils in the LLCA process, and possibly with the Goonhavern Scout Group. There are several people who have been trained to conduct surveys but have not thus far engaged in the actual collection of data.  It is hoped that they would take a more active role in the process.

10  Administration and Background Organisational Matters

Nothing to discuss.

11    Financial Matters

William will produce an up to date finance report at the July Meeting .

12    Any other Business

Taking account of GDPR regulations, Rory will keep all captures personal data until later in the NDP process, when it will be desotrpyed .

13    Dates of future meetings for 2019

Wed 10th July
Thu 15th Aug
Tue 10th Sep
Wed 16th Oct
Thu 14th Nov
Tue 10th Dec

2019-05-14 BETI Meeting Minutes

Perranporth Neighbourhood Development Plan – BETI Focus Group
Notes: 14th May 2019 (PC Parish Rooms )


Kevin Havill – Chair (KH), Philip Moore – Vice Chair (PRM), Clive Stevens (CS), Richard Eves
(RE), Mike Callan – CC Consultant (MC)


Karen Colam (KC), Andrew Bown (AB), Richard Page (RP), Jim Hewitt (JH), Sharon
Hewitt (SH), Keith Everest (KE), Mark Trevethen (MT), William Rogers – Parish Council Rep

1. Previous Minutes

  • Minutes of the previous meeting on 9th April 2019 – Approved

2. Business Questionnaire

  • Following the session with Stephen Horscroft, Counwall Council Economic
    Development Officer the questionnaire has been restructured to be more
    ‘tick box’. Also for the sake of ensuring anonymity the questionnaire has been
    split into two parts. The first recording the respondent and the second the
    detailed information. The two parts will be separated when the information
    is analysed.
  • Both sections and the covering letter reviewed as a group.
  • Agreed that postal responses shall be sought in the first hand and follow up
    calls made to business addresses that haven’t responded. Also ballot boxes at
    Perranporth Post Office, Perranzabuloe Parish Office and Goonhavern Post
    Office to be used.
  • Timing – agreed that the questionnaires will be sent out 1st September with a
    request for returns by 23rd September, thereafter personal calls will be
  • At the previous meeting it was agreed to break the parish into sectors and
    divide meeting individual businesses amongst each group. Not all BETI
    members present at the meeting so preliminary division suggested as

    • Team One: Team Leaders Sharon and Jim Hewitt, assisted by Clive
      • Goonhavern
      • Callestick
      • Silverwell
      • Chiverton Cross
      • Perranwell
    • Team Two: Team Leader: Phil Moore
      • New Road & Station Road Perranporth
      • Bolingey
      • Rose
    • Team Three: Team Leader- Mike Callan, assisted by Kevin Havill
      and Andrew Bown
      • Central Perranporth
      • Cligga
      • Trevissome Park
    • Team Four: Team Leader Keith Everest
      • Holiday Parks

Given the anticipated volume of personal calls required it was agreed that the
various team leaders will co-opt other helpers as required

3. Other Recent Meetings

  • Cornwall Council Economic Officer, Stephen Horscroft. Issues to raised:
    • Draft Business questionnaire – this has been updated
    • Draft Policies – discussed and his input received
    • Re-use of caravan parks – He will come back to us on this
    • Employment use of land near Chiverton Cross and on the detrunked
      A30 – He will come back to us on this
    • Availability of European Structural Funds – Looking doubtful that we
      will qualify in time
  • KH had been invited to attend a presentation by Bill Grimsey to Cornwall
    Council regarding the regeneration of town centres and high streets. Main

    • High Streets are changing form and need to rely on more than just
    • Local leadership and marketing key
    • Biggest current threats are Brexit, Austerity, Business Rates and
    • Parking must be free
    • Concentrate the active zones and reuse the non active

4. Forthcoming Meetings

  • Steering Group, progress of business questionnaire and timing to be
    given together with request for printing/mailing etc
  • South west Water. WR has arranged a public meeting. MC, PM, RE &
    CS will represent BETI
  • Cornwall Council Cycle Network – agreed a follow up meeting would
    be useful. PM, MC & CS to arrange and participate

5. Cycle Track

  •  BETI should look at the start point for the new track in Perranporth
    (Ponsmere Valley, Wheal Leisure??) and for facilities at Goonhavern

6. AOB

  • Health and Wellbeing – still outstanding. On KH’s to do list

Next meeting over the summer period:
To be called by Phil Moore as necessary

2019-02-06 Steering Group Meeting

Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 6th February 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

Public Participation

Anne & John Tranter (interested in the Environment & Heritage) Isobel Howard (interested in Housing ) and Phyllis James (interested in Environment & Heritage), attended for part of the meeting.

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.

HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.


HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.


HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda

1.    Attendance and Apologies

Karen Colam, Kevin Havil & Janine Branch tendered apologies.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 6th December 2018

The minutes were approved subject to certain corrections. These will be checked by Roger Kayes (RK) and then sent to Rory Jenkins (RJ) to place upon the web page.

Minutes (subject to amendments) were approved by RK, seconded by RJ and accepted unanimously.

3.     Matters arising

The Terms of Reference need to be revised to include proposals for appointment of new members to the SG and removal of non-participating members.  Amendment of the ToR requires that the item be put on the agenda in advance, and approved by two-thirds of the current SG membership.  RK proposed, and RJ seconded, that an agenda item be included for the next meeting.  RK agreed to prepare a note for that meeting.

4.     Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

Discussion upon the streamlining of meetings was discussed:  whether the public should be invited, whether the participation should be controlled, and whether more meetings were necessary to inform the public of progress on the NDP.  It was decided after a vote (proposed by RJ, seconded by RK) that the public should always be welcomed to attend but their participation should be limited to either the start or end of the meeting.  It was decided that it the SG should consider holding a public engagement meeting approximately every 3 months.

5.     Reports from Focus Groups

Each FG was tasked at the last meeting with coming forward with a summary list of what might be achievable in the NDP, to form the basis for generating the questionnaire.

HOUSING – Report by Roger Kayes

RK talked briefly about the list of 10 housing and open space issues that his group had brought forward.  From this list will be drawn questions for the forthcoming survey.  Linda Boylen (LB) reported on her work to prepare survey questions on the subject of specialist housing.

RK brought up the issue which had raised emotions at his FG meeting in January – whether to include in the questionnaire a question about Permanent Residence Policy (Second Homes Policy).  He brought it to this SG for a decision but this was pushed to a future SG.

BETI- Report by Kevin Havill

The BETI Focus group has met twice already this year on 17th and 23rd January, attended in each case by over a dozen participants. This included several new members to the group willing to help take the agenda forward.

The task set has been to examine other completed NDPs and those in hand to lift policies that are considered to be of particular relevance to Perranzabuloe. Currently the main focus has been on the NDPs for St Agnes, Roche, Illogen, Bude, Chacewater and Newquay. It is accepted that there will also be the need for other parish specific issues to be covered but given that many of these parishes have issues similar to Perranzabuloe looking at their plans is seen as a good starting point.

The group are currently considering a large PowerPoint presentation of policies already ‘borrowed’ and will at the next meeting be asked confirm, add or cull items from this base group. Having identified the main issues they  will then be able to assemble questions for the forthcoming household questionnaire and others specifically targeted towards business and commercial enterprises.

Initial policy selection is due to be finished by mid February and questions formulated in March.

Minutes of the meetings have been posted on the ‘’ website

Environment & Heritage- Report by Christine Ashby-Zwozdiak (CAZ)

The first meeting since the public meetings in November – had 8 new participants other than SG and existing members of group.

CAZ went over her meeting with Cornwall Wildlife Trust in conjunction with points made by Sarah Furley in order to provide areas of focus.  The group discussed local green space designation, SUDS, wildlife provision, and views and vistas.

Request was made for help with the heritage aspect and CAZ has secured the valued assistance of Ryan Smith who has since provided much material and insight.

Although the meeting was useful CAZ expressed her concern that uptake is very low, that it is heavily Perranporth centric, and that many participants have not read the necessary literature regarding policy making and gained the sort of understanding required for the next stage.

A huge amount of background reading is required here so that questionnaires are truly representative of what we wish to achieve, so rather than have another meeting, an explorative ‘homework task’ was set, via email, so that the FG has some solid material to work with at the subsequent meeting on Tuesday 12th Feb.

Local Landscape Character Assessment training is due to take place on Saturday 16th March 2019.



1.     Communication update



WR (Will Rogers) produced a bar chart, indicating when actions would aim to be completed.  It was aimed to produce questions for forwarding to Sarah Furley by 6th March, allowing her one week to examine before going to print.  A copy of the proposed timetable accompanies these minutes.  It is hoped to organise the mail shot mid-April, with surveys returned in May.


It was proposed by Phil Moore (PM), seconded by RK, that WR as secretary has got the approval of the SG to appoint the appropriate person to produce the publications.  This was carried unanimously.  It was noted that Jeff Muir’s questionnaire when filled in online automatically go into ‘Survey Monkey’.  RJ reported that St Agnes is amenable to our cloning of their ‘Survey Monkey’.


On the basis of the four example questionnaires discussed, it was suggested by RJ that each FG does not propose more than ten questions, as a rule of thumb, or RK suggested 8 -12.


Many related issues were discussed.  CAZ was firm in the view that if we are going to include prizes to incentivise respondents, we should include prizes to attract different age groups.


It was agreed to hold a meeting on Wednesday 6th March to discuss the questions, prior to sending them to Sarah Furley.  This meeting would be in addition to the SG Meeting on 12th March, at which unresolved issues on the questionnaire would be considered.


2.    Administration and Background Organisational Matters


Support in the use of Mailchimp


RJ will organise for some coaching for SG members- date & time to be advised later. Mailchimp should be used for all group emails, ensuring that we are GDPR compliant.


Facebook Monitoring


A volunteer is needed to monitor the ‘Facebook‘ page.




RK reported that he had done some work on mapping for the purposes of the NDP.  He advised that through the PC, we have access Ordnance Survey and associated data via the Public Service Mapping Agreement (PSMA).  Data downloads have to be handled through a GIS system, such as QGISI.  RK can advise further.


Declarations of Interests

It had been agreed that members should be requested to complete a ‘declaration of interests’, as a basis for keeping an eye on the balance in the SG between pro-development and pro-conservation members and conflicts of interest that might arise.  RK distributed a specimen document to the group, and this was discussed.  It was agreed that RK draw up a finished version of this document, adopting amendments suggested, for circulation to RJ for agreement, and then to members of the SG.


3.    Financial Matters

The principle of allowing a set sum of money per Focus Group for incidental expenditure was discussed, but not finalised.

The parish clerk will investigate cost of photocopying using PC copiers.

4.    Any other Business

No new issues raised

5.    Items for next meeting

Focus Groups incidental expenditure.

6.    Dates of future meetings for 2019

  • Wed 06 March   – Special meeting to finalise survey questions
  • Tue 12th March
  • Wed 10th April
  • Thu 16th May
  • Tue 11th Jun
  • Wed 10th July
  • Thu 15th Aug
  • Tue 10th Sep
  • Wed 16th Oct
  • Thu 14th Nov
  • Tue 10th Dec

Appendix 1 – List of Attendees

  • Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak
  • Tattianna Cant
  • Isobel Howard
  • Linda Boylen
  • John Tranter
  • Rory Jenkins
  • Michael Callan
  • Susan Dutson
  • Phillis James
  • Anne Tranter
  • Roger Kayes
  • Phil Moore
  • William Rogers

The Perranzabuloe NDP Residents’ Survey is out

The Perranzabuloe Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Residents’ Survey has been printed and is available to those who live and work in the parish. It has been posted to all households in the parish.

Within the parish you can see posters and get more paper copies of the surveys from:

  • The Post Office in Perranporth, which is at 46 St Pirans Rd, TR6 0LG.
  • The Londis Store in Goonhavern, which is on Bridge Road, TR4 9PY.
  • Chiverton Arms, at Chiverton Cross, Blackwater, TR4 8HS.
  • Callestick Farm in the centre of Callestick, TR4 9LL

Posters have gone up around the parish, including all of the parish notice boards to further promote the survey.

The June 2019 copy of the “Around Piran” magazine that goes to most households in the parish, many cafe’s and other shops has on it’s cover (see below) a nudge to complete the survey:

The survey being out was promoted on the NDP Facebook page and also the 2 main Facebook groups for the parish:

The photo below is of one such poster outside the large Co-op in Perranporth (2019-06-18)

Steering Group Meeting 16th May 2019

Perranzabuloe Parish Offices, Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth

1        Public Participation

No members of the public attended.

2        Attendance and Apologies

SG members: Chris Ashby-Zwozdiak, Susan Dutson, Andrew Bown, Kevin Havill, Rory Jenkins (chair), & Roger Kayes

Observer: Michael Callam arrived after 30 minutes.

Will Rogers (secretary) tendered apologies

3        Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 10th April 2019

The minutes were approved, subject to amendments in the text about Housing.  Proposed by Kevin, seconded by Rory and accepted unanimously.

4        Matters arising

Roger reported that William is unable to apply for Locality funding for the costs of the questionnaire, given the closure of the scheme to new applications at this time, around the beginning of the new financial year.  That doesn’t materially matter since he will be able to access the remainder of the £9000 total fund available from Locality for future expenditure, leaving the costs for the questionnaire to be covered by the £15000 fund put aside by the Parish council for the NDP.

5        Amendment of Terms of Reference

This again was not possible to advance since less than two-thirds of the total membership was present.

6        Declarations of Interest

Roger reported that he had realised following a comment from Kevin at the last meeting that he has been confusing two dimensions:

  • The standard declaration of interest, as exemplified by the form given to new parish councillors, which would apply to someone who owns property or is involved with a particular commercial company, where decisions of an organisation (in this case, the Parish Council) might reasonably be expected to impacted.  In the interests of transparency and the evident avoidance of conflict, that person would be expected to declare an interest.
  • There is a broader issue connected with ensuring that there is an appropriate balance on the Steering Group of people with a pro-development bias, versus those with more of a conservationist, pro-environment stopping-development orientation. It would be good practice for the SG to try and achieve an appropriate balance between these two, to avoid the NDP being steered in one or another direction, without regard to the expressed interests of the wider community.

After considerable discussion, it was decided to adopt a simplified ‘declaration of interest’ form (covering the first bullet point above), and leave the second dimension to be monitored as new members were accepted onto the SG.  The new approach (agreed on, yet still to be incorporated into the Terms of Reference) of waiting until a prospective new member has attended at least two SG meetings, would give the group the opportunity to see how that member would affect the balance.

7        Discussion of the format of Steering Group meetings

It was suggested that the Secretary delete this from the next agenda since it was felt that the issues raised under this heading had been satisfactorily resolved.

8        Questionnaire

Supply of photographs: the contribution of images of for use in the questionnaire from various people not on the Steering Group was noted and thanks were given to (in alphabetical order): Jamie Turnbull, Karen Daubney, Louise Anne Waters and Sarah Shobrook.

There was discussion of:

  • the distribution of posters through the parish.
  • the current discussions with the practice manager of Perranporth surgery with a view to setting up of a table in the foyer to the surgery on three mornings following the release of the questionnaire, to encourage people to fill it in.
  • Linda offered to investigate the possibility of doing something similar at the front of the main co-op.
  • the possibility of needing to employ one or two people to process paper questionnaires, based on experience of the heavy workload required to process the returns during the preparation of the Community Plan in 2012.  To be further discussed at the next meeting, depending on the number of returns.

9        Reports from Focus Groups

Housing and Open space

Roger reported that he has been contacted by Simon Ellis of CAD architects as part of their community consultation related to a housing application that was due to be submitted in the summer.  He had advised that the NDP had not yet developed any policies and thus there was no basis for the NDP to make a contribution to this quasi-formal consultation. Rory agreed with this approach.


A meeting was held on the 11th of April with Stephen Horscroft, Economic Development Officer of Cornwall Council. He was supportive of the draft policies prepared for the business questionnaire.

Kevin reported attending a talk by retail expert Bill Grimsey on the 10th of May at Cornwall Council on the future of town centres.

A BETI meeting was held on the 13th of May when the number of business addresses on the list obtained from the Valuation Office was whittled down to 560.  Kevin put forward a proposal that Will would obtain a quote from Jeff Muir for producing 560 questionnaires (plus some spares), to be mailed out individually in an envelope with a return envelope. These would be sent out in early September.  This was approved unanimously.

Roger quizzed Kevin about the value to the NDP of the business questionnaire.  In response, Kevin put forward various points to support the case that it would be a useful exercise, both for the NDP itself as well as more widely.

Environment and Heritage

Chris reported on progress with the Local Landscape Character Assessment, with a substantial number of visits to different character types already undertaken. There was consideration of the prospect of using the services of Kas Statham to assist but no decision was taken.

10   Administration and Background Organisational Matters

Nothing to discuss.

11     Financial Matters


12     Any other Business

Kevin encouraged members to have a detailed look at the OCSI report with data for our parish, particularly on deprivation, issues that the NDP might be able to help with.

Roger talked about the tools available for preparing maps as working documents and for inclusion in the final NDP.  Confusion continues about the usefulness in this context of the ‘Cornwall Council Interactive Map’, freely available online, and the slightly different ‘Local Councils Interactive Map’ which requires a password to access (available on request from Roger, for NDP purposes only).  Discussions are on oing with technical sections within Cornwall Council, with the help of Kas Statham, the LLCA trainer.  Roger is also pursuing the potential for use of QGIS to produce suitable maps, with the help of a volunteer who already uses this programme.  Chris and Sue expressed an interest in being involved in any training.

13     Dates of future meetings for 2019

Tue 11th Jun
Wed 10th July
Thu 15th Aug
Tue 10th Sep
Wed 16th Oct
Thu 14th Nov
Tue 10th Dec

Questionnaire is with the printers

The questionnaire for the next stage of creating a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for our parish, is with the printers and should start landing on doormats in the parish around the 18th of May. The completion deadline is the 21st of June, so almost a month for completed questionnaires to come back to us.
As soon as the online version is completed we’ll let you know.
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